Stopping to smell the flowers.
Against my better judgement, I asked Jennifer if she wanted these for Violet.

It declutters the playroom some AND apparently makes me useful for more than just internet bashing by Jennifer. She decided she would take them.
I actually got rid of a bunch of stuff from the playroom. Autumn tried to take some things back, but I sent her out of the room and took the garbage bag immediately out to the can. We still need to get rid of some things, but I just don't think I can do it. I am hoping Autumn will pick some good things to get rid of and I probably should let you do a once over in here.

I did self clean on the oven today. I need to wipe it down tomorrow. I don't like to get in there when it is still all hot. Because I had that thing going all day, I decided that...
1. We would go and visit your mom.
2. After, I would go and get that Indian food I've been wanting so badly.
3. The girls could get a happy meal.
Before we got on the road though,

Autumn made some Koolaid.
Before I left for your mom's, I put the gas can in the trunk of my car. It wasn't empty, but it was close. Figured I would fill it up so that I would have enough gas to cut the grass soon. Keep this information tucked into the back of your mind.. OK?

Pepper... who clearly still hates me!

The girls LOVE going upstairs to play with Julie's creepy doll house.

I mean, if I didn't know better, I would say that someone in your family might be a serial killer...... Creepy doll house, creepy dolls, mangled dolls... is it you? Julie? Brett?? I just don't know. Maybe all 3 of you are Dexter's?
After creepy play, it was time to workout.

No, this isn't scary at all!

Autumn did pretty good on there, but I had to keep a close eye on Millie to make sure she didn't try to lose an appendage.

Time to get some pretty flower pictures.

I love this girl.


So we leave your moms to head out to get gas, Indian food and Happy meals.
I pass the BP near where your mom and dad live and I need to make a decision. I hate BP gas. It is at least 10 cents higher per gallon than what I saw in town. My inner voice is telling me to stop and at least put in a few dollars. I squash you inner voice. I've never run out of gas before, it will be fine. Besides, Walmart is just down the road.
Once we passed the turn for 315, I saw your dad on the other side of the highway. I'm beginning to feel a little nervous, but we keep on moving along.
Right after we pass the exit for County Line Road, I feel the car sort of shake. I knew what was getting ready to happen. I put the car in Neutral and turned the key to ACC and coast. Judging from the look of the road ahead of me, I decide we will never ever coast all the way to the gas station. There is a big section of the road that is in the full on sunshine. I decide to apply the break (which was very stiff since the car was turned off) and pull over into the shade.

Millie was like, "what the heck mom?"
I know, I know. I am a horrible person. I cannot believe this has happened. In my 18 years of driving... I have never ever run out of gas before. I have the hazards on and pop the trunk. I whip out our handy dandy gas can and pour all the gasoline in the car. I say a little prayer and beg for the car to start.
It doesn't. I wait a few minutes. Maybe it needs a minute.

