It was a BEARY exciting day!
Autumn and I needed to get out of the house today. The sky was pretty cloudy and I was sure it was going to rain on us, but that didn't matter, I grabbed Autumn's rain coat and my jacket and off we went. I decided to head on over to Alaska’s Botanical Garden.
**Side note for Alaska readers-- The gardens are free to walk through, you can leave a donation if you so chose, but it isn't mandatory and no one will judge you if you are poor and do not. They also have plants you can purchase. From what I can tell, they are reasonably priced.**
I have taken Autumn here before, last August when you were in Japan. She was only six months old.

This seems like a life time ago and looking at this photo makes me a little sad.
Almost one year later, the child is still obsessed with rocks. Maybe she will be a geologist after all.

I think that might even be the same rock. At least this time she didn't eat any of them! That is progress right??

Here we are when we first walked in. Before I forget to mention, a man stopped us in the parking lot and informed me there was a mother bear and her two cubs across the parking lot. I said, "I guess I should grab the bear spray." He said, "that wasn't the reaction I was expecting. Don't you think you ought to go home?" I said, "Heck no! This is Alaska and we came to see the gardens!!" We got a pretty good look at the three bears and they didn't seem bothered by us at all, but I wasn't able to get a good picture.

So I know the flowers aren't like in your face, but it is only May. Spring has just barely begun here.

Autumn pointing out a bear!! Psych!! It was a plane.

There were some flowers!!

This picture makes me think of you.

Why look at flowers when I can look at these?

Autumn totally picked one of these. I was trying to get a photo with her in it, but that wasn't happening.

Walking around all by herself.

More flowers.

I'm tired of walking.

I had no idea she was giving me that look. I'm pretty sure she said, "Can we go now?"

I like this photo.

This one is good too.

Black bear sighting in east garden!!!
So you are coming home tomorrow. I sure do wish you could get here earlier so that you could go to the BBQ with us. Well, I love you and cannot wait to see you tomorrow.
Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo
The Count: Day 8
**Side note for Alaska readers-- The gardens are free to walk through, you can leave a donation if you so chose, but it isn't mandatory and no one will judge you if you are poor and do not. They also have plants you can purchase. From what I can tell, they are reasonably priced.**
I have taken Autumn here before, last August when you were in Japan. She was only six months old.
This seems like a life time ago and looking at this photo makes me a little sad.
Almost one year later, the child is still obsessed with rocks. Maybe she will be a geologist after all.
I think that might even be the same rock. At least this time she didn't eat any of them! That is progress right??
Here we are when we first walked in. Before I forget to mention, a man stopped us in the parking lot and informed me there was a mother bear and her two cubs across the parking lot. I said, "I guess I should grab the bear spray." He said, "that wasn't the reaction I was expecting. Don't you think you ought to go home?" I said, "Heck no! This is Alaska and we came to see the gardens!!" We got a pretty good look at the three bears and they didn't seem bothered by us at all, but I wasn't able to get a good picture.
So I know the flowers aren't like in your face, but it is only May. Spring has just barely begun here.
Autumn pointing out a bear!! Psych!! It was a plane.
There were some flowers!!
This picture makes me think of you.
Why look at flowers when I can look at these?
Autumn totally picked one of these. I was trying to get a photo with her in it, but that wasn't happening.
Walking around all by herself.
More flowers.
I'm tired of walking.
I had no idea she was giving me that look. I'm pretty sure she said, "Can we go now?"
I like this photo.
This one is good too.
Black bear sighting in east garden!!!
So you are coming home tomorrow. I sure do wish you could get here earlier so that you could go to the BBQ with us. Well, I love you and cannot wait to see you tomorrow.
Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo
The Count: Day 8