Day 2. Huntsville to Fredericktown, Missouri

I start the morning off with a walk/run/jog. I know I'm going to be in the car all day, but I'm determined to make sure I meet my step goal each day.

We see lots of clouds, but it doesn't really rain on us.
Today we will have driven through: Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri.
Once we get to Cape Girdeau, we saw lots of flooding, but it didn't really impact us.
Once we make it to Julie's, she has a wonderful dinner (spaghetti, meatballs and Caesar salad) ready for us. I cannot even begin to tell you how important this is to me, especially after all the mess of chemo, to have a home cooked meal. The last time we drove across the country, Alaska to Georgia, by the time we hit Missouri, I was puking my guts out in the floor of a hotel, so I'm determined to eat as few fast food places as possible.
After dinner, Julie, Brandon, Holly, Winston and my family go to the Silver Mines.

There was SO MUCH poison ivy, but I managed to miss it all.
I picked up two ticks while out there, but they didn't last very long. I guess chemo is good for something.
Day two we drove 376 miles bringing our total for the trip to 587 miles. Man, this is slow going.