Day Two
This morning when I went to get Autumn out of her bed, she was crying. The moment she saw me, she started smiling, big! I played with her for a moment and realized something was not right. I noticed an awful smell. I stood up and bent over into the crib and that is when I realized why she had been crying. She had thrown up all over the crib, all over her blanket, all over her pajamas. I do not know how, but Sly and Airborne Steve made it out unscathed. I stripped down the bed, Autumn, threw the pillow away and started washing clothes and what not. Autumn is not running a fever, she has not thrown up all day long. I think that she just had an upset stomach from something she ate. I replaced her pillow and this time, I covered her pillow with a vinyl lining, a hypo allergenic cover, then the pillow case. This is what the new digs look like:

Sly and Airborne Steve.
Apparently Autumn did not think that our room was Tiggeriffic enough, so she did this:

Fixing up our room.
We warmed up a little bit today. Minus 3. We had a little bit of snow (not enough to shovel). We are supposed to get 1 to 4 inches tonight.
Travis is coming by tomorrow to put in my light bulb on my car.
We are having leftovers for dinner (I am anyway, Autumn will have some pasta).
Autumn called my mom today. I tried to get the phone from her, but she took off-laughing. When I got the phone from her, I realized she had actually dialed out to my mom. My mom called me back and was like, did you call? It was pretty funny.
Rebecca is going to pick up Mac from Ft Hood today. I am so glad he is finally home. He has been gone way too long!! Welcome Home Mac!!!
I'll close with this:

Autumn and Lamb Shanks.
Your Favorite Wife and Airman

Day Two.
Sly and Airborne Steve.
Apparently Autumn did not think that our room was Tiggeriffic enough, so she did this:
Fixing up our room.
We warmed up a little bit today. Minus 3. We had a little bit of snow (not enough to shovel). We are supposed to get 1 to 4 inches tonight.
Travis is coming by tomorrow to put in my light bulb on my car.
We are having leftovers for dinner (I am anyway, Autumn will have some pasta).
Autumn called my mom today. I tried to get the phone from her, but she took off-laughing. When I got the phone from her, I realized she had actually dialed out to my mom. My mom called me back and was like, did you call? It was pretty funny.
Rebecca is going to pick up Mac from Ft Hood today. I am so glad he is finally home. He has been gone way too long!! Welcome Home Mac!!!
I'll close with this:
Autumn and Lamb Shanks.
Your Favorite Wife and Airman
Day Two.
I can't imagine living somewhere that cold. The most I have experienced was a few days in November in Utah. Other than that, I have spent my life in Florida. Did you grow up in cold weather, or is that something you've had to adjust to?