Autumn and I had a play date with Riley this morning (Dylan joined after awhile). Autumn and Riley are just a few weeks apart in age, but as they get older, they seem to really enjoy each others company.

Watching a movie together (and Autumn eating Riley's breakfast even though Autumn had already had breakfast!).
After the movie, the girls decided they wanted to have a little fun.

Playing the piano together. They were actually pretty good.

Here Riley, I'll turn the page while you play this song.

Look at Riley go!
Once Dylan got here, it was all monkey business!!

The kids were running around and playing so hard they were sweating. I guess it didn't help that I had cranked the heat way on up because our power was going to be shut off for a few hours today. Even I was hot!
Autumn did not take a nap today (which was really bad considering she woke up at 5 am this morning). I put her down in her bed and then went to take a shower. While I was in the shower, Autumn creeped in and pulled the shower curtain open and nearly scared me half to death! She not only opened her door, but she opened the bathroom door. I guess she has finally figured out the door knob. I am going to have to get another baby gate for the top of the stairs. When Autumn came into the bathroom she had a snack in her hand, so she let herself out of her room, went downstairs and helped herself to some food, then let herself into my bathroom! I'm terrified at the thought of what she might get into if she went downstairs in the middle of the night and I didn't know.
On a completely unrelated note- I gave Nick our extra coffee table. He is going to pick up the extra end tables on Monday!! Getting rid of clutter feels wonderful! Hope you don't mind. I tried to ask you about it, but couldn't get a hold of you and just made a command decision. Nick and Trav came over this evening because I couldn't get the garage door back on the track thingy. They fixed the door for me and dropped off some of your things. I'm so grateful for this wonderful unit you are in!!
Since Autumn didn't get a nap and she woke up so early, it was no surprise to me when at 7 pm on our way home, she did this:

Fell asleep in the car. What an angel!
The Count: Day 5.
Watching a movie together (and Autumn eating Riley's breakfast even though Autumn had already had breakfast!).
After the movie, the girls decided they wanted to have a little fun.
Playing the piano together. They were actually pretty good.
Here Riley, I'll turn the page while you play this song.
Look at Riley go!
Once Dylan got here, it was all monkey business!!
The kids were running around and playing so hard they were sweating. I guess it didn't help that I had cranked the heat way on up because our power was going to be shut off for a few hours today. Even I was hot!
Autumn did not take a nap today (which was really bad considering she woke up at 5 am this morning). I put her down in her bed and then went to take a shower. While I was in the shower, Autumn creeped in and pulled the shower curtain open and nearly scared me half to death! She not only opened her door, but she opened the bathroom door. I guess she has finally figured out the door knob. I am going to have to get another baby gate for the top of the stairs. When Autumn came into the bathroom she had a snack in her hand, so she let herself out of her room, went downstairs and helped herself to some food, then let herself into my bathroom! I'm terrified at the thought of what she might get into if she went downstairs in the middle of the night and I didn't know.
On a completely unrelated note- I gave Nick our extra coffee table. He is going to pick up the extra end tables on Monday!! Getting rid of clutter feels wonderful! Hope you don't mind. I tried to ask you about it, but couldn't get a hold of you and just made a command decision. Nick and Trav came over this evening because I couldn't get the garage door back on the track thingy. They fixed the door for me and dropped off some of your things. I'm so grateful for this wonderful unit you are in!!
Since Autumn didn't get a nap and she woke up so early, it was no surprise to me when at 7 pm on our way home, she did this:
Fell asleep in the car. What an angel!
The Count: Day 5.