Autumn the BRUT!
I spent the day watching a 6 month old little girl named Leilah for a friend (someone I met when I was a 9-1-1 Dispatcher when Sean was stationed at Fort Hood). Leilah is a very sweet natured, happy go-lucky girl. Autumn on the other hand!!!! That is another story.
Let me tell you, Autumn The Brut did not want Leilah to touch her stuff, to sit on me or near me. Every time I tried to feed Leilah, Autumn wanted in my lap (she would try to sit on Leilah). Poor Leilah she only weighs 16 pounds and Autumn, well, we all know she's porky. Anyway, I've come to the realization I'm glad we are waiting to have a second child. Autumn is such a demanding little person, I cannot imagine having another child at this stage in Autumn's life or mine for that matter.
I'm grateful that I can devote 100 percent of my love and affection to Autumn.
I miss you Sean and I'm glad you made it to San Antonio safely for work.
Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo

Autumn the BRUT.
The Count: One day without you....
Let me tell you, Autumn The Brut did not want Leilah to touch her stuff, to sit on me or near me. Every time I tried to feed Leilah, Autumn wanted in my lap (she would try to sit on Leilah). Poor Leilah she only weighs 16 pounds and Autumn, well, we all know she's porky. Anyway, I've come to the realization I'm glad we are waiting to have a second child. Autumn is such a demanding little person, I cannot imagine having another child at this stage in Autumn's life or mine for that matter.
I'm grateful that I can devote 100 percent of my love and affection to Autumn.
I miss you Sean and I'm glad you made it to San Antonio safely for work.
Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo
Autumn the BRUT.
The Count: One day without you....