Chain of Love
Autumn and I have been working on a couple of projects. One of them is a chain of love.

I didn't know exactly what number to start with since we do not have an exact date, but I just made a guess and we will adjust the chain as it gets closer! Basically we made a link for each day that you have left until you get home and every night before bed time, we will tear a link off. We use to do this all the time when I was a kid and we were waiting for my dad to get home.

Autumn helped.

She did pretty good with the glue.

Writing the numbers, not so much.

The final product. You cannot really see it in this picture, but I placed a family photo of us towards the bottom (at Autumn's eye height). As we pull a link off each day, I will move the chain down and it will reveal the family photo.

We do not have enough family photos.

Autumn checking it out.
Our next project was baking. I wasn't sure if Autumn was really ready for this or not, but as you can see, she really had a good time. I think we should encourage this and do whatever we can to enable her to "cook" with us.

Adding the sugar.

Pouring the sugar in.

Ohhhhhhhh it looks good.

Adding the vanilla.

Taking another look.

Using the stand mixer. You see that egg in the little dish. I thought I was being smart breaking it ahead of time and putting it in that bowl. I didn't want Autumn to break the egg into the batter for fear she'd get egg shell in it. I wasn't quite prepared when she stuck her finger in that bowl then put it to her mouth. She just said, "Hmmmmm" and dumped the egg in. It was the only "mishap" we had while baking today!

Adding the salt.

Autumn being bossy. She was telling me to hand her something.

Adding the baking soda.

Getting the flour ready.

Pouring it in.

Adding the chocolate chips.

There we go.... A girl after my own heart.

Mean look!

Autumn finally got the bright idea to taste it!!

Big Bite.


99 days of cooking without you (aka Dad, you should see this crap mom is making me eat!).
I didn't know exactly what number to start with since we do not have an exact date, but I just made a guess and we will adjust the chain as it gets closer! Basically we made a link for each day that you have left until you get home and every night before bed time, we will tear a link off. We use to do this all the time when I was a kid and we were waiting for my dad to get home.
Autumn helped.
She did pretty good with the glue.
Writing the numbers, not so much.
The final product. You cannot really see it in this picture, but I placed a family photo of us towards the bottom (at Autumn's eye height). As we pull a link off each day, I will move the chain down and it will reveal the family photo.
We do not have enough family photos.
Autumn checking it out.
Our next project was baking. I wasn't sure if Autumn was really ready for this or not, but as you can see, she really had a good time. I think we should encourage this and do whatever we can to enable her to "cook" with us.
Adding the sugar.
Pouring the sugar in.
Ohhhhhhhh it looks good.
Adding the vanilla.
Taking another look.
Using the stand mixer. You see that egg in the little dish. I thought I was being smart breaking it ahead of time and putting it in that bowl. I didn't want Autumn to break the egg into the batter for fear she'd get egg shell in it. I wasn't quite prepared when she stuck her finger in that bowl then put it to her mouth. She just said, "Hmmmmm" and dumped the egg in. It was the only "mishap" we had while baking today!
Adding the salt.
Autumn being bossy. She was telling me to hand her something.
Adding the baking soda.
Getting the flour ready.
Pouring it in.
Adding the chocolate chips.
There we go.... A girl after my own heart.
Mean look!
Autumn finally got the bright idea to taste it!!
Big Bite.
99 days of cooking without you (aka Dad, you should see this crap mom is making me eat!).