Autumn did the sweetest thing.
Autumn tore a picture of you out of my photo album. It is one I took of you when we were dating. I think it is funny that out of all the photos of you we have around here she chose this one:

Can you believe that is you? This photo was taken almost eleven years ago at Ft Huachuca, Arizona, back when we thought your cooking was "the best I ever had!" We were grilling out that day. Back to Autumn! She brings me the photo and she is saying, "Daddy" over and over again. Then out of nowhere, she starts:

Kissing your photo. It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen her do. She is really attached to this photo. I'm concerned that she is going to wear the photo out. I need to scan it so that I can keep a copy of it.
Autumn decided she needed to put your photo in a place of prominence in her Autumn world, so:

I think you know how often Autumn visits the fridge in a single day!
For dinner this evening I made Pan Seared Chicken over Broccoli stuffing casserole:

Our dinner was delicious. It was exactly what I needed. Autumn inhaled her dinner in like 3.4 seconds. I actually ran out of an ingredient and had to sub another, so I was super nervous about how it would turn out, but it was wonderful. We will be eating that for the next few days!
I slept well last night thanks to that medicine the doctor gave me, Autumn did well too. I missed you though, my heart was just aching for you and I wanted to get Autumn and let her sleep with me. It was really hard to leave her in her bed, but I stayed strong. I miss you terribly Sean. I love you.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
The Count: One lonely day without you.
Can you believe that is you? This photo was taken almost eleven years ago at Ft Huachuca, Arizona, back when we thought your cooking was "the best I ever had!" We were grilling out that day. Back to Autumn! She brings me the photo and she is saying, "Daddy" over and over again. Then out of nowhere, she starts:
Kissing your photo. It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen her do. She is really attached to this photo. I'm concerned that she is going to wear the photo out. I need to scan it so that I can keep a copy of it.
Autumn decided she needed to put your photo in a place of prominence in her Autumn world, so:
I think you know how often Autumn visits the fridge in a single day!
For dinner this evening I made Pan Seared Chicken over Broccoli stuffing casserole:
Our dinner was delicious. It was exactly what I needed. Autumn inhaled her dinner in like 3.4 seconds. I actually ran out of an ingredient and had to sub another, so I was super nervous about how it would turn out, but it was wonderful. We will be eating that for the next few days!
I slept well last night thanks to that medicine the doctor gave me, Autumn did well too. I missed you though, my heart was just aching for you and I wanted to get Autumn and let her sleep with me. It was really hard to leave her in her bed, but I stayed strong. I miss you terribly Sean. I love you.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
The Count: One lonely day without you.