A cat nap
Autumn and I have been super lazy today. As a matter of fact, we are both still in our PJ's as I type this. I was considering driving down to Girdwood today, but it has been raining (that is right, I said raining) and was very windy here in Anchorage. Wind in Anchorage usually translates to extreme wind on the Turnagain Arm, so we are just going to play it safe and stay home!
I just remembered a photo I have been meaning to share with you. Autumn would like to request this for her birthday:

I told her she had to ask you! :-)
So you know I'm a bit of a dork. I have subscribed to a website (over two years ago) that predicts the Aurora Borealis. The website is run by the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska. Last week was the first time I have ever received an email from them. The email said something about how the Aurora Borealis has been pretty much inactive for the last three years. TODAY, however, I got another email stating:
We expect auroral activity at least equal to that of Estimated Planetary Index, Kp = 4. A map of the expected midnight distribution of aurora is attached to this email.
Aurora should thus be visible tonight (February 15/16, 2010) from Northern Russia, Southern Scandinavia, Scotland, Iceland, Southern Greenland, The Canadian Maritimes, the northern tier of the United States, and Southern Alaska.
Now I know that a 4 isn't the best number, but it is something! Unfortunately, their website is down so I am unable to determine what time I might be able to see the Northern lights, but I'm going to set my alarm for every two hours and get up and look. Based on the email, I'm guessing my best time might be at midnight, but I'm not sure. I am not leaving Alaska until I get to see the Northern Lights!!!!
That is us in a nut shell. I love you and miss you bunches. Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo

Autumn, Kitty cat, and Pepper (makes it even more difficult to decide what to do with Pepper doesn't it).

106 cat naps without you.
I just remembered a photo I have been meaning to share with you. Autumn would like to request this for her birthday:
I told her she had to ask you! :-)
So you know I'm a bit of a dork. I have subscribed to a website (over two years ago) that predicts the Aurora Borealis. The website is run by the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska. Last week was the first time I have ever received an email from them. The email said something about how the Aurora Borealis has been pretty much inactive for the last three years. TODAY, however, I got another email stating:
We expect auroral activity at least equal to that of Estimated Planetary Index, Kp = 4. A map of the expected midnight distribution of aurora is attached to this email.
Aurora should thus be visible tonight (February 15/16, 2010) from Northern Russia, Southern Scandinavia, Scotland, Iceland, Southern Greenland, The Canadian Maritimes, the northern tier of the United States, and Southern Alaska.
Now I know that a 4 isn't the best number, but it is something! Unfortunately, their website is down so I am unable to determine what time I might be able to see the Northern lights, but I'm going to set my alarm for every two hours and get up and look. Based on the email, I'm guessing my best time might be at midnight, but I'm not sure. I am not leaving Alaska until I get to see the Northern Lights!!!!
That is us in a nut shell. I love you and miss you bunches. Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo
Autumn, Kitty cat, and Pepper (makes it even more difficult to decide what to do with Pepper doesn't it).
106 cat naps without you.