Not such a good day.
My day was going pretty well.
After dropping Autumn/Millie off to school, I went for my run. I was a little disappointed that I didn't beat my fastest 5k time of 27 something. I did bump into a loose dog on the trail though and that slowed me up some. I don't think it was enough to beat my 27 minute time though. I'm not really sure. After my run, I came home and started my Insanity workout.

By the time I was done with my hour long insanity workout, I was soaking wet! I felt good though. I feel strong when I workout that hard and feeling strong feels good. I hopped in the shower and then headed to the school to pick up the girls.
You know how our phone call went. I guess there isn't much need to elaborate on that.
When Miss Sandi put Millie in the car, she told me that Millie got in trouble at school today. Millie has never been in trouble at school (to my knowledge). I asked what happened and Miss Sandi said that Millie took her shoe off and when she was asked to put it back on, Millie told her no. Miss Sandi told her to put her shoe on or she would go to time out and Millie again told her no and then hid in the closet. Millie told me that her shoe fell off. I believe that. Those dumb hello Kitty shoes are ALWAYS falling off. I want to throw them away. Millie repeatedly told me her shoe fell off and that she did not want to put it back on. So, she was still naughty, but I don't think she intentionally was being naughty (at least not to begin with). I sort of think that when Miss Sandi was stern with her, Millie picked her battle and frankly, I'm not sure who won or lost that one!
Miss Sandi then told me the entire class had been naughty today.
Autumn showed me a sticker she got from Miss Keri and said that she was the only one to get a sticker. I asked her why she received the sticker and she told me that they were supposed to be counting, but that Autumn was the only one who would do it, and that is why she is the only one who earned a sticker. So I guess everyone was just being naughty.
An hour later, we were on the road to the specialist. Millie was grouchy when we walked in there. Not super grouchy, but just kind of grouchy. She refused to cooperate with the specialist today. It is so odd because she has never been that way before. I have a theory about it. The specialist kept going back too far, like out of Millie's vision range. When Millie would say she couldn't see it, the specialist did not really believe her. She thought Millie was being ornery because she was grouchy. I think the specialist expected Millie's vision to be better than it was. By the time we got to the left eye, Millie was completely unwilling to cooperate. First of all, within seconds of taking the patch off, the specialist was trying to get Millie to tell her what was on the cards. Millie could not see yet. When the light hit her face, she jumped even. I know because she was in my lap. I told the specialist that I think her eye needs a few minutes to adjust. I swear we waited like 1 minute and then she started trying again. Millie did about as well with her left eye as she did with her right. On her right eye, we only added 1 or 2 feet maximum to the distance that Millie can see (so now we are in the 5 to 7 feet range). That is about as good as she did on the left eye. I do think she could see further but that her eye needed time to adjust. When Millie realized the specialist did not believe her and even admonished her, she basically said screw you and just wouldn't do anything else. I don't think I blame her.
When the specialist was working on Millie's right eye, she got grumpy with your mom and Autumn. They were whispering to each other and although Millie and I could not hear what they were saying, the specialist said it was very distracting, to her. She asked your mom to take Autumn out to the waiting room. They left, but came back shortly (like within two minutes) because your mom said Autumn was getting upset. By now I am completely annoyed. I don't care if Autumn sat out in the waiting room and cried, could you please try to make this situation a little less stressful.
Then the specialist says to Millie that she is taking too long to read the cards, that she doesn't have all day and that she has other things she needs to do. That is when I informed her that I'm sure that Millie, at two years old really cares about her time table. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
There was another measurement that was taken. It is called Prism diopter measurements. It measures the amount of eye misalignment. Millie's specific test was prism with cover. Prism and cover testing is used to determine the amount of strabismus present. A prism is held over the deviated eye and the eyes are alternately covered. When the proper strength of prism is place over the misaligned eye, there is no movement of the eyes when the cover is switched back and forth between the eyes. The eye alignment is measured in different gaze directions, on head tilts, and at near.
Prior to today, Millie's prism measurement was 35. I'm not sure what is normal, but I was told today that the measurement was 14. She told me that is nearly out of the surgical treatment range. So I'm guessing somewhere around 10 or lower is what is normal although my research thus far has not proved fruitful.
The specialist told me that she didn't believe today's measurements to be accurate (including the prism measurements) because Millie was so uncooperative. Particularly when she was doing that measurement, Millie completely refused to even look at her. I was told that without accurate measurements, we could not proceed. She also told me that we had to get the strength up in Millie's eye before they could even do surgery. Basically that even if they had been able to obtain accurate measurements today, that Millie's vision in her right eye was too poor to do surgery. She wants to discontinue eye patching for now and see us in three months.
She wants me to pay attention to how much Millie is falling/running into things and how much/which one of her eyes are turning in. I did explain to the specialist that this time (130 pm) was smack in the middle of Millie's nap time and I do believe that was a big contributing factor to her behavior today. Now that I have had time to reflect on it though, Millie acted appropriately. That lady did not believe what she was saying, she was grouchy herself (I bet all the kids acted like Millie did today) and that she was just as responsible, if not more, for Millie's reaction than Millie was.
My concern at this point is over the next three months that Millie's vision in her right eye will deteriorate again or become even worse than before. I feel pretty certain that since she only improved by 1 or 2 feet that her eye will do what it did before and the dominate left eye will take over and basically the brain ignore that right eye and we will lose what little gain we made with the patching. I mean, it is out of my hands now. Our next appointment is set up for May 13th at 1030 am. I need to put that on our calender.
Sorry this is so long, there was just so much to say. I think I covered most of it though. I hope this gives you an idea of what a grouchy day I had.
When we got home, the girls played with your mom for a bit and then we got to work on our Valentine's.
This morning Autumn asked me
Autumn: Mom, did you get a Valentine for Boyd?
Me: Yes. We got a Valentine for all the kids in your class.
Autumn: Yes, but did you get one for BOYD? He needs a chocolate too.
Me: Yes Autumn. Everyone in your class will get a Valentine.
Autumn: Yes, as long as Boyd gets one.

