Fruit flies.
The girls are so interested in my science experiments that I'm doing as much as I can to involve them with them.
Guess what?
This lab will require us to check on the fruit flies over weekends and in the evenings.
You know what that means?
I'll be taking girls with me to the lab!!

This was some of our equipment for today.
There is a vial in the back with a foam stopper on its top. I was so curious about this vial.
I picked it up and smelled it.
It had an odor to it, but I wasn't sure what it was.
In front of that is the Fly Media.
It consist of white potato flakes and blue dye.
We have a jar of yeast (food for the fruit flies).
Paint brushes, and this sharp pointy thing.
There is a bottle of "fly nap".
The fly nap is what we used to anesthetize the fruit flies.
That vial in the back that I was sniffing.... anesthesia. WOW!!! I'm a genius.
I took some pictures and even a few videos to share with the girls and they are so excited to join me on this adventure.

In this vial we have wild fruit flies.
Our professor anesthetized these flies for us, to show us how to do it.

In this jar is the fruit fly mortuary.
I should not be surprised, but my professor is so indifferent to death.
If you want to get rid of a fly, throw him in the mortuary.
If you are done with the fly, toss him out.

Here we are moving our mutant flies from their culture vial to our anesthetizing chamber.
It takes two to three minutes to put them to sleep.
Their bodies twitch while under anesthesia.
We actually even had one wake up on us.
Ingrid, one of my mates, stabbed him with the pointy thingy and off he went to the mortuary.
Now up until this point, I have felt like the lowest common denominator among my group.
I've had to look up and recall probabilites, dihybrid crosses, etc.
Well, today, my genius finally came out.
I pinpointed our mutation in our fruit flies before we even got them under the microscope.
I separated the males from the females and even set apart the two dead fruit flies.
When Dr Schwarz came over to check out our work, he says to me, "Who separated these?"
I did.
"You've worked with fruit flies before?"
No. I have never worked with fruit flies in a lab. Why do you ask?
"You separated them faster and more efficiently than anyone else in lab."
Oh. Suddenly, my peers are impressed.
Finally. Footing.

This is the view of our male mutant fruit flies under the dissecting microscope.
Man, I LOVE this class.
I wish I could have Dr Schwarz for all of my science classes.
Anyway, I did well on both my genetics quiz and bonus quiz today.
Pretty sure I aced both of them.
I've read through my anthropology.
I've looked ahead to my philosophy work, but it is all locked out at the moment.
We are going to continue with work on Descarte, Locke and Hume which means I need to find something to translate what those dudes are saying and I need to find it fast.
We are also going to be talking about Plato. I'm interested in him.
I'm sorry if all this school talk is too boring for you.
The girls and I are watching a movie and headed to bed after.
I feel so tired this evening.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
159 days.
Guess what?
This lab will require us to check on the fruit flies over weekends and in the evenings.
You know what that means?
I'll be taking girls with me to the lab!!

This was some of our equipment for today.
There is a vial in the back with a foam stopper on its top. I was so curious about this vial.
I picked it up and smelled it.
It had an odor to it, but I wasn't sure what it was.
In front of that is the Fly Media.
It consist of white potato flakes and blue dye.
We have a jar of yeast (food for the fruit flies).
Paint brushes, and this sharp pointy thing.
There is a bottle of "fly nap".
The fly nap is what we used to anesthetize the fruit flies.
That vial in the back that I was sniffing.... anesthesia. WOW!!! I'm a genius.
I took some pictures and even a few videos to share with the girls and they are so excited to join me on this adventure.

In this vial we have wild fruit flies.
Our professor anesthetized these flies for us, to show us how to do it.

In this jar is the fruit fly mortuary.
I should not be surprised, but my professor is so indifferent to death.
If you want to get rid of a fly, throw him in the mortuary.
If you are done with the fly, toss him out.

Here we are moving our mutant flies from their culture vial to our anesthetizing chamber.
It takes two to three minutes to put them to sleep.
Their bodies twitch while under anesthesia.
We actually even had one wake up on us.
Ingrid, one of my mates, stabbed him with the pointy thingy and off he went to the mortuary.
Now up until this point, I have felt like the lowest common denominator among my group.
I've had to look up and recall probabilites, dihybrid crosses, etc.
Well, today, my genius finally came out.
I pinpointed our mutation in our fruit flies before we even got them under the microscope.
I separated the males from the females and even set apart the two dead fruit flies.
When Dr Schwarz came over to check out our work, he says to me, "Who separated these?"
I did.
"You've worked with fruit flies before?"
No. I have never worked with fruit flies in a lab. Why do you ask?
"You separated them faster and more efficiently than anyone else in lab."
Oh. Suddenly, my peers are impressed.
Finally. Footing.

This is the view of our male mutant fruit flies under the dissecting microscope.
Man, I LOVE this class.
I wish I could have Dr Schwarz for all of my science classes.
Anyway, I did well on both my genetics quiz and bonus quiz today.
Pretty sure I aced both of them.
I've read through my anthropology.
I've looked ahead to my philosophy work, but it is all locked out at the moment.
We are going to continue with work on Descarte, Locke and Hume which means I need to find something to translate what those dudes are saying and I need to find it fast.
We are also going to be talking about Plato. I'm interested in him.
I'm sorry if all this school talk is too boring for you.
The girls and I are watching a movie and headed to bed after.
I feel so tired this evening.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
159 days.