Went to see the lights today.
It was 72 degrees here today. I didn't bring any shorts!! Autumn wore short sleeves and pants, but I had to keep a close eye on her, she kept getting red in the face. She is really starting to come around to Grandpa.

After some playtime, we made our way over to James Island County Park.

That is Cole in the background poaching in on mine and Autumn's photo!

We took a really fun train ride and because it was in the upper 50's, Autumn and I were quite comfortable- not cold at all.

Changing the colors of the lights on the Christmas trees.
Autumn wasn't getting a good enough view, so Grandma and Grandpa opened the moon roof and before you know it,

Autumn was standing with her head out of the car. She loved it.

She was oohhinng and ahhhing and pointing and saying everything. Tree, Ho, Ho, Ho, Deer...

Overall, just a very good time.
NEWS: Autumn now says the word "Candy"... Thanks mom! Also, she is currently cutting four teeth. I'm assuming that is why she has been so whiny lately.
I miss you. I love you. Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
The count: 28 Days without you.
After some playtime, we made our way over to James Island County Park.
That is Cole in the background poaching in on mine and Autumn's photo!
We took a really fun train ride and because it was in the upper 50's, Autumn and I were quite comfortable- not cold at all.
Changing the colors of the lights on the Christmas trees.
Autumn wasn't getting a good enough view, so Grandma and Grandpa opened the moon roof and before you know it,
Autumn was standing with her head out of the car. She loved it.
She was oohhinng and ahhhing and pointing and saying everything. Tree, Ho, Ho, Ho, Deer...
Overall, just a very good time.
NEWS: Autumn now says the word "Candy"... Thanks mom! Also, she is currently cutting four teeth. I'm assuming that is why she has been so whiny lately.
I miss you. I love you. Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
The count: 28 Days without you.