This is Boyd's valentine and his chocolate.

Autumn wrote out all her own cards.

She really enjoyed doing this.

And signed them.

I'm impressed with her skills.

This box came with the Valentine's and there is a slot at the top to put the cards in. I don't know if she will take it to school or not. I'll leave that up to her.

Millie showing you what she made in school, a Penguin.
After doing her classmates and teachers, Autumn told me she wanted to

Make one for you.

Complete with chocolate. Not sure if I should mail this, or hold onto it for you.
Totally random it doesn't make any sense picture....

Autumn has several boxes, just like this one, full to the brim with things. She is such a hoarder!!!!!! I've read from several other mom's their kids are doing it too, but it is driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Autumn says "hi" and that she "loves and misses you on Valentine's day." I started laughing so she added, "I love daddy even if it isn't Valentine's day." I'm so glad she clarified.

It took me forever to get a picture of Millie. She was not cooperating at all!
It is pouring down rain again. Thunder and everything. I still have not seen Mr Prince. We went from two cats when you left to no cats. I hope he turns up soon. Where is he?
Sorry for the long post.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 102 days of wondering which eye is supposed to be crooked again?
After dropping Autumn/Millie off to school, I went for my run. I was a little disappointed that I didn't beat my fastest 5k time of 27 something. I did bump into a loose dog on the trail though and that slowed me up some. I don't think it was enough to beat my 27 minute time though. I'm not really sure. After my run, I came home and started my Insanity workout.
By the time I was done with my hour long insanity workout, I was soaking wet! I felt good though. I feel strong when I workout that hard and feeling strong feels good. I hopped in the shower and then headed to the school to pick up the girls.
You know how our phone call went. I guess there isn't much need to elaborate on that.
When Miss Sandi put Millie in the car, she told me that Millie got in trouble at school today. Millie has never been in trouble at school (to my knowledge). I asked what happened and Miss Sandi said that Millie took her shoe off and when she was asked to put it back on, Millie told her no. Miss Sandi told her to put her shoe on or she would go to time out and Millie again told her no and then hid in the closet. Millie told me that her shoe fell off. I believe that. Those dumb hello Kitty shoes are ALWAYS falling off. I want to throw them away. Millie repeatedly told me her shoe fell off and that she did not want to put it back on. So, she was still naughty, but I don't think she intentionally was being naughty (at least not to begin with). I sort of think that when Miss Sandi was stern with her, Millie picked her battle and frankly, I'm not sure who won or lost that one!
Miss Sandi then told me the entire class had been naughty today.
Autumn showed me a sticker she got from Miss Keri and said that she was the only one to get a sticker. I asked her why she received the sticker and she told me that they were supposed to be counting, but that Autumn was the only one who would do it, and that is why she is the only one who earned a sticker. So I guess everyone was just being naughty.
An hour later, we were on the road to the specialist. Millie was grouchy when we walked in there. Not super grouchy, but just kind of grouchy. She refused to cooperate with the specialist today. It is so odd because she has never been that way before. I have a theory about it. The specialist kept going back too far, like out of Millie's vision range. When Millie would say she couldn't see it, the specialist did not really believe her. She thought Millie was being ornery because she was grouchy. I think the specialist expected Millie's vision to be better than it was. By the time we got to the left eye, Millie was completely unwilling to cooperate. First of all, within seconds of taking the patch off, the specialist was trying to get Millie to tell her what was on the cards. Millie could not see yet. When the light hit her face, she jumped even. I know because she was in my lap. I told the specialist that I think her eye needs a few minutes to adjust. I swear we waited like 1 minute and then she started trying again. Millie did about as well with her left eye as she did with her right. On her right eye, we only added 1 or 2 feet maximum to the distance that Millie can see (so now we are in the 5 to 7 feet range). That is about as good as she did on the left eye. I do think she could see further but that her eye needed time to adjust. When Millie realized the specialist did not believe her and even admonished her, she basically said screw you and just wouldn't do anything else. I don't think I blame her.
When the specialist was working on Millie's right eye, she got grumpy with your mom and Autumn. They were whispering to each other and although Millie and I could not hear what they were saying, the specialist said it was very distracting, to her. She asked your mom to take Autumn out to the waiting room. They left, but came back shortly (like within two minutes) because your mom said Autumn was getting upset. By now I am completely annoyed. I don't care if Autumn sat out in the waiting room and cried, could you please try to make this situation a little less stressful.
