What was I thinking?
I told Angie several weeks ago that I would take her and Riley to the airport and I totally did not mind doing it, but I surely didn't think it out very well. Can you think of a place that Autumn associates with her Daddy?? That is right! The airport. Once we pulled up to the loading zone, Autumn became hysterical, then to make matters worse, Riley was getting out, but Autumn wasn't. I think Autumn went from thinking that Daddy was coming home, to Riley was never coming home. What an awful person I felt like for not even considering how Autumn would feel about it.
SO, we got Angie and Riley off to Florida and then decided we should pick up breakfast to get our mind off of the airport. We got it to go, went home, ate and Autumn watched cartoons while I napped on and off. A few hours later, Autumn came to me and said, "Change me" and was trying to take off her pj's. I was like, well I guess it is time to get dressed and do something fun for Autumn today.
First though:

Saving flint- you never know when you might need that, good idea Autumn.

A penny saved. Whenever Autumn and I go out (and you can assume this will be the case for you when you get home) and I get change, it goes to Autumn. She puts it in her purse and then transfers it to her piggy bank when she gets home. Smart girl!
So I got Autumn dressed and we carefully made our way to:

Chuck E Cheese. Autumn was so excited to see him. We haven't been there in ages!

Wait a minute, where did he go?

Autumn saying hi to Chuck E.
Autumn, Autumn, Autumn, AUTUMN!!!

What do you want woman?? I'm trying to watch Chuck E!!!


Counting her coins.
Autumn picked out most of the games we did today. She really liked the virtual bowling. This however, was not the best idea she ever had:

Putting her face in the ball return. Can we say, FAIL!
Her Favorite game though was in the toddler section, Whack A Mole.

Putting the coin in.


Oh forget it, I'll just use my hands.
I swear to you, out of $10 worth of coins, she put at least $8 in that machine. Every time it ended, she looked like:

Are you serious?

Mom, can I get another coin please?

Action shot!
Trying to get a picture of me and Autumn feels nearly impossible sometimes!

She wasn't even looking!

Attempt number two, a little blurry, but at least we are both smiling.
I am still having some contractions today, but they are really dying down. I've maybe had five now and it is 230 pm. They have lost a lot of intensity too. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate these a 3 max. I think taking it easy, drinking lots of water and not picking Autumn up so much has helped tremendously. Also, Field and the neighbors have been taking care of the driveway which has been a burden off of my mind. I am going to call up Mrs Dietze today and find out if she can be my back up. If something should happen again and I need to go to the hospital, I'd like to know I have some back up.
So that is the skinny with us. I am still feeling very emotional and I have cried a lot today. I keep hoping every day that you have got a flight out and every day that you don't it is such a disappointment. It is hard to feel like you are closer to coming home when you haven't geographically moved anywhere. I just know that Autumn misses you something awful and so do I.
I love you. Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo

117 days of taking frustrations out by beating things!!!
SO, we got Angie and Riley off to Florida and then decided we should pick up breakfast to get our mind off of the airport. We got it to go, went home, ate and Autumn watched cartoons while I napped on and off. A few hours later, Autumn came to me and said, "Change me" and was trying to take off her pj's. I was like, well I guess it is time to get dressed and do something fun for Autumn today.
First though:
Saving flint- you never know when you might need that, good idea Autumn.
A penny saved. Whenever Autumn and I go out (and you can assume this will be the case for you when you get home) and I get change, it goes to Autumn. She puts it in her purse and then transfers it to her piggy bank when she gets home. Smart girl!
So I got Autumn dressed and we carefully made our way to:
Chuck E Cheese. Autumn was so excited to see him. We haven't been there in ages!
Wait a minute, where did he go?
Autumn saying hi to Chuck E.
Autumn, Autumn, Autumn, AUTUMN!!!
What do you want woman?? I'm trying to watch Chuck E!!!
Counting her coins.
Autumn picked out most of the games we did today. She really liked the virtual bowling. This however, was not the best idea she ever had:
Putting her face in the ball return. Can we say, FAIL!
Her Favorite game though was in the toddler section, Whack A Mole.
Putting the coin in.
Oh forget it, I'll just use my hands.
I swear to you, out of $10 worth of coins, she put at least $8 in that machine. Every time it ended, she looked like:
Are you serious?
Mom, can I get another coin please?
Action shot!
Trying to get a picture of me and Autumn feels nearly impossible sometimes!
She wasn't even looking!
Attempt number two, a little blurry, but at least we are both smiling.
I am still having some contractions today, but they are really dying down. I've maybe had five now and it is 230 pm. They have lost a lot of intensity too. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate these a 3 max. I think taking it easy, drinking lots of water and not picking Autumn up so much has helped tremendously. Also, Field and the neighbors have been taking care of the driveway which has been a burden off of my mind. I am going to call up Mrs Dietze today and find out if she can be my back up. If something should happen again and I need to go to the hospital, I'd like to know I have some back up.
So that is the skinny with us. I am still feeling very emotional and I have cried a lot today. I keep hoping every day that you have got a flight out and every day that you don't it is such a disappointment. It is hard to feel like you are closer to coming home when you haven't geographically moved anywhere. I just know that Autumn misses you something awful and so do I.
I love you. Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
117 days of taking frustrations out by beating things!!!