The Big Move
We start our journey off at Jim and Phyllis' house. We stayed there for a few days and it was great to have that time with them before we left. Jim and Phyllis have such a pretty property. We found:

A luna moth.


We had a blast shooting Sean and Brett's old BB Guns.
Before we could leave town, we had to stop by the cancer center one last time to get my port flushed. On the way, I took a picture of one of my favorite signs:

It's Bob's transmissions and it reads, "We fix jerks." I jokingly would tell Sean he needed an appointment there. I feel an overwhelming sense of sadness at the idea of finding a new oncologist and dealing with a new cancer center. These people feel like family to me. I squash that down and try to think about how excited I am about a new start, in a new place, where only the people I want to know about my cancer diagnosis will know.......

Once my flush was complete, I finally rang the bell. I squashed back some tears and asked a stranger to please take our picture. We are on our way.
First stop: Huntsville, Alabama.
Miles driven: 211.
Why such a short drive?
We stop to see Sean's Aunt Bee and Uncle Ed.
Bee made us a vegetarian lasagna and I for one was grateful for a home cooked meal.

On the way there- lots of construction. The thought of staring at the back of the Jeep for 5,000 miles seems daunting, but I'm game.

We settle in for a nice evening of being with family. Tomorrow begins day 2.

A luna moth.


We had a blast shooting Sean and Brett's old BB Guns.
Before we could leave town, we had to stop by the cancer center one last time to get my port flushed. On the way, I took a picture of one of my favorite signs:

It's Bob's transmissions and it reads, "We fix jerks." I jokingly would tell Sean he needed an appointment there. I feel an overwhelming sense of sadness at the idea of finding a new oncologist and dealing with a new cancer center. These people feel like family to me. I squash that down and try to think about how excited I am about a new start, in a new place, where only the people I want to know about my cancer diagnosis will know.......

Once my flush was complete, I finally rang the bell. I squashed back some tears and asked a stranger to please take our picture. We are on our way.
First stop: Huntsville, Alabama.
Miles driven: 211.
Why such a short drive?
We stop to see Sean's Aunt Bee and Uncle Ed.
Bee made us a vegetarian lasagna and I for one was grateful for a home cooked meal.

On the way there- lots of construction. The thought of staring at the back of the Jeep for 5,000 miles seems daunting, but I'm game.

We settle in for a nice evening of being with family. Tomorrow begins day 2.