Then the specialist says to Millie that she is taking too long to read the cards, that she doesn't have all day and that she has other things she needs to do. That is when I informed her that I'm sure that Millie, at two years old really cares about her time table. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
There was another measurement that was taken. It is called Prism diopter measurements. It measures the amount of eye misalignment. Millie's specific test was prism with cover. Prism and cover testing is used to determine the amount of strabismus present. A prism is held over the deviated eye and the eyes are alternately covered. When the proper strength of prism is place over the misaligned eye, there is no movement of the eyes when the cover is switched back and forth between the eyes. The eye alignment is measured in different gaze directions, on head tilts, and at near.
Prior to today, Millie's prism measurement was 35. I'm not sure what is normal, but I was told today that the measurement was 14. She told me that is nearly out of the surgical treatment range. So I'm guessing somewhere around 10 or lower is what is normal although my research thus far has not proved fruitful.
The specialist told me that she didn't believe today's measurements to be accurate (including the prism measurements) because Millie was so uncooperative. Particularly when she was doing that measurement, Millie completely refused to even look at her. I was told that without accurate measurements, we could not proceed. She also told me that we had to get the strength up in Millie's eye before they could even do surgery. Basically that even if they had been able to obtain accurate measurements today, that Millie's vision in her right eye was too poor to do surgery. She wants to discontinue eye patching for now and see us in three months.
She wants me to pay attention to how much Millie is falling/running into things and how much/which one of her eyes are turning in. I did explain to the specialist that this time (130 pm) was smack in the middle of Millie's nap time and I do believe that was a big contributing factor to her behavior today. Now that I have had time to reflect on it though, Millie acted appropriately. That lady did not believe what she was saying, she was grouchy herself (I bet all the kids acted like Millie did today) and that she was just as responsible, if not more, for Millie's reaction than Millie was.
My concern at this point is over the next three months that Millie's vision in her right eye will deteriorate again or become even worse than before. I feel pretty certain that since she only improved by 1 or 2 feet that her eye will do what it did before and the dominate left eye will take over and basically the brain ignore that right eye and we will lose what little gain we made with the patching. I mean, it is out of my hands now. Our next appointment is set up for May 13th at 1030 am. I need to put that on our calender.
Sorry this is so long, there was just so much to say. I think I covered most of it though. I hope this gives you an idea of what a grouchy day I had.
When we got home, the girls played with your mom for a bit and then we got to work on our Valentine's.
This morning Autumn asked me
Autumn: Mom, did you get a Valentine for Boyd?
Me: Yes. We got a Valentine for all the kids in your class.
Autumn: Yes, but did you get one for BOYD? He needs a chocolate too.
Me: Yes Autumn. Everyone in your class will get a Valentine.
Autumn: Yes, as long as Boyd gets one.
This is Boyd's valentine and his chocolate.
Autumn wrote out all her own cards.
She really enjoyed doing this.
And signed them.
I'm impressed with her skills.
This box came with the Valentine's and there is a slot at the top to put the cards in. I don't know if she will take it to school or not. I'll leave that up to her.
Millie showing you what she made in school, a Penguin.
After doing her classmates and teachers, Autumn told me she wanted to
Make one for you.
Complete with chocolate. Not sure if I should mail this, or hold onto it for you.
Totally random it doesn't make any sense picture....
Autumn has several boxes, just like this one, full to the brim with things. She is such a hoarder!!!!!! I've read from several other mom's their kids are doing it too, but it is driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Autumn says "hi" and that she "loves and misses you on Valentine's day." I started laughing so she added, "I love daddy even if it isn't Valentine's day." I'm so glad she clarified.
It took me forever to get a picture of Millie. She was not cooperating at all!
It is pouring down rain again. Thunder and everything. I still have not seen Mr Prince. We went from two cats when you left to no cats. I hope he turns up soon. Where is he?
Sorry for the long post.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 102 days of wondering which eye is supposed to be crooked again?