Do you notice a recurring theme? I'm so tired. I don't understand it. I never have this much trouble with feeling tired. I think my lack of energy is my body fighting something off, but good grief, I just want to get back to normal. NO, I haven't been drinking orange juice. Don't you dare ask me that............
I decided the grass did not need to be cut today, so I ran the sprinkler system because it hasn't rained in a while.

I thought it looked peaceful.
I did do my run this morning 8x800 (I did each of the 8 half mile runs in 4 minutes or less, most of them under). I checked the pool chemicals and there weren't any. SO, I will throw some shock? in it tonight???? I also cleaned off the back porch like I said I would do. I oxycleaned the corner that Pirate had her babies in. Everything got a good scrub down. The main trouble with cleaning that porch off is that it gives me the heebeejeebeeies. I vacuumed up some kind of spider that had mutilated a big freaking spider. I am certain I will have creepy crawly nightmares tonight.
I decided the grass did not need to be cut today, so I ran the sprinkler system because it hasn't rained in a while.
I thought it looked peaceful.
I did do my run this morning 8x800 (I did each of the 8 half mile runs in 4 minutes or less, most of them under). I checked the pool chemicals and there weren't any. SO, I will throw some shock? in it tonight???? I also cleaned off the back porch like I said I would do. I oxycleaned the corner that Pirate had her babies in. Everything got a good scrub down. The main trouble with cleaning that porch off is that it gives me the heebeejeebeeies. I vacuumed up some kind of spider that had mutilated a big freaking spider. I am certain I will have creepy crawly nightmares tonight.