The time zone change is killing me. Autumn wants to sleep until like 11 in the morning, then to get her to bed at a decent time at night is impossible. We are preparing for Thanksgiving. We've been doing some light cooking. We went over to Devonne's house, moved some furniture around and helped put up her Christmas tree.
Autumn loves spending time with her cousins. She cries when they leave (or if she does).

That is Jordan in the high chair, Kaitlyn sitting next to Autumn, Cole across from her. They were eating cookies- Grandma loves to give Autumn cookies! As a matter of fact, when I was in the shower this morning, Autumn crawled under my mom's bed to hide from her. When I got out the shower my mom calls out to me and says Autumn is stuck under the bed. I pop my head out from behind the bathroom door to see my mom trying to lure Autumn out from under the bed with Animal crackers! It was pretty funny!! It didn't work by the way.

Autumn has been saying daddy all day. I'm guessing it is because she talked to you this morning. We have been reading her Daddy and me book everyday and she still kisses your picture every time it comes up. Very cute.
I love you.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
The Count: 23 days.
Autumn loves spending time with her cousins. She cries when they leave (or if she does).
That is Jordan in the high chair, Kaitlyn sitting next to Autumn, Cole across from her. They were eating cookies- Grandma loves to give Autumn cookies! As a matter of fact, when I was in the shower this morning, Autumn crawled under my mom's bed to hide from her. When I got out the shower my mom calls out to me and says Autumn is stuck under the bed. I pop my head out from behind the bathroom door to see my mom trying to lure Autumn out from under the bed with Animal crackers! It was pretty funny!! It didn't work by the way.
Autumn has been saying daddy all day. I'm guessing it is because she talked to you this morning. We have been reading her Daddy and me book everyday and she still kisses your picture every time it comes up. Very cute.
I love you.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
The Count: 23 days.