Packing for a C-17.
How does one decide what to pack when flying on a C-17. Autumn, left to her own devices, felt the need to pack:

Dora movies and shoes. Interesting....
I have other plans though, in my carry on bag I plan to pack a Therma rest and my sleeping bag. I don't care if nothing else fits in my bag, those items are a must. I am hoping that we will be able to find a decent place to sleep and thanks to some photos from my friend Gloria, it looks like that shouldn't be an issue.
Back to Autumn packing though:

Mom, please don't forget the gajillion Dora movies our neighbors gave us for free (and that we plan to re-gift to Aunt Devonne for Cole and Kaitlyn).

We obviously cannot forget to bring Autumn.

I hope she has that much fun on the C-17. Should be interesting. Maybe we should try to jump out of it and get to experience what Dad does for a living?!!?
So off topic, remember I told you that Autumn was taking things of yours and hiding them in various places around her room. I about died laughing when I saw this under her pillow the other day:

Your good conduct medal. I'm not so sure she deserves to hold onto that medal, but that is something special the two of you share, so I just try to keep track of it and make sure it doesn't get lost!
So Autumn and I are getting pretty excited about flying Space A. We do not know for sure when we are leaving, but I emailed you the details and as far as I can tell those are the dates/times we will be traveling.

I wish I could see your "sweet" mustache. Maybe you should take a picture of it for us and I hope you shave it before you come home!
I love you. Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo
The count: Day 15
Dora movies and shoes. Interesting....
I have other plans though, in my carry on bag I plan to pack a Therma rest and my sleeping bag. I don't care if nothing else fits in my bag, those items are a must. I am hoping that we will be able to find a decent place to sleep and thanks to some photos from my friend Gloria, it looks like that shouldn't be an issue.
Back to Autumn packing though:
Mom, please don't forget the gajillion Dora movies our neighbors gave us for free (and that we plan to re-gift to Aunt Devonne for Cole and Kaitlyn).
We obviously cannot forget to bring Autumn.
I hope she has that much fun on the C-17. Should be interesting. Maybe we should try to jump out of it and get to experience what Dad does for a living?!!?
So off topic, remember I told you that Autumn was taking things of yours and hiding them in various places around her room. I about died laughing when I saw this under her pillow the other day:
Your good conduct medal. I'm not so sure she deserves to hold onto that medal, but that is something special the two of you share, so I just try to keep track of it and make sure it doesn't get lost!
So Autumn and I are getting pretty excited about flying Space A. We do not know for sure when we are leaving, but I emailed you the details and as far as I can tell those are the dates/times we will be traveling.
I wish I could see your "sweet" mustache. Maybe you should take a picture of it for us and I hope you shave it before you come home!
I love you. Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo
The count: Day 15