It's a little chilly out there.
Our weather seems to be holding out, but the winds rolled in this evening and the temperature dropped a bit. At least it is still sunny. Right now, the sunrises at about 5 am and is setting about 11 pm. If my math is correct, that is 18 hours of daylight. We are catapulting to the equinox. That is depressing to me for several reasons, but for now, I concentrate on the sunshine.
Autumn and I had yard work to do today. Unfortunately, I only finished the backyard. We will get around to the front yard tomorrow. Grounds inspections are on Thursday and we got a letter from the housing office saying they would really be cracking down during inspections. I am not worried as we always keep a nice yard, but we haven't done much with the yard this season. The grass is starting to green up some, so Autumn and I really had a lot of work to do and Autumn really wanted to help.

Apparently her cell phone doesn't get good coverage either. She is a girl after my own heart, trying to cut the grass and talk on the phone at the same time.

She can be so happy sometimes. Our herbs are looking good, but I am a little worried about my tomatoes Travis gave me. The overnight temperatures are still getting a bit low.

Back yard flower bed (I know, not a great picture).

Front yard. This bed is a bit bare, I think it needs something else.

Up close.
I was cleaning up Autumn's toys when I turned around and found her doing this:

Standing up on the coffee table. WOW!!!
I told her to sit down:

Which of course led to:

Bad Autumn!!!!!! Day 5.
Tomorrow, back up husband (Travis) is coming over to re-thread the Weed Eater and Autumn and I have a special play date. I will give you the details about that later.
I am so ready for you to come home. I am looking forward to our camping trip. I love you.
Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo
The Count:

5 blurry days without you.
Autumn and I had yard work to do today. Unfortunately, I only finished the backyard. We will get around to the front yard tomorrow. Grounds inspections are on Thursday and we got a letter from the housing office saying they would really be cracking down during inspections. I am not worried as we always keep a nice yard, but we haven't done much with the yard this season. The grass is starting to green up some, so Autumn and I really had a lot of work to do and Autumn really wanted to help.
Apparently her cell phone doesn't get good coverage either. She is a girl after my own heart, trying to cut the grass and talk on the phone at the same time.
She can be so happy sometimes. Our herbs are looking good, but I am a little worried about my tomatoes Travis gave me. The overnight temperatures are still getting a bit low.
Back yard flower bed (I know, not a great picture).
Front yard. This bed is a bit bare, I think it needs something else.
Up close.
I was cleaning up Autumn's toys when I turned around and found her doing this:
Standing up on the coffee table. WOW!!!
I told her to sit down:
Which of course led to:
Bad Autumn!!!!!! Day 5.
Tomorrow, back up husband (Travis) is coming over to re-thread the Weed Eater and Autumn and I have a special play date. I will give you the details about that later.
I am so ready for you to come home. I am looking forward to our camping trip. I love you.
Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo
The Count:
5 blurry days without you.