The good, the bad, the ugly 2013.
I say 2013 because I'm pretty sure I've used this title before. I think I will start with the emergent and work my way down.
This afternoon, I was sitting on the couch reading from my nook. Millie brought me a piece of her Valentine's candy and asked me to open it. I did, but I thought to myself, that is a strangely shaped candy. It was a hard candy shaped like a tube of lipstick. It was flat though and I figured Millie would eat it in pieces. Wrong. She stuck the whole thing in her mouth, turned around, tripped on the blanket and I knew, she was choking.
She was not talking, she was not breathing. The candy was lodged in her throat. I got up, very calmly and picked her up and turned her towards me. She was definitely not breathing. Her eyes looked panicked. I took her to the kitchen. She was grabbing at her throat. I knew time was running out. I told her to open her mouth. I could see a part of the candy. My 911 dispatcher training told me two things. 1. I had one shot. 2. If I didn't get it out, I was going to have to call 911. I was afraid I was going to lodge the candy further down her throat. I put my finger in, grabbed the candy and pulled slightly, but it wouldn't come out. I shoved my finger further back, I mean really far back in her throat, but over the top of the candy. Her gag reflex worked and she basically vomited the candy back up while I was pulling it out.

She took a breath. It was short though. Then she started coughing. I know that even though she is coughing, that means she is at least breathing and the airway, while may still be blocked, it can only be partially blocked. I'm guessing some of it went down her throat, but I got the big piece. I sat with her for several minutes. Millie cried for you. I cried. My hands started shaking. Holy crap. I know that it was totally my fault. I even thought before I handed it to her that it looked like a choking hazard.
Not more than an hour later, Millie got smacked in the face with a rocking chair. They had flipped it over and I told them to pick it back up and set it upright. Autumn flipped the chair over, it rocked and smacked poor Millie right on the frame of her glasses.

She cried.
These children are driving me bonkers. Between Valentine's candy and no nap today, they are very misbehaved. It is supposed to be movie night where they get to stay up late, but I've put the movie in about ten minutes ago and when it is over, they are going to bed.

Autumn, all ready for Valentine's day and school. She picked two flowers from her bucket to take for show and tell and give to Miss Keri and Miss Daisy.

Miss Millie all ready for school.

I give up on getting good pictures of her. That girl couldn't be still to save her life!
After I dropped the girls off to school, I went over to the commissary and picked up some items for our trip tomorrow and the biotin for my hair, skin and nails. Then I headed over to the gym.

I ran 6.5 miles. I really don't like treadmill running, but it was 34 degrees when I dropped the girls off at school and I was not interested in running in 34. I think our high today was only 50.
I left straight from the gym to pick the girls up from school. Every one was all smiles and so happy. As I pulled up to take my turn to have the girls put in the car, I noticed Miss Keri with a bag and she was bending down talking to Autumn. She handed Autumn a special gift from Boyd. It was a heart shaped box with chocolates in it and a lady bug pin. Autumn LOVED it. Miss Keri told me it was from Boyd. Boyd's mom told me that Boyd talks about Autumn a whole lot and wanted to get something extra special for her.

Autumn all sorts of excited about Boyd's gift and all her Valentine loot.
I think Millie's favorite item (besides candy) was

The slinky.

They were calling it a rubber band.
I fixed everyone some lunch, tinkered around on the internet while I waited for my lunch to settle and then did my Insanity workout. While I was working out, Millie got into the fingernail polish (that was up on a shelf in the bathroom). She ran into the room where I was working out and showed me her handiwork.

