I guess it is pretty obvious my patience is running thin. I am sorry for that. I guess I am just ready for you to come home (even if it doesn't sound like it).
I can hardly believe it, but I am 24 weeks pregnant today. 6 months! The excitement over NH2 is really starting to grow within me. At first, I was all kinds of freaked out, but it is funny how your heart just grows and your love expands. I wonder if it is happening for you too? Or if the reality of a new human hasn't really set in since you have been gone. Anyway, here is how we look:

This morning before we left for the gym, Autumn took my hat off the dresser. She put it on that way!

Cool Autumn and Creepy Pepper.

She has been lugging that toy all over the place (including upstairs to try and take a nap with it). I swear to you it is as heavy as she is! Those are the Hello Kitty magnets I bought her to play with.

A girl on a mission.

Opening the one side up.

She got all excited when she found that box of chalk, but HA! I tossed that chalk away after she colored on the carpet!

Autumn was watching Dora and something upset her, she clasped her hands to her face and said, "OH NO!"

I love that the box has her name on it!
I went to spin class and man I'm telling you, it is HARD! I am hoping that by keeping up with it though that it will translate to an easy delivery come May. It is really working my legs and building up strength in my muscles. Also on the days I go to spin class I go and pump the iron.
Anyway, I'm doing much better today. I love you and miss you.
Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo

93 days of missing you!
I can hardly believe it, but I am 24 weeks pregnant today. 6 months! The excitement over NH2 is really starting to grow within me. At first, I was all kinds of freaked out, but it is funny how your heart just grows and your love expands. I wonder if it is happening for you too? Or if the reality of a new human hasn't really set in since you have been gone. Anyway, here is how we look:
This morning before we left for the gym, Autumn took my hat off the dresser. She put it on that way!
Cool Autumn and Creepy Pepper.
She has been lugging that toy all over the place (including upstairs to try and take a nap with it). I swear to you it is as heavy as she is! Those are the Hello Kitty magnets I bought her to play with.
A girl on a mission.
Opening the one side up.
She got all excited when she found that box of chalk, but HA! I tossed that chalk away after she colored on the carpet!
Autumn was watching Dora and something upset her, she clasped her hands to her face and said, "OH NO!"
I love that the box has her name on it!
I went to spin class and man I'm telling you, it is HARD! I am hoping that by keeping up with it though that it will translate to an easy delivery come May. It is really working my legs and building up strength in my muscles. Also on the days I go to spin class I go and pump the iron.
Anyway, I'm doing much better today. I love you and miss you.
Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo
93 days of missing you!