Autumn, always the voice of reason, asks, "are you going to call grandpa now?"
OY! No, not yet. We have the windows down, a nice breeze, we are in the shade, but it is 95 degrees. I try one more time. No dice.
I call Grandma. Grandpa is on his way with gas. He got there maybe 15 minutes after we pulled over. Autumn is now freaking out about us running out of gas. She wants to know if Grandpa is going to follow us all the way to the gas station to make sure we get there.
Your dad puts the gas in my tank. I go around and get in the car. Please, let my car start now. IT does! WOO HOO!!
We drive to Walmart with Autumn cheering "don't stop, just keep moving!" She said that would help us get there and not run out of gas again. I fill her up and refill the gas can in the trunk of the car.
I pull over into a parking spot and check on my tires. The front passenger was at 20. The Back passenger tire was at less than 20. I hooked up the air compressor and started filling her up.
I thanked your dad and we were on our way.
I got my Indian food, the girls happy meals. We are fed and happy now. Getting ready to put those monsters to bed.
Don't give me crap about this. I know it was stupid and a stupid chance to take. It won't happen again. Need I remind you about the time YOU ran out of gas in the Camaro?!?!?
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 63 days of smelling the flowers without you!
It declutters the playroom some AND apparently makes me useful for more than just internet bashing by Jennifer. She decided she would take them.
I actually got rid of a bunch of stuff from the playroom. Autumn tried to take some things back, but I sent her out of the room and took the garbage bag immediately out to the can. We still need to get rid of some things, but I just don't think I can do it. I am hoping Autumn will pick some good things to get rid of and I probably should let you do a once over in here.
I did self clean on the oven today. I need to wipe it down tomorrow. I don't like to get in there when it is still all hot. Because I had that thing going all day, I decided that...
1. We would go and visit your mom.
2. After, I would go and get that Indian food I've been wanting so badly.
3. The girls could get a happy meal.
Before we got on the road though,
Autumn made some Koolaid.
Before I left for your mom's, I put the gas can in the trunk of my car. It wasn't empty, but it was close. Figured I would fill it up so that I would have enough gas to cut the grass soon. Keep this information tucked into the back of your mind.. OK?
Pepper... who clearly still hates me!
The girls LOVE going upstairs to play with Julie's creepy doll house.
I mean, if I didn't know better, I would say that someone in your family might be a serial killer...... Creepy doll house, creepy dolls, mangled dolls... is it you? Julie? Brett?? I just don't know. Maybe all 3 of you are Dexter's?
After creepy play, it was time to workout.
No, this isn't scary at all!
Autumn did pretty good on there, but I had to keep a close eye on Millie to make sure she didn't try to lose an appendage.
Time to get some pretty flower pictures.
I love this girl.
So we leave your moms to head out to get gas, Indian food and Happy meals.
I pass the BP near where your mom and dad live and I need to make a decision. I hate BP gas. It is at least 10 cents higher per gallon than what I saw in town. My inner voice is telling me to stop and at least put in a few dollars. I squash you inner voice. I've never run out of gas before, it will be fine. Besides, Walmart is just down the road.
Once we passed the turn for 315, I saw your dad on the other side of the highway. I'm beginning to feel a little nervous, but we keep on moving along.
Right after we pass the exit for County Line Road, I feel the car sort of shake. I knew what was getting ready to happen. I put the car in Neutral and turned the key to ACC and coast. Judging from the look of the road ahead of me, I decide we will never ever coast all the way to the gas station. There is a big section of the road that is in the full on sunshine. I decide to apply the break (which was very stiff since the car was turned off) and pull over into the shade.
Millie was like, "what the heck mom?"
I know, I know. I am a horrible person. I cannot believe this has happened. In my 18 years of driving... I have never ever run out of gas before. I have the hazards on and pop the trunk. I whip out our handy dandy gas can and pour all the gasoline in the car. I say a little prayer and beg for the car to start.
It doesn't. I wait a few minutes. Maybe it needs a minute.
Autumn, always the voice of reason, asks, "are you going to call grandpa now?"
OY! No, not yet. We have the windows down, a nice breeze, we are in the shade, but it is 95 degrees. I try one more time. No dice.
I call Grandma. Grandpa is on his way with gas. He got there maybe 15 minutes after we pulled over. Autumn is now freaking out about us running out of gas. She wants to know if Grandpa is going to follow us all the way to the gas station to make sure we get there.
Your dad puts the gas in my tank. I go around and get in the car. Please, let my car start now. IT does! WOO HOO!!
We drive to Walmart with Autumn cheering "don't stop, just keep moving!" She said that would help us get there and not run out of gas again. I fill her up and refill the gas can in the trunk of the car.
I pull over into a parking spot and check on my tires. The front passenger was at 20. The Back passenger tire was at less than 20. I hooked up the air compressor and started filling her up.
I thanked your dad and we were on our way.
I got my Indian food, the girls happy meals. We are fed and happy now. Getting ready to put those monsters to bed.
Don't give me crap about this. I know it was stupid and a stupid chance to take. It won't happen again. Need I remind you about the time YOU ran out of gas in the Camaro?!?!?
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 63 days of smelling the flowers without you!