You know I really dislike writing about any of the ugly stuff that is going on, but sometimes, there is ugly stuff going on.
Our niece Jordan has to have surgery on Friday. It isn't a major surgery, she is getting ear tubes put in, but apparently she had such a bad ear infection (that they couldn't get under control with antibiotics) and is now looking at possibly suffering from some hearing loss. I feel really bad for my sister because she is a struggling single mother and is having a difficult time coming up with the money to take care of Jordan's surgery. I am putting a check in the mail this evening on our way to church.
The other bit of nastiness going on in my life right now- negativity. You ever met someone that is so negative that a mere conversation with them left you feeling completely drained? You gave me some advice about this type of person/relationship last night and well, I listened. I have ceased all communications with this person and I have to tell you it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of me. It feels wrong to cut off a family member though and it was not the way I was raised- you are supposed to love your family no matter what, but this relationship was so toxic. My feelings were really hurt over some of the things that were said- I feel as if the sacrifices our family has made during deployment were made to seem like nothing at all and the life of our unborn child was made to be unimportant. To be honest with you, I am not really sure which one offends me more. I have decided however that I am not going to allow the words of an unhappy person hurt me any longer. I release this burden and will continue to keep this family in my thoughts and prayers.
I went to the gym this morning and was quite shocked to see the parking lot so full. Guess what it was?? A ceremony for returning soldiers. There were such big smiles every where you looked. It made me excited to think about you coming home. I hope that you FINALLY made it off of your FOB today. Not sure when I will talk to you again, but know that Autumn and I are here, waiting and missing you!
Speaking of the gym and daycare, this morning for the first time since Dylan moved away, Autumn asked for Riley when we got there and not Dylan. It kind of threw me off. It was a bittersweet moment. I am glad that she has found a friend in Riley, but we both still miss Dylan so much.
On another note, I had two really hard contractions while I was walking today. The second one actually lasted a whole minute (yeah, I timed it). I immediately got off the treadmill and went and sat down. They stopped. I remember that I did the same thing with Autumn (although I don't remember having braxton hicks as early as 7 months- I believe they started around 8 months and picked up at 9 months). Anyway, I am listening to my body and when it gives me signs like that, I know it is time to slow down. We will be taking it easy the rest of the day. No worries!
This morning Autumn decided she needed to find something in my purse:

So she dumped the entire contents out on to the floor.

What a mess!! You want to know what she was after?

The M&M's Dylan gave her for Valentine's day. How did she know they were hiding in a secret compartment in my purse?? I have no idea!

Autumn has also taken to "stealing" my things. For example, I found my toothpaste, perfume and Purell behind her bed this morning when I changed out her sheets!! She also had:

My deodorant.

Why does she think it goes on her head is beyond me. I tried to show her what to do with it and:

Success?? Sort of!!
As I am sitting here writing this to you, Autumn is:

Standing on her bike.
I am sorry about all the negativity going on in this post. I did my best not to burden you down with the specifics of what happened, besides in the grand scheme of things, it is so petty (even when I think about it) to let it get me down. Please stay safe, come home to us soon! I love you and miss you greatly and even if others do not appreciate the sacrifices you have made for their right to freedom, please know that Autumn and I greatly appreciate all that you and every single service member have sacrificed for us.

115 days of balancing life without you.
Our niece Jordan has to have surgery on Friday. It isn't a major surgery, she is getting ear tubes put in, but apparently she had such a bad ear infection (that they couldn't get under control with antibiotics) and is now looking at possibly suffering from some hearing loss. I feel really bad for my sister because she is a struggling single mother and is having a difficult time coming up with the money to take care of Jordan's surgery. I am putting a check in the mail this evening on our way to church.
The other bit of nastiness going on in my life right now- negativity. You ever met someone that is so negative that a mere conversation with them left you feeling completely drained? You gave me some advice about this type of person/relationship last night and well, I listened. I have ceased all communications with this person and I have to tell you it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of me. It feels wrong to cut off a family member though and it was not the way I was raised- you are supposed to love your family no matter what, but this relationship was so toxic. My feelings were really hurt over some of the things that were said- I feel as if the sacrifices our family has made during deployment were made to seem like nothing at all and the life of our unborn child was made to be unimportant. To be honest with you, I am not really sure which one offends me more. I have decided however that I am not going to allow the words of an unhappy person hurt me any longer. I release this burden and will continue to keep this family in my thoughts and prayers.
I went to the gym this morning and was quite shocked to see the parking lot so full. Guess what it was?? A ceremony for returning soldiers. There were such big smiles every where you looked. It made me excited to think about you coming home. I hope that you FINALLY made it off of your FOB today. Not sure when I will talk to you again, but know that Autumn and I are here, waiting and missing you!
Speaking of the gym and daycare, this morning for the first time since Dylan moved away, Autumn asked for Riley when we got there and not Dylan. It kind of threw me off. It was a bittersweet moment. I am glad that she has found a friend in Riley, but we both still miss Dylan so much.
On another note, I had two really hard contractions while I was walking today. The second one actually lasted a whole minute (yeah, I timed it). I immediately got off the treadmill and went and sat down. They stopped. I remember that I did the same thing with Autumn (although I don't remember having braxton hicks as early as 7 months- I believe they started around 8 months and picked up at 9 months). Anyway, I am listening to my body and when it gives me signs like that, I know it is time to slow down. We will be taking it easy the rest of the day. No worries!
This morning Autumn decided she needed to find something in my purse:
So she dumped the entire contents out on to the floor.
What a mess!! You want to know what she was after?
The M&M's Dylan gave her for Valentine's day. How did she know they were hiding in a secret compartment in my purse?? I have no idea!
Autumn has also taken to "stealing" my things. For example, I found my toothpaste, perfume and Purell behind her bed this morning when I changed out her sheets!! She also had:
My deodorant.
Why does she think it goes on her head is beyond me. I tried to show her what to do with it and:
Success?? Sort of!!
As I am sitting here writing this to you, Autumn is:
Standing on her bike.
I am sorry about all the negativity going on in this post. I did my best not to burden you down with the specifics of what happened, besides in the grand scheme of things, it is so petty (even when I think about it) to let it get me down. Please stay safe, come home to us soon! I love you and miss you greatly and even if others do not appreciate the sacrifices you have made for their right to freedom, please know that Autumn and I greatly appreciate all that you and every single service member have sacrificed for us.
115 days of balancing life without you.