A little under the weather.
In my attempt to not admit I am sick, I keep saying that it is my allergies. I don't know. I'm pretty sure Millie has a full blown head cold or something going on. I gave her some benadryl tonight, just in case it is her allergies too and it should help her with the congestion.
Millie sounds rough. I almost don't want to take her to school tomorrow, but it is her week to have snack. I will see how she is doing in the morning.
In an effort to help us all feel better, I decided to make split pea soup with bacon and homemade croutons.

Your dad has been bringing me bread from Panera, so I used some I had in the freezer. They made some really wonderful croutons.

I think I ate half of that before dinner. Then begs the question, why am I buying that disgusting stuff in the bag at the grocery store?

The cast of characters for the split pea soup. Peas, shallot, chicken stock, water, heavy cream, S&P.

The final product. If anything, it will scare away the sickness, right? I thought it tasted pretty good and the girls ate it too.
Millie sang happy birthday to my mom today and it was really very sweet.
I had a conversation with Autumn today. She asked me if you were going to be gone for a few days. I told her no, you would be gone for a long time. She started crying. She says she really misses you. Later in the day she asked me if Spider house grandma moved away. I told her no and asked her if she was worried about her grandma and she said no. I told your mom about our conversation so she talked to Autumn on the phone and decided on Grandma coming over for a visit tomorrow.
In other news,

Angie is working on a little something for Miss Millie. I'm so excited!!

This is a picture that I just received tonight. I just know that Millie is going to LOVE it!!

Autumn all ready for school this morning. She also thinks you should give the Jeep to me. Just saying!

Miss Millie squinting because I had her glasses in my hand.
We miss you. I cannot wait for you to come home.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 59 days of crying for you.
Millie sounds rough. I almost don't want to take her to school tomorrow, but it is her week to have snack. I will see how she is doing in the morning.
In an effort to help us all feel better, I decided to make split pea soup with bacon and homemade croutons.
Your dad has been bringing me bread from Panera, so I used some I had in the freezer. They made some really wonderful croutons.
I think I ate half of that before dinner. Then begs the question, why am I buying that disgusting stuff in the bag at the grocery store?
The cast of characters for the split pea soup. Peas, shallot, chicken stock, water, heavy cream, S&P.
The final product. If anything, it will scare away the sickness, right? I thought it tasted pretty good and the girls ate it too.
Millie sang happy birthday to my mom today and it was really very sweet.
I had a conversation with Autumn today. She asked me if you were going to be gone for a few days. I told her no, you would be gone for a long time. She started crying. She says she really misses you. Later in the day she asked me if Spider house grandma moved away. I told her no and asked her if she was worried about her grandma and she said no. I told your mom about our conversation so she talked to Autumn on the phone and decided on Grandma coming over for a visit tomorrow.
In other news,
Angie is working on a little something for Miss Millie. I'm so excited!!
This is a picture that I just received tonight. I just know that Millie is going to LOVE it!!
Autumn all ready for school this morning. She also thinks you should give the Jeep to me. Just saying!
Miss Millie squinting because I had her glasses in my hand.
We miss you. I cannot wait for you to come home.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 59 days of crying for you.