Does that number mean anything to you? Think about it....
Before I get to today, I have two photos from yesterday that I didn't post because I was a big fat grouch yesterday.

Autumn talks about showing you her "hand stand" every day.

Goofy child. She told me today that she is OK in the pool, she can go underwater and not die.
We have had such a busy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It all started with a beautiful sunrise this morning. The kind that makes everything rose colored.

Then of course, we require some princess coffee.

Some princess running.

Some princess push ups.
Millie is killing me with her demands to wear a full fledged princess dress every day. While I was showering up so we could get going, Millie brushed her teeth and got this dress wet and demanded a new, clean princess dress.
So I got Millie changed and we headed out to Chuck E Cheese.

They had so much fun on this roller coaster ride and the motion part of it wasn't even on!!!

Millie's face just cracks me up! Then there is Autumn the adventurer, willing to take on anything!

Millie wouldn't even consider getting on this horse, but Autumn did quite well on it.
After a couple of the really little kid rides, Millie finally warmed up and started doing things on her own.

Completely unrelated to CEC, Millie did great with her glasses today. She only took them off once and that was during a fit she threw this evening to wear a princess dress to bed. I won. She is wearing PJs.

I think her eyes looked pretty good today. I did note that she was mostly using her right eye as the dominant eye, but that she did switch to her left on several occasions. She looked close to straight several times today.

Autumn told me this evening that she was very frustrated. I asked her what about and she said, "I miss my daddy and there isn't anything I can do about it." You know, I feel the exact same way. I just told her I was sorry that she was frustrated. We hugged.

Millie did great with this thing which was totally cracking me up because she wasn't tall enough to see where the ducks were at, she just kept hitting the button and she hit more ducks than I did!!! That girl sure does know about punching things in the face!

We went for one last ride on the roller coaster, but this time, we had the motion on. They loved it!

I find this comical.
After finishing up at CEC, we went to the Commissary. Millie was grouchy, she was tired. She fell asleep on the way home. When I pulled in to the drive way, I checked the mailbox one more time and sure enough, that item you told me about was waiting for me. I unloaded the groceries and then drove back to that side of town to the BOA. Then we went to Lowe's. I needed the line for the weed whacker and some new filters for the A/C unit.
Once we got home, I changed clothes and started to weed eat the front yard. It was so bad (since it hasn't been done since you did it last) that the battery died before I could even finish the front yard. I plugged it back in and started mowing. Once done mowing, I finished weed eating the front. Looks pretty good out there.

Princess yard work. Millie wanted me to wear that.
The girls swam in the pool until I was done with the yard. After, we had dinner, your mom and dad stopped by and now everyone is in bed. I'm exhausted! I'm still having some trouble with the computer. I am running a full scan now and it has already popped up with a Preliminary scan results show that malicious or unwanted software might exist on your system. I hope I can get this fixed before anything important is lost.
Today I walked in on Autumn and Millie hugging. I overheard Autumn tell Millie, "you are my best friend." Millie agreed and said, "best friend. Autumn." It was really very sweet. We have such beautiful and smart girls Sean. Can you believe Autumn is 4.5 years old today?

The count: 56 days of being frustrated without you.
Before I get to today, I have two photos from yesterday that I didn't post because I was a big fat grouch yesterday.
Autumn talks about showing you her "hand stand" every day.
Goofy child. She told me today that she is OK in the pool, she can go underwater and not die.
We have had such a busy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It all started with a beautiful sunrise this morning. The kind that makes everything rose colored.
Then of course, we require some princess coffee.
Some princess running.
Some princess push ups.
Millie is killing me with her demands to wear a full fledged princess dress every day. While I was showering up so we could get going, Millie brushed her teeth and got this dress wet and demanded a new, clean princess dress.
So I got Millie changed and we headed out to Chuck E Cheese.
They had so much fun on this roller coaster ride and the motion part of it wasn't even on!!!
Millie's face just cracks me up! Then there is Autumn the adventurer, willing to take on anything!
Millie wouldn't even consider getting on this horse, but Autumn did quite well on it.
After a couple of the really little kid rides, Millie finally warmed up and started doing things on her own.
Completely unrelated to CEC, Millie did great with her glasses today. She only took them off once and that was during a fit she threw this evening to wear a princess dress to bed. I won. She is wearing PJs.
I think her eyes looked pretty good today. I did note that she was mostly using her right eye as the dominant eye, but that she did switch to her left on several occasions. She looked close to straight several times today.
Autumn told me this evening that she was very frustrated. I asked her what about and she said, "I miss my daddy and there isn't anything I can do about it." You know, I feel the exact same way. I just told her I was sorry that she was frustrated. We hugged.
Millie did great with this thing which was totally cracking me up because she wasn't tall enough to see where the ducks were at, she just kept hitting the button and she hit more ducks than I did!!! That girl sure does know about punching things in the face!
We went for one last ride on the roller coaster, but this time, we had the motion on. They loved it!
I find this comical.
After finishing up at CEC, we went to the Commissary. Millie was grouchy, she was tired. She fell asleep on the way home. When I pulled in to the drive way, I checked the mailbox one more time and sure enough, that item you told me about was waiting for me. I unloaded the groceries and then drove back to that side of town to the BOA. Then we went to Lowe's. I needed the line for the weed whacker and some new filters for the A/C unit.
Once we got home, I changed clothes and started to weed eat the front yard. It was so bad (since it hasn't been done since you did it last) that the battery died before I could even finish the front yard. I plugged it back in and started mowing. Once done mowing, I finished weed eating the front. Looks pretty good out there.
Princess yard work. Millie wanted me to wear that.
The girls swam in the pool until I was done with the yard. After, we had dinner, your mom and dad stopped by and now everyone is in bed. I'm exhausted! I'm still having some trouble with the computer. I am running a full scan now and it has already popped up with a Preliminary scan results show that malicious or unwanted software might exist on your system. I hope I can get this fixed before anything important is lost.
Today I walked in on Autumn and Millie hugging. I overheard Autumn tell Millie, "you are my best friend." Millie agreed and said, "best friend. Autumn." It was really very sweet. We have such beautiful and smart girls Sean. Can you believe Autumn is 4.5 years old today?
The count: 56 days of being frustrated without you.