Yesterday was such a busy day.

The girls at Awana's. There is a rule about wearing tennis shoes, so Millie looks odd! I tried to put some shorts on under her dress, but she was not having that. Baby steps I guess.

After hearing some horror stories from friends about homework, I am grateful that Autumn LOVES to do her homework. The only real homework she had today was her ten new sight words. We just put them on our flash cards. She already knew 6 of the 10 though so I'm guessing she will make short work of this list.
Tomorrow is the half day. Autumn needs to be picked up at 1215, so I will grab Millie and head straight to Autumn's school. I'm sure it will all work out.

Millie has to be entertained in another room when Autumn is doing her homework. I would say the Millie factor is the only thing that bothers Autumn. Millie cannot make a peep during homework time without Autumn coming unglued. So I have been setting her up with Netflix or a movie in the computer room. Millie had homework today too, from Awana's (coloring). That seemed to work really well for today.
Tomorrow is going to be busy again. Autumn to school, Millie to school, running, bible study, get Millie, get Autumn and that is all by noon!
I'm still feeling kind of tired. I cannot believe how many stops I had to make during my run with Millie this morning. We had to stop for the bathroom. We had to stop to get her blanket. We had to stop to pick up the DVD player. That really messes with my mind. Before 2 miles, I just wanted to be done already! HA!
For tomorrow's run, I am going to start where I always do, but turn in to Flat Rock, run it once and then head back to my car. Should be a good run. I know I will be slow. I have aches all over.
I hope you are doing well.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
PS- Millie cried for you today.
The girls at Awana's. There is a rule about wearing tennis shoes, so Millie looks odd! I tried to put some shorts on under her dress, but she was not having that. Baby steps I guess.
After hearing some horror stories from friends about homework, I am grateful that Autumn LOVES to do her homework. The only real homework she had today was her ten new sight words. We just put them on our flash cards. She already knew 6 of the 10 though so I'm guessing she will make short work of this list.
Tomorrow is the half day. Autumn needs to be picked up at 1215, so I will grab Millie and head straight to Autumn's school. I'm sure it will all work out.
Millie has to be entertained in another room when Autumn is doing her homework. I would say the Millie factor is the only thing that bothers Autumn. Millie cannot make a peep during homework time without Autumn coming unglued. So I have been setting her up with Netflix or a movie in the computer room. Millie had homework today too, from Awana's (coloring). That seemed to work really well for today.
Tomorrow is going to be busy again. Autumn to school, Millie to school, running, bible study, get Millie, get Autumn and that is all by noon!
I'm still feeling kind of tired. I cannot believe how many stops I had to make during my run with Millie this morning. We had to stop for the bathroom. We had to stop to get her blanket. We had to stop to pick up the DVD player. That really messes with my mind. Before 2 miles, I just wanted to be done already! HA!
For tomorrow's run, I am going to start where I always do, but turn in to Flat Rock, run it once and then head back to my car. Should be a good run. I know I will be slow. I have aches all over.
I hope you are doing well.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
PS- Millie cried for you today.