Shopped until she dropped.
What an incredibly busy day. I'm updating my blog now because we are meeting the Brett's at IHOP for a birthday dinner for Jennifer. Man, I wish I wouldn't have had breakfast for dinner yesterday. Oh well.
I have no idea what happened to the computer last night, but it scared me thinking that we might lose all of our photos. I guess I need to do something about that soon. I mean, thankfully most of our pictures are on photobucket, but we have some that could be lost.

I uninstalled that anydvd thing because that is what was popping up and acting stupid.

Getting the girls out the door this morning. You are going to be so impressed with Autumn and Millie when you get to go through morning routine with them again. They both pick out all their own clothes, they tell you how they want their hair done, they ask to brush their teeth. They are just super good girls. While brushing her teeth, Autumn managed to flip off that stool. It is the second time she has done that and really hurt herself. She cried, cried, cried and it did look like it hurt. She told me she would have to show you when you got home. Silly girl.

The inside of her knee. Not a great picture, but she wanted you to see.

Earning her prize for this week. She is so excited! Actually, I am too. This week she will earn a Hello Kitty watch. One more day worth of being a good girl. I think Millie may want a chore chart, but I'm not sure really what sort of stuff to put on there. I think I will make her a really simple one. Get dressed, brush your teeth/hair, pick up your room and book time. What do you think?
On our way out of the neighborhood, we passed a turtle.

He made it across the street pretty quickly, but once he got to the other side, you could tell he didn't know where to go. He started going back towards the lake, but Autumn was worried (so was I) that he would get run over if we left him there.

So we picked him up and put him in the grass. He was sort of angry at me for touching him, so I didn't really want Autumn to touch him. He took off faster than I have ever seen a turtle move before anyway! It was pretty exciting!
We went Target and got a new step stool. I think I'll grab a picture of it tomorrow. After Target we headed over to Barnes and Noble. While we were in the kids section, Millie had quite a huge accident on the wood floor. I got it cleaned up, her cleaned up and then we went to Atlanta Bread for lumch.

Autumn was talking about you. She said that she really wants you to see her school. She asked me if you missed her. I told her you did. She asked if you missed Millie, I said you did. She said, "well I miss Daddy too."

Millie was being as sweet as ever.

When the manager brought our food over he told me the girls were very well behaved.
Now for a few Autumn pictures.

Autumn asked me if they were cooking her chips... it was taking so long that I said, I think so.

They really were very lovely lunch dates today. The girls had PB&J on Autumn's favorite, French bread. I had a pesto chicken panini.

Hanging out at the gazebo.

Something about this picture makes me think of Forest Gump.
Commence twirling in 3-2-1:

Free spirits.
Time for ICE CREAM!

Strawberry and Mike and Ike's...... I guess that is really what the girl likes. She never eats the Mike and Ike's though...

Funny how ice cream makes everyone feel better.

Autumn especially really loves going there. I imagine when you get home, we'll be making that a once a month thing (or more!).

Can you tell it completely lifted her mood? Maybe we just needed to get out of the house.

Two happy girls. Funny, it lifts my mood too.

Being crazy.

I don't even know what to say about this photo!

She thought it was hysterical.
After ice cream, we met your mom at the mall. This is tax free weekend, so we wanted to see if there were any good deals. It turns out there was....

Millie got some Tinkerbell pj's, and two pair of shoes... Normal price would have been $52, I got it all for $18.

Autumn's stuff would have run $130, but I got it all for $57. There are two pairs of short, 3 3 piece pj's, one dress, one shirt, one shirt and short outfit, 1 pair of shoes, 6 head bands and 1 coin purse.

Autumn modeling one of the outfits.

Those shoes are a tad big, but she'll be in them by this fall I think.

Hanging out in the food court. Autumn asked about money for those machines and I dug out 75 cents for her and told her that was it. Your mom also gave them 75 cents to do one more ride. Autumn has been talking A LOT about money. She is interested to know how much things cost, how much money I have on me, in my purse or in the bank. I am trying to answer most of her questions, but I am not sure how much information she should be privy to. While we were in JC Penny shopping, some of the clearance stuff was $3. I was showing your mom and Autumn asks me, "Do you have $3 mom?" A worker overheard the conversation and walked up to me and asked me, "excuse me, do you have $2?" I was sort of baffled and was getting ready to dig out $2 for her when she busts a gut and tells me she heard Autumn asking me about the $3 and she thought it was the cutest thing. Do you have any pearls of wisdom when it comes to Autumn and money (ours and hers)? Should I tell her how much money is in my checking account? I don't think she'll keep it to herself which is why I have been sort of avoiding the question and saying, there is enough money. I don't want to stiffle her curiousity though.
So on to Millie...

