7 miles.
School today is brought to you by the letter "F"! As in bull Frog and FISH!
Millie brought Fish and a book of Fireflies and a book about the Froggy Prince.
After dropping both girls off, I hit the trail.
7 Miles.
The picture of controversy. Sean, I just do not understand why Jennifer has to be so hateful all the time. I have to tell you, family or not, I'm tired of being treated so awfully by her. I am no longer going to make concessions or give her anymore opportunity to stir up drama, cause me stress or grief. She is toxic. I know she is unhappy with her life and I totally get that, but why try to make others unhappy? I feel as if I have gone out of my way to bring to life a friendship between her and I, but it just isn't going to happen. SO, from this day forward, I am cutting that cancer out of my life. No more meet ups, no more family get togethers, no more text messages letting her know what is going on with us, no more encouraging her to workout with me, or where to go for working out. No more. Done.
So back to the people who actually matter in our life.
Autumn made this Fruit loop necklace. She has eaten most of it!
When I went to pick the girls up from school, I noticed Kip and N.'s garage door was open, but I didn't see any cars. I thought it was strange, but went on to school. When I got home from picking up the girls, it was still open so I gave N a call. She was completely surprised and said that Kip must have left it open. She asked me to close it and then go out the back door. So, I did. After a little visit with:
Gizmo and the other puppy (I forgot her name). Gizmo still hates Autumn, so we weren't able to pet him.
Something Millie made.
Something Autumn made. I love the things she tells Miss Kari. These are all true too! When we left school today, Autumn turned to Miss Kari and said, "I love you Miss Kari." So very sweet. Miss Kari told Autumn she loved her too!
The count: 63 days of missing you.