Turkey day.

I cooked the turkey. I have never cooked a turkey before. Hopefully no one gets sick in the next 24 hours. It tasted good, I'm going to take that as a good sign. Before I get to turkey day pictures, Autumn was conducting some sort of business meeting at my mom's house.

Conducting business
Not sure who besides Autumnn was attending the meeting, but she looked pretty serious.

OK, on to the turkey.
The turkey
So I know it doesn't exactly look appetizing, but it was good.

My niece Jordan (yep that was one of Autumn's shirts).

Cole had the right idea.


Autumn, Katie and Cole
Not really sure what Autumn and Kaitlyn were talking about, but Autumn had her first ever lollipop and she LOVED it.

Devonne and Cole
Pregnant Devonne and silly Cole.

My birthday cake
My igloo birthday cake. No one remembered the candle(s) and is it a big surprise I don't know how old I am!

Blowing out the candle
Blowing out the "candle".

Eating the icing
Autumn enjoyed the icing.

So much, she wouldn't even let me eat my own piece of cake.

I missed you today. I cried a little bit. I want you home.

Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo

The Count: 25 days.


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