My little dancer.
We were invited to a birthday party today that took place at the Columbus School of Music and Dance (it is next to Publix on Schomburg road).
Millie. Sweet, sweet Millie.
She loved it!
I had one of those moments where everyone and everything else slipped away from me and for a few moments, I was solely able to focus on Millie and see her. I mean really see her. She was so happy, so oblivious to the world around her. Even though she does not have a graceful bone in her body, you could tell she knew she was a little ballerina dancer, even if only for a moment.
When we arrived at the party, she still had her eye patch on and she had a few moments of awkwardness. She ran into the table, she ran into a chair and she fell at least once. The other kids were staring at her. Some of the girls wouldn't hold her hand (that really did hurt her feelings). At the beginning of dance, she still had her eye patch on and was doing really well. When they started the face painting, I leaned down and whispered to Millie "do you want to take your eye patch off?" She said yes and quietly pulled it off and handed it to me.
I did try to get the girl to take her eye patch off before we arrived at the party, but she didn't want to.
Anyway, watching Millie out on the dance floor, the stares, the pointing, the whispering about her all fell away. Neither one of us heard it or saw it. She was simply Millie, dancing a Millie dance.

Following the teacher.

She was adorable.

Autumn on the other hand, tried it out for a bit, but once it was time to "perform a dance" for the parents, ran over to me crying saying, "I'm terrible at ballet." Not in a mean way, but I told her "I totally agree, but it is OK because she is really good at swimming and swimming is cool too!" She nodded in agreement and we watched Millie.

Millie's face paint.

I asked Millie if she liked ballet and she said, "yes."
I inquired about prices and schedules. Apparently they have a preschool class on Wednesday's at 3 or 330 pm and it is $50 a month (and $25 registration fee). I am strongly thinking this could be a really good thing for Millie. Maybe it could help with hand/eye/foot coordination and aside from all that, she really liked it!

I wish you could have been there to see this.


Here is everyone.
I guess I am telling you all about our day in all sorts of weird order, but this morning, Millie was walking along the foot rail of our bed when she lost her footing and fell. She smacked her chin, mouth on the bed post. Blood went everywhere. She has a mark on her chin, her lip is fat and yucky looking and it did knock one of her bottom teeth loose. Not loose enough to call the dentist about it (besides we have a dental appt next Monday). I did feel really bad for the girl though, I know it hurt.
After getting Millie's mouth cleaned up and the bleeding to stop, we headed to Sam's.

I don't know why, but they wanted a picture by the peas.
On our way out of Sam's, I bumped into the McKeegan's. Apparently Mrs McKeegan is pregnant. WOW! How exciting!!
We then went to the birthday party, and then to your mom's where

the couch ate our children.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
Millie. Sweet, sweet Millie.
She loved it!
I had one of those moments where everyone and everything else slipped away from me and for a few moments, I was solely able to focus on Millie and see her. I mean really see her. She was so happy, so oblivious to the world around her. Even though she does not have a graceful bone in her body, you could tell she knew she was a little ballerina dancer, even if only for a moment.
When we arrived at the party, she still had her eye patch on and she had a few moments of awkwardness. She ran into the table, she ran into a chair and she fell at least once. The other kids were staring at her. Some of the girls wouldn't hold her hand (that really did hurt her feelings). At the beginning of dance, she still had her eye patch on and was doing really well. When they started the face painting, I leaned down and whispered to Millie "do you want to take your eye patch off?" She said yes and quietly pulled it off and handed it to me.
I did try to get the girl to take her eye patch off before we arrived at the party, but she didn't want to.
Anyway, watching Millie out on the dance floor, the stares, the pointing, the whispering about her all fell away. Neither one of us heard it or saw it. She was simply Millie, dancing a Millie dance.
Following the teacher.
She was adorable.
Autumn on the other hand, tried it out for a bit, but once it was time to "perform a dance" for the parents, ran over to me crying saying, "I'm terrible at ballet." Not in a mean way, but I told her "I totally agree, but it is OK because she is really good at swimming and swimming is cool too!" She nodded in agreement and we watched Millie.
Millie's face paint.
I asked Millie if she liked ballet and she said, "yes."
I inquired about prices and schedules. Apparently they have a preschool class on Wednesday's at 3 or 330 pm and it is $50 a month (and $25 registration fee). I am strongly thinking this could be a really good thing for Millie. Maybe it could help with hand/eye/foot coordination and aside from all that, she really liked it!
I wish you could have been there to see this.
Here is everyone.
I guess I am telling you all about our day in all sorts of weird order, but this morning, Millie was walking along the foot rail of our bed when she lost her footing and fell. She smacked her chin, mouth on the bed post. Blood went everywhere. She has a mark on her chin, her lip is fat and yucky looking and it did knock one of her bottom teeth loose. Not loose enough to call the dentist about it (besides we have a dental appt next Monday). I did feel really bad for the girl though, I know it hurt.
After getting Millie's mouth cleaned up and the bleeding to stop, we headed to Sam's.
I don't know why, but they wanted a picture by the peas.
On our way out of Sam's, I bumped into the McKeegan's. Apparently Mrs McKeegan is pregnant. WOW! How exciting!!
We then went to the birthday party, and then to your mom's where
the couch ate our children.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo