A very "mushy" post.
Considering it is Valentine's Day and all, it only seemed appropriate to make a "mushy" post for you.
Yesterday Autumn and I did find some totally awesome deals on winter gear. Autumn is set for the rest of this winter and I think new human will be OK too. Her new snow suit may be too big to begin with, but until she gets here, we will have no idea how to know that in advance. I am hoping Autumn's snow suit gets her through next winter too, but if we have to get another snow suit, hopefully we can hit up another REI winter clearance sale!!

Sneak peek at Autumn's brand new suit.

Of course she had to bring her purse with her.
We made our way over to Hillberg so that we could visit with:

The dogs.
I bumped into Heather and Marcy Field. She snapped off a few photos for me.

Cherish, Autumn and the musher.

This one includes the dogs too.

This was our view.

You see how clear the sky was. It was a gorgeous day out yesterday.
Here we are mushing. Our musher told me that they had just competed in a 200 mile race (I forget the name of it), but had to scratch after 100 miles. The dogs got overheated. They are going to go for it again next year.
When the ride around the lake ended, Autumn started crying and saying, "more more more." She didn't want it to end.
The musher was trying to console Autumn and took out the one puppy she brought with her.

His name is Noel. He was very sweet and playful and Autumn adored him.
I guess all the excitement from the day finally caught up to Autumn because the second we got in the car, she:

Fell asleep.
Once we got home, I noticed something on the door. At first I thought housing had given me a ticket. I pulled the car in and unloaded all of our stuff, then went to grab whatever was on the door. Apparently there had been a delivery and they left it with our neighbors. I went and knocked on their door and was totally shocked to find two bouquets of flowers.

Autumn was so excited about her flowers she could hardly stand it.

Squeezing a carnation.

She kept saying, "Daddy, pretty" and "happy" over and over again.

Autumn started doing what every little girl does with flowers.

He loves me, he loves me not.

Reading her card.

My flowers!!

When I set my flowers down, Autumn started screaming with delight. It was kind of funny.

Smiling and looking at them like they were for her!

Such a pretty little girl and such a pretty flower arrangement.

Picture perfect.

Squeezing my roses.
Autumn has been receiving packages and cards left and right. It is somewhat problematic because I don't know which ones are for her birthday and which ones might be for Valentine's Day. Cindy gave me a heads up on her package that she sent though, so I knew it was OK to open it. Dylan sent Autumn:

A teddy bear named Cupcake (and smells like chocolate), a candy necklace, a heart filled M&M and a card. It was very sweet.

Autumn sending her BFF a wink.

Happy Valentines Day!
We are going to take it easy today. I'm still not feeling good. We will go to church tonight, but I think we will stay in the rest of the day. Not sure what is on the agenda for tomorrow. It is President's day. I am thinking of another hike potentially depending on weather.
Thank you for our flowers and cards. It was very sweet and very unexpected. I love you and miss you dearly. Your favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo

105 days of loving you.
Yesterday Autumn and I did find some totally awesome deals on winter gear. Autumn is set for the rest of this winter and I think new human will be OK too. Her new snow suit may be too big to begin with, but until she gets here, we will have no idea how to know that in advance. I am hoping Autumn's snow suit gets her through next winter too, but if we have to get another snow suit, hopefully we can hit up another REI winter clearance sale!!
Sneak peek at Autumn's brand new suit.
Of course she had to bring her purse with her.
We made our way over to Hillberg so that we could visit with:
The dogs.
I bumped into Heather and Marcy Field. She snapped off a few photos for me.
Cherish, Autumn and the musher.
This one includes the dogs too.
This was our view.
You see how clear the sky was. It was a gorgeous day out yesterday.
Here we are mushing. Our musher told me that they had just competed in a 200 mile race (I forget the name of it), but had to scratch after 100 miles. The dogs got overheated. They are going to go for it again next year.
When the ride around the lake ended, Autumn started crying and saying, "more more more." She didn't want it to end.
The musher was trying to console Autumn and took out the one puppy she brought with her.
His name is Noel. He was very sweet and playful and Autumn adored him.
I guess all the excitement from the day finally caught up to Autumn because the second we got in the car, she:
Fell asleep.
Once we got home, I noticed something on the door. At first I thought housing had given me a ticket. I pulled the car in and unloaded all of our stuff, then went to grab whatever was on the door. Apparently there had been a delivery and they left it with our neighbors. I went and knocked on their door and was totally shocked to find two bouquets of flowers.
Autumn was so excited about her flowers she could hardly stand it.
Squeezing a carnation.
She kept saying, "Daddy, pretty" and "happy" over and over again.
Autumn started doing what every little girl does with flowers.
He loves me, he loves me not.
Reading her card.
My flowers!!
When I set my flowers down, Autumn started screaming with delight. It was kind of funny.
Smiling and looking at them like they were for her!
Such a pretty little girl and such a pretty flower arrangement.
Picture perfect.
Squeezing my roses.
Autumn has been receiving packages and cards left and right. It is somewhat problematic because I don't know which ones are for her birthday and which ones might be for Valentine's Day. Cindy gave me a heads up on her package that she sent though, so I knew it was OK to open it. Dylan sent Autumn:
A teddy bear named Cupcake (and smells like chocolate), a candy necklace, a heart filled M&M and a card. It was very sweet.
Autumn sending her BFF a wink.
Happy Valentines Day!
We are going to take it easy today. I'm still not feeling good. We will go to church tonight, but I think we will stay in the rest of the day. Not sure what is on the agenda for tomorrow. It is President's day. I am thinking of another hike potentially depending on weather.
Thank you for our flowers and cards. It was very sweet and very unexpected. I love you and miss you dearly. Your favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo
105 days of loving you.