So it begins.
Do you get tired of reading how busy my day was? I'm sorry, but it was SO busy. I left for the 2nd time today at 930 and I'm just now getting home. I'm exhausted!
Got both the girls ready for school this morning and when I put on Autumn's shirt, she said

"I'm going to look like a jail person." BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
We got Autumn to school, but the whole morning I was so worried that I was going to forget that today was an early release day, so I

Put this sticker on my steering wheel to help me remember every time I got in the car that I needed to get Autumn from school.
Millie asked me if she could go running with me. Despite what some people think, I am not crazy. I was not interested in anyway whatsoever pushing a jogger up some big old hills, so I stayed on Fall Line Trace and just did a maintenance run. I am doing speed day on Thursday and if I run tomorrow at all, I will do hill day.
After running, I dropped Millie off to school and came home to shower. Went back to church for bible study. Picked Millie up from school. Picked Autumn up from school. Went to Chickfila to have lunch with my friend Lois (and her 3 year old son Luke). After 2 hours at Chickfila, we left for Target (for probiotics) and the Fresh Market.
Want to guess what I bought at the fresh market????

That is brioche and Gorgonzola dolce. I will be making a grilled cheese sandwich with those ingredients later this week. I cannot wait!!
After the Fresh Market, we finally made it home. I'm going through the girls bags and find:

All I can say is that she does this with one eye.
In Autumn's bag:

this is the reason I titled my blog the way I did. It is a fundraiser type of thing. Do you know how much I dislike asking people for money? Add to it that the neighbor across the street has been up and down our street in the last few days trying to sell Boy Scout popcorn.
Speaking of the neighbor across the street, she has a son named Matthew. He is in the first grade. He gets along really well with Autumn. He has been over twice now. His mom asked me if he could come over and play sometime and I said, "Oh yes please!" I gave her my cell phone number and I'm hoping that he will come over soon. Autumn gets along so well with him and he said he recognizes Autumn from her school picture on Mrs Irvin's wall!!! If he doesn't come over before the week is out, I will go over there next week and see if she won't send him over.
Now just some randomness:

This is where we park our bikes.

This is the number of cups Millie requires in a day. 1- Milk cup, 1- Water cup and 1-Ice cup. That girl knows how to drive an OCD woman to the brink!!! She laughs in the face of my OCD. 1 cup? I thinketh not. Lid? Lids are for fools woman! Cleanliness? Order? Have you met me? My name is Millie and

I do what I want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss you.
Wish I could go to bed now.
Must still do dinner.
Then to sleep. Precious sleep.
Your favorite wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Got both the girls ready for school this morning and when I put on Autumn's shirt, she said
"I'm going to look like a jail person." BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
We got Autumn to school, but the whole morning I was so worried that I was going to forget that today was an early release day, so I
Put this sticker on my steering wheel to help me remember every time I got in the car that I needed to get Autumn from school.
Millie asked me if she could go running with me. Despite what some people think, I am not crazy. I was not interested in anyway whatsoever pushing a jogger up some big old hills, so I stayed on Fall Line Trace and just did a maintenance run. I am doing speed day on Thursday and if I run tomorrow at all, I will do hill day.
After running, I dropped Millie off to school and came home to shower. Went back to church for bible study. Picked Millie up from school. Picked Autumn up from school. Went to Chickfila to have lunch with my friend Lois (and her 3 year old son Luke). After 2 hours at Chickfila, we left for Target (for probiotics) and the Fresh Market.
Want to guess what I bought at the fresh market????
That is brioche and Gorgonzola dolce. I will be making a grilled cheese sandwich with those ingredients later this week. I cannot wait!!
After the Fresh Market, we finally made it home. I'm going through the girls bags and find:
All I can say is that she does this with one eye.
In Autumn's bag:
this is the reason I titled my blog the way I did. It is a fundraiser type of thing. Do you know how much I dislike asking people for money? Add to it that the neighbor across the street has been up and down our street in the last few days trying to sell Boy Scout popcorn.
Speaking of the neighbor across the street, she has a son named Matthew. He is in the first grade. He gets along really well with Autumn. He has been over twice now. His mom asked me if he could come over and play sometime and I said, "Oh yes please!" I gave her my cell phone number and I'm hoping that he will come over soon. Autumn gets along so well with him and he said he recognizes Autumn from her school picture on Mrs Irvin's wall!!! If he doesn't come over before the week is out, I will go over there next week and see if she won't send him over.
Now just some randomness:
This is where we park our bikes.
This is the number of cups Millie requires in a day. 1- Milk cup, 1- Water cup and 1-Ice cup. That girl knows how to drive an OCD woman to the brink!!! She laughs in the face of my OCD. 1 cup? I thinketh not. Lid? Lids are for fools woman! Cleanliness? Order? Have you met me? My name is Millie and
I do what I want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss you.
Wish I could go to bed now.
Must still do dinner.
Then to sleep. Precious sleep.
Your favorite wife and favorite airman. xoxo