4 and three quarters.
Autumn is now telling people she is "4 and three quarters" when they ask her how old she is. She also told me today that she needed to workout for years so she could grow up. She makes me laugh all the time.

Millie still likes visiting the doctor's office. It is a place we generally do not go very often and mostly, it is just fun for her when we go. She loves the giraffe chair. As a matter of fact, they fought over it!!

To kill time, we played a game. I spy with my little eye. It is funny to hear Millie do it.
Millie: I spy with my little eyes, something purple.
Autumn: Is it your eye patch?
Millie: I spy with my little eyes, something purple.
Autumn: Is it your eye patch again?
Millie is horrible at games! She did purple EVERY. SINGLE. TIME! HA HA

I'm mad!
Autumn's hair looks ridiculous because she asked me to put it in pigtails, and then pulled the pigtails out.

So I am not getting any shots?

Dear God, Please do not let me get any shots. Or a cast.
The thing they wrapped her arm with in the hospital, she called a cast. Autumn, I promise, no IVs and no casts today.
We spoke with the nurse today and I asked her all my questions. Is Autumn allergic to penicillin if she is allergic to amoxicillin? YES! The nurse said that from now on, when asked about Autumn's allergies the answer is: Autumn is allergic to penicillin. That covers amoxicillin and all the other illin drugs.
Are you 100% sure that Autumn is actually allergic to amoxicillin? The answer is no. The only way to be 100% sure would be to do a drug allergy test which they could not recommend for Autumn at this time because of 1. Her age and 2. the severity of her reaction. Even when she would be old enough to do one, she would have to be hospitalized just to run the test. All the blood work, symptoms and signs point to an allergic reaction to the medication. My gut is also telling me this. I'm not sure how to say this without offending people, BUT, people have allergic reactions all the time without needing to be hospitalized. Autumn's reaction was severe enough that she was. I don't understand how someone can make light of what happened. It WAS a big deal. We all lived. We are moving past it, but it has definitely left its mark on me. I promise, I won't dwell on it, but I do need to get it out of my system, Autumn too!
Autumn's feet are bruised. Her feet, toes, wrists, fingers, knees turned purple from the swelling. When the swelling went down her fingers and toes returned to normal colors but the joints themselves swelled so large, it caused her skin to bruise. The bruises on her feet are nearly gone.
Autumn's tummy ache. The nurse said that was likely from the strep. I'm not sure I am really buying that. Her stomach has been bothering her for two weeks or more. However, in the last 24 hours, Autumn has really increased her caloric intake. She is eating more than me. I have noticed that has her appetite picks up, her tummy seems to hurt less. I'm guessing that between the meds and illness, those were bothering her tummy.
Autumn has been without Benadryl for more than 24 hours now. The nurse said I could give her claritin if she is still having itching bouts (which she still is, but not accompanied by a rash) and honestly, I don't think severe enough to give anything for. I'll keep it in mind though if anything else should pop up.
Finally, Autumn's strep culture that was taken during her hospitalization came back negative and they ran a rapid strep test while we were in there that also came back clean! WOO HOO!
After all this business..... we stopped at DnD's for some munchkins. Your mom called so we met them at the mall and followed them to post to get our pin # for our id cards. Surprisingly, there was NO ONE else there getting one, so I went in and did it. It took 5 minutes. After that, your dad ditched me and I got lost trying to make it to the PX. I won't lie, I was completely annoyed with your dad by this point. He turned us back to the Wells Fargo to turn in a debit/credit card someone lost in the parking lot. Millie had to go to the bathroom. I had no idea we were making a pit stop. I took Millie in to Wells Fargo and had to beg the people in there to let me use their restroom. UGH!!!!!!!!!!! So we then followed your dad to the px. We hung out there for a bit and Millie started to have a meltdown. She was tired and not feeling well. We picked up lunch (McAlister's baked potato and salad), made it home around 1 pm. I fed Millie and put her to bed. She took like a 3 hour nap.
While Millie napped, I rolled the computer chair to the front door. The high today was 50 degrees and it was really windy. It was nice to sit in the sun. Autumn wanted to draw right outside the door.

She drew this and you can see the S by you and the A by her. She said you were holding hands because you love each other and she misses you. "Is daddy ever coming home?" I feel like I have to constantly reassure her that you DO love her and that you ARE coming home.

Me and Millie.
Once Millie woke up, I decided it was time to get back on the workout train. I feel soft. My mom even told me as much.

Autumn and Millie helped me pick up the play room so we would all have plenty of room to workout.

We all warmed up by jumping and spinning around to my favorite get pumped up song.... Florence and the Machine's "Shake it Out."

Autumn stretching with me. Millie checking us out.
We are eating dinner from the pantry (cereal, leftovers in the fridge), no cooking tonight. Going to head to bed in a little bit.
We are going to go to Callaway tomorrow and I'm either going to walk or run. I haven't decided which. Maybe both?
I love you and miss you.
Sorry I annoyed you today and made you grouchy.
I sent you an email about our Anniversary/Valentine's day.....
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 91 days of waiting for this.
Millie still likes visiting the doctor's office. It is a place we generally do not go very often and mostly, it is just fun for her when we go. She loves the giraffe chair. As a matter of fact, they fought over it!!
To kill time, we played a game. I spy with my little eye. It is funny to hear Millie do it.
Millie: I spy with my little eyes, something purple.
Autumn: Is it your eye patch?
Millie: I spy with my little eyes, something purple.
Autumn: Is it your eye patch again?
Millie is horrible at games! She did purple EVERY. SINGLE. TIME! HA HA
I'm mad!
Autumn's hair looks ridiculous because she asked me to put it in pigtails, and then pulled the pigtails out.
So I am not getting any shots?
Dear God, Please do not let me get any shots. Or a cast.
The thing they wrapped her arm with in the hospital, she called a cast. Autumn, I promise, no IVs and no casts today.
We spoke with the nurse today and I asked her all my questions. Is Autumn allergic to penicillin if she is allergic to amoxicillin? YES! The nurse said that from now on, when asked about Autumn's allergies the answer is: Autumn is allergic to penicillin. That covers amoxicillin and all the other illin drugs.
Are you 100% sure that Autumn is actually allergic to amoxicillin? The answer is no. The only way to be 100% sure would be to do a drug allergy test which they could not recommend for Autumn at this time because of 1. Her age and 2. the severity of her reaction. Even when she would be old enough to do one, she would have to be hospitalized just to run the test. All the blood work, symptoms and signs point to an allergic reaction to the medication. My gut is also telling me this. I'm not sure how to say this without offending people, BUT, people have allergic reactions all the time without needing to be hospitalized. Autumn's reaction was severe enough that she was. I don't understand how someone can make light of what happened. It WAS a big deal. We all lived. We are moving past it, but it has definitely left its mark on me. I promise, I won't dwell on it, but I do need to get it out of my system, Autumn too!
Autumn's feet are bruised. Her feet, toes, wrists, fingers, knees turned purple from the swelling. When the swelling went down her fingers and toes returned to normal colors but the joints themselves swelled so large, it caused her skin to bruise. The bruises on her feet are nearly gone.
Autumn's tummy ache. The nurse said that was likely from the strep. I'm not sure I am really buying that. Her stomach has been bothering her for two weeks or more. However, in the last 24 hours, Autumn has really increased her caloric intake. She is eating more than me. I have noticed that has her appetite picks up, her tummy seems to hurt less. I'm guessing that between the meds and illness, those were bothering her tummy.
Autumn has been without Benadryl for more than 24 hours now. The nurse said I could give her claritin if she is still having itching bouts (which she still is, but not accompanied by a rash) and honestly, I don't think severe enough to give anything for. I'll keep it in mind though if anything else should pop up.
Finally, Autumn's strep culture that was taken during her hospitalization came back negative and they ran a rapid strep test while we were in there that also came back clean! WOO HOO!
After all this business..... we stopped at DnD's for some munchkins. Your mom called so we met them at the mall and followed them to post to get our pin # for our id cards. Surprisingly, there was NO ONE else there getting one, so I went in and did it. It took 5 minutes. After that, your dad ditched me and I got lost trying to make it to the PX. I won't lie, I was completely annoyed with your dad by this point. He turned us back to the Wells Fargo to turn in a debit/credit card someone lost in the parking lot. Millie had to go to the bathroom. I had no idea we were making a pit stop. I took Millie in to Wells Fargo and had to beg the people in there to let me use their restroom. UGH!!!!!!!!!!! So we then followed your dad to the px. We hung out there for a bit and Millie started to have a meltdown. She was tired and not feeling well. We picked up lunch (McAlister's baked potato and salad), made it home around 1 pm. I fed Millie and put her to bed. She took like a 3 hour nap.
While Millie napped, I rolled the computer chair to the front door. The high today was 50 degrees and it was really windy. It was nice to sit in the sun. Autumn wanted to draw right outside the door.
She drew this and you can see the S by you and the A by her. She said you were holding hands because you love each other and she misses you. "Is daddy ever coming home?" I feel like I have to constantly reassure her that you DO love her and that you ARE coming home.
Me and Millie.
Once Millie woke up, I decided it was time to get back on the workout train. I feel soft. My mom even told me as much.
Autumn and Millie helped me pick up the play room so we would all have plenty of room to workout.
We all warmed up by jumping and spinning around to my favorite get pumped up song.... Florence and the Machine's "Shake it Out."
Autumn stretching with me. Millie checking us out.
We are eating dinner from the pantry (cereal, leftovers in the fridge), no cooking tonight. Going to head to bed in a little bit.
We are going to go to Callaway tomorrow and I'm either going to walk or run. I haven't decided which. Maybe both?
I love you and miss you.
Sorry I annoyed you today and made you grouchy.
I sent you an email about our Anniversary/Valentine's day.....
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 91 days of waiting for this.