This may not be very PC, but do you see those Asians at the table behind Millie? They loved her. I think it was the Hello Kitty sandals. Millie liked the Asians too.
So there you have it... our first half of the day. Now to get through this dinner tonight with the terrors and another weekend without you. Not sure what we are going to do. I was checking out stuff to do in Atlanta, but I think we will stick it out at home this weekend. We need to conserve funds.
I love you and miss you. Thought you were going to call me back....
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 49 days of spending YOUR money!
I have no idea what happened to the computer last night, but it scared me thinking that we might lose all of our photos. I guess I need to do something about that soon. I mean, thankfully most of our pictures are on photobucket, but we have some that could be lost.
I uninstalled that anydvd thing because that is what was popping up and acting stupid.
Getting the girls out the door this morning. You are going to be so impressed with Autumn and Millie when you get to go through morning routine with them again. They both pick out all their own clothes, they tell you how they want their hair done, they ask to brush their teeth. They are just super good girls. While brushing her teeth, Autumn managed to flip off that stool. It is the second time she has done that and really hurt herself. She cried, cried, cried and it did look like it hurt. She told me she would have to show you when you got home. Silly girl.
The inside of her knee. Not a great picture, but she wanted you to see.
Earning her prize for this week. She is so excited! Actually, I am too. This week she will earn a Hello Kitty watch. One more day worth of being a good girl. I think Millie may want a chore chart, but I'm not sure really what sort of stuff to put on there. I think I will make her a really simple one. Get dressed, brush your teeth/hair, pick up your room and book time. What do you think?
On our way out of the neighborhood, we passed a turtle.
He made it across the street pretty quickly, but once he got to the other side, you could tell he didn't know where to go. He started going back towards the lake, but Autumn was worried (so was I) that he would get run over if we left him there.
So we picked him up and put him in the grass. He was sort of angry at me for touching him, so I didn't really want Autumn to touch him. He took off faster than I have ever seen a turtle move before anyway! It was pretty exciting!
We went Target and got a new step stool. I think I'll grab a picture of it tomorrow. After Target we headed over to Barnes and Noble. While we were in the kids section, Millie had quite a huge accident on the wood floor. I got it cleaned up, her cleaned up and then we went to Atlanta Bread for lumch.
Autumn was talking about you. She said that she really wants you to see her school. She asked me if you missed her. I told her you did. She asked if you missed Millie, I said you did. She said, "well I miss Daddy too."
Millie was being as sweet as ever.
When the manager brought our food over he told me the girls were very well behaved.
Now for a few Autumn pictures.
Autumn asked me if they were cooking her chips... it was taking so long that I said, I think so.
They really were very lovely lunch dates today. The girls had PB&J on Autumn's favorite, French bread. I had a pesto chicken panini.
Hanging out at the gazebo.
Something about this picture makes me think of Forest Gump.
Commence twirling in 3-2-1:
Free spirits.
Time for ICE CREAM!
Strawberry and Mike and Ike's...... I guess that is really what the girl likes. She never eats the Mike and Ike's though...
Funny how ice cream makes everyone feel better.
Autumn especially really loves going there. I imagine when you get home, we'll be making that a once a month thing (or more!).
Can you tell it completely lifted her mood? Maybe we just needed to get out of the house.
Two happy girls. Funny, it lifts my mood too.
Being crazy.
I don't even know what to say about this photo!
She thought it was hysterical.
After ice cream, we met your mom at the mall. This is tax free weekend, so we wanted to see if there were any good deals. It turns out there was....
Millie got some Tinkerbell pj's, and two pair of shoes... Normal price would have been $52, I got it all for $18.
Autumn's stuff would have run $130, but I got it all for $57. There are two pairs of short, 3 3 piece pj's, one dress, one shirt, one shirt and short outfit, 1 pair of shoes, 6 head bands and 1 coin purse.
Autumn modeling one of the outfits.
Those shoes are a tad big, but she'll be in them by this fall I think.
Hanging out in the food court. Autumn asked about money for those machines and I dug out 75 cents for her and told her that was it. Your mom also gave them 75 cents to do one more ride. Autumn has been talking A LOT about money. She is interested to know how much things cost, how much money I have on me, in my purse or in the bank. I am trying to answer most of her questions, but I am not sure how much information she should be privy to. While we were in JC Penny shopping, some of the clearance stuff was $3. I was showing your mom and Autumn asks me, "Do you have $3 mom?" A worker overheard the conversation and walked up to me and asked me, "excuse me, do you have $2?" I was sort of baffled and was getting ready to dig out $2 for her when she busts a gut and tells me she heard Autumn asking me about the $3 and she thought it was the cutest thing. Do you have any pearls of wisdom when it comes to Autumn and money (ours and hers)? Should I tell her how much money is in my checking account? I don't think she'll keep it to herself which is why I have been sort of avoiding the question and saying, there is enough money. I don't want to stiffle her curiousity though.
So on to Millie...
This may not be very PC, but do you see those Asians at the table behind Millie? They loved her. I think it was the Hello Kitty sandals. Millie liked the Asians too.
So there you have it... our first half of the day. Now to get through this dinner tonight with the terrors and another weekend without you. Not sure what we are going to do. I was checking out stuff to do in Atlanta, but I think we will stick it out at home this weekend. We need to conserve funds.
I love you and miss you. Thought you were going to call me back....
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 49 days of spending YOUR money!