How do I do that?
Last night at Sam's...

Doesn't she look sort of tall here?
Wednesday is Sprint day for me. I ran. At the end of my run, I walked 1/2 mile for my cool down. I noticed a note on a tree for a missing dog and was trying to read it from the trail. I stepped off the trail a tad and rolled my ankle. I heard a very loud pop and it hurt! My ankle, the round part, hit the pavement. I "walked" it off for a minute and then sat in the car and cried. I didn't think I was going to be able to drive, but after a few minutes, it felt OK enough to try. I cried all the way home. How do I always do that to myself when you are away? I got home and it didn't look too bad. It doesn't hurt to put weight on it. These have to be good signs don't they.
I did what you said and took some Motrin and then did an ice bath.

Oh my gosh I haven't done that since physical therapy when I was in the Air Force. Man that hurts!!!!!

It still looks pretty swollen and is starting to hurt a little bit tonight.
Autumn was so excited about school this morning. She knew it was her birthday day at school.
She asked to wear her purple princess dress. I really shouldn't be showing you this picture because it is the dress she picked out to wear when we come to get you.

Can you believe that coat is a 3T and it just now fits her? That thing was huge!
When Millie saw that Autumn had a princess dress on, she had to have one too.

These girls! Millie told me this morning that "when I grow up, I want to be a chicken." It made me and Autumn laugh so hard.
After school we came home, ate lunch and then headed right back out. Autumn had her 5 year check. We stopped and picked up your mom at the mall and she came along too.

Miss Millie did an excellent job in the doctor's office. You know, she fell in Sam's last night and scraped up her knee. She told me that her leg was broken, she couldn't walk anymore and that she needed a doctor. On the way to the doctor, she kept asking if it was for her leg because she couldn't walk. I thought to myself, are you crazy, you walked on it all day! Then Millie said she wanted a shot. That girl is nuts!

Autumn weighed 40 pounds on the dot, was 41.5 inches tall and was mostly "normal". Apparently I'm supposed to be working on tying her shoes with her. I didn't know that. I guess we will start on that soon. Autumn did have to get a finger prick for a hemoglobin test and she freaked out! I think she thought it would be like her IV. She carried on for what seemed like 10 minutes and then forgot about it. I explained to AL her response was due to what happened during her hospitalization.
We dropped your mom off at her car and then headed home. The girls changed and asked to go to chickfila to play.

Autumn ate her usual (and why are you photobombing my picture? ha ha ha).
The girls played in there for 2 hours! We came home, they took a bath and I reheated beef stew. I took the rest of my stew and made little packets.

I think these will make nice little lunches for me later on. I don't think I could survive without a food saver.
To finish my evening off, I sliced my finger open on my ninja blade. Man, what the hell? If I'm lucky, I won't be on crutches and I will still have all my digits by the time you get home.
I do not know why I even bothered going to check out Jenn's FB page. She mentioned about Bo going in for a recheck on his arm and I wanted to see if there was an update when I saw some very stupid remarks about Disney. How going is a waste of money, a waste of time and blah, blah, blah. I don't know who it was directed at, but I can take a guess. Seriously, she tries to take the fun out of everything and I wish I didn't have to deal with her ever.
I am going to ice bath my foot one more time before bed and try to keep it elevated tonight while I sleep. I am really hoping I haven't done any thing major to it. I just want to run.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 110 days of little princesses missing their daddy.
Doesn't she look sort of tall here?
Wednesday is Sprint day for me. I ran. At the end of my run, I walked 1/2 mile for my cool down. I noticed a note on a tree for a missing dog and was trying to read it from the trail. I stepped off the trail a tad and rolled my ankle. I heard a very loud pop and it hurt! My ankle, the round part, hit the pavement. I "walked" it off for a minute and then sat in the car and cried. I didn't think I was going to be able to drive, but after a few minutes, it felt OK enough to try. I cried all the way home. How do I always do that to myself when you are away? I got home and it didn't look too bad. It doesn't hurt to put weight on it. These have to be good signs don't they.
I did what you said and took some Motrin and then did an ice bath.
Oh my gosh I haven't done that since physical therapy when I was in the Air Force. Man that hurts!!!!!
It still looks pretty swollen and is starting to hurt a little bit tonight.
Autumn was so excited about school this morning. She knew it was her birthday day at school.
She asked to wear her purple princess dress. I really shouldn't be showing you this picture because it is the dress she picked out to wear when we come to get you.
Can you believe that coat is a 3T and it just now fits her? That thing was huge!
When Millie saw that Autumn had a princess dress on, she had to have one too.
These girls! Millie told me this morning that "when I grow up, I want to be a chicken." It made me and Autumn laugh so hard.
After school we came home, ate lunch and then headed right back out. Autumn had her 5 year check. We stopped and picked up your mom at the mall and she came along too.
Miss Millie did an excellent job in the doctor's office. You know, she fell in Sam's last night and scraped up her knee. She told me that her leg was broken, she couldn't walk anymore and that she needed a doctor. On the way to the doctor, she kept asking if it was for her leg because she couldn't walk. I thought to myself, are you crazy, you walked on it all day! Then Millie said she wanted a shot. That girl is nuts!
Autumn weighed 40 pounds on the dot, was 41.5 inches tall and was mostly "normal". Apparently I'm supposed to be working on tying her shoes with her. I didn't know that. I guess we will start on that soon. Autumn did have to get a finger prick for a hemoglobin test and she freaked out! I think she thought it would be like her IV. She carried on for what seemed like 10 minutes and then forgot about it. I explained to AL her response was due to what happened during her hospitalization.
We dropped your mom off at her car and then headed home. The girls changed and asked to go to chickfila to play.
Autumn ate her usual (and why are you photobombing my picture? ha ha ha).
The girls played in there for 2 hours! We came home, they took a bath and I reheated beef stew. I took the rest of my stew and made little packets.
I think these will make nice little lunches for me later on. I don't think I could survive without a food saver.
To finish my evening off, I sliced my finger open on my ninja blade. Man, what the hell? If I'm lucky, I won't be on crutches and I will still have all my digits by the time you get home.
I do not know why I even bothered going to check out Jenn's FB page. She mentioned about Bo going in for a recheck on his arm and I wanted to see if there was an update when I saw some very stupid remarks about Disney. How going is a waste of money, a waste of time and blah, blah, blah. I don't know who it was directed at, but I can take a guess. Seriously, she tries to take the fun out of everything and I wish I didn't have to deal with her ever.
I am going to ice bath my foot one more time before bed and try to keep it elevated tonight while I sleep. I am really hoping I haven't done any thing major to it. I just want to run.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 110 days of little princesses missing their daddy.