I had visions of fingernail polish all over the place somewhere. I went looking for where this manicure happened and found the deed was done in Millie's bedroom. Shockingly, there was not fingernail polish all over the place. There is one tiny spot on the carpet, but most of it ended up on Millie's fingers.
To top this evening off, I was chatting with my mom on the phone when Autumn walked in the room and told me someone was at the door. I freaked out! What do you mean someone is at the door? I peaked around the opened the door, someone is there. I discover a man on the front porch. It is pitch dark outside and almost 8 pm. He says to me, "I told her not to open the door." I told him to leave whatever it is at the door, shut it and locked it. Autumn was already crying. I tried to explain to the girl that if he had been a bad man, he could have come into the house and hurt us. It was hard to say just the right words because I don't want to scare her, but I don't want anyone to get murdered either. If he had meant to do us harm, he had his opportunity. Seriously, can you just come home already. We are falling apart at the seams.
So screw you Valentine's day.
The end.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 104 days of just trying to not kill (purposefully or accidentally) the children.
This afternoon, I was sitting on the couch reading from my nook. Millie brought me a piece of her Valentine's candy and asked me to open it. I did, but I thought to myself, that is a strangely shaped candy. It was a hard candy shaped like a tube of lipstick. It was flat though and I figured Millie would eat it in pieces. Wrong. She stuck the whole thing in her mouth, turned around, tripped on the blanket and I knew, she was choking.
She was not talking, she was not breathing. The candy was lodged in her throat. I got up, very calmly and picked her up and turned her towards me. She was definitely not breathing. Her eyes looked panicked. I took her to the kitchen. She was grabbing at her throat. I knew time was running out. I told her to open her mouth. I could see a part of the candy. My 911 dispatcher training told me two things. 1. I had one shot. 2. If I didn't get it out, I was going to have to call 911. I was afraid I was going to lodge the candy further down her throat. I put my finger in, grabbed the candy and pulled slightly, but it wouldn't come out. I shoved my finger further back, I mean really far back in her throat, but over the top of the candy. Her gag reflex worked and she basically vomited the candy back up while I was pulling it out.
She took a breath. It was short though. Then she started coughing. I know that even though she is coughing, that means she is at least breathing and the airway, while may still be blocked, it can only be partially blocked. I'm guessing some of it went down her throat, but I got the big piece. I sat with her for several minutes. Millie cried for you. I cried. My hands started shaking. Holy crap. I know that it was totally my fault. I even thought before I handed it to her that it looked like a choking hazard.
Not more than an hour later, Millie got smacked in the face with a rocking chair. They had flipped it over and I told them to pick it back up and set it upright. Autumn flipped the chair over, it rocked and smacked poor Millie right on the frame of her glasses.
She cried.
These children are driving me bonkers. Between Valentine's candy and no nap today, they are very misbehaved. It is supposed to be movie night where they get to stay up late, but I've put the movie in about ten minutes ago and when it is over, they are going to bed.
Autumn, all ready for Valentine's day and school. She picked two flowers from her bucket to take for show and tell and give to Miss Keri and Miss Daisy.
Miss Millie all ready for school.
I give up on getting good pictures of her. That girl couldn't be still to save her life!
After I dropped the girls off to school, I went over to the commissary and picked up some items for our trip tomorrow and the biotin for my hair, skin and nails. Then I headed over to the gym.
I ran 6.5 miles. I really don't like treadmill running, but it was 34 degrees when I dropped the girls off at school and I was not interested in running in 34. I think our high today was only 50.
I left straight from the gym to pick the girls up from school. Every one was all smiles and so happy. As I pulled up to take my turn to have the girls put in the car, I noticed Miss Keri with a bag and she was bending down talking to Autumn. She handed Autumn a special gift from Boyd. It was a heart shaped box with chocolates in it and a lady bug pin. Autumn LOVED it. Miss Keri told me it was from Boyd. Boyd's mom told me that Boyd talks about Autumn a whole lot and wanted to get something extra special for her.
Autumn all sorts of excited about Boyd's gift and all her Valentine loot.
I think Millie's favorite item (besides candy) was
The slinky.
They were calling it a rubber band.
I fixed everyone some lunch, tinkered around on the internet while I waited for my lunch to settle and then did my Insanity workout. While I was working out, Millie got into the fingernail polish (that was up on a shelf in the bathroom). She ran into the room where I was working out and showed me her handiwork.
I had visions of fingernail polish all over the place somewhere. I went looking for where this manicure happened and found the deed was done in Millie's bedroom. Shockingly, there was not fingernail polish all over the place. There is one tiny spot on the carpet, but most of it ended up on Millie's fingers.
To top this evening off, I was chatting with my mom on the phone when Autumn walked in the room and told me someone was at the door. I freaked out! What do you mean someone is at the door? I peaked around the opened the door, someone is there. I discover a man on the front porch. It is pitch dark outside and almost 8 pm. He says to me, "I told her not to open the door." I told him to leave whatever it is at the door, shut it and locked it. Autumn was already crying. I tried to explain to the girl that if he had been a bad man, he could have come into the house and hurt us. It was hard to say just the right words because I don't want to scare her, but I don't want anyone to get murdered either. If he had meant to do us harm, he had his opportunity. Seriously, can you just come home already. We are falling apart at the seams.
So screw you Valentine's day.
The end.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 104 days of just trying to not kill (purposefully or accidentally) the children.