Bring on the Arctic Thunder
Despite a tragic accident one week ago today, the Arctic Thunder Air Show continued on. Sean was supposed to jump from a C-17 during the air show, but all the C-17's/C-130's here at Elmendorf were grounded. Sean still participated in the Air Show with a static display, showing the public some of the equipment that a TACP uses. I decided to take the girls to see their dad, here are the photos.

Autumn hanging out at the HMMWV.

Reindeer sausage.

Learning about the M9.

Andre teaching the kids about the equipment.

Little Angel.

Singing in the rain.

Cleared hot.

My handsome husband.

Strong guy.

Little girl beep.

It's cool.

The thought of Autumn actually driving one of these things is frightening.

Hello little lady.

I was going to put her up there, but she didn't want to do it when I offered. She waited for her daddy. I guess I don't blame her.

Looking sweet and innocent.

Getting ready to jump