On the mend.
We have gone a whole entire 24 hours without vomiting or other. This is a good thing. Autumn is feeling like herself again and I think she was feeling cooped up in the house, so we headed out to the 5th Ave Mall. We walked around, checked out the sales, I ordered Autumn some french fries (which she gobbled all up),then we headed home. I am feeling much better, but now that it is nearing the end of the day, I feel completely drained. I cannot believe our ten year anniversary is next week and then in ten days, Autumn will be one. That is just crazy!!!!!!
Any how, this is what your daughter was busy doing this evening:

Autumn and Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown. The creepiest Bear in the whole dang town.
Now, you may ask yourself, what website or what work was Autumn doing on the internet? No worries, I will show you:

She and bad, bad Leroy Brown were checking out the daily prices on T. Rowe Price. When Autumn and bad, bad Leroy Brown discovered what the market looked like, she had this reaction:

Utter shock. No worries Autumn, your dad and I have things covered.
So, I close with this. The number of chick flicks I have watched since you left, and the number of days you have been gone.

You've Got Mail, My Best Friend's Wedding, Moulin Rouge, Anna and the King, and Return to Me. I bet right now, you are glad you are not here!!!
I love you and miss you. Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo
Any how, this is what your daughter was busy doing this evening:
Autumn and Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown. The creepiest Bear in the whole dang town.
Now, you may ask yourself, what website or what work was Autumn doing on the internet? No worries, I will show you:
She and bad, bad Leroy Brown were checking out the daily prices on T. Rowe Price. When Autumn and bad, bad Leroy Brown discovered what the market looked like, she had this reaction:
Utter shock. No worries Autumn, your dad and I have things covered.
So, I close with this. The number of chick flicks I have watched since you left, and the number of days you have been gone.
You've Got Mail, My Best Friend's Wedding, Moulin Rouge, Anna and the King, and Return to Me. I bet right now, you are glad you are not here!!!
I love you and miss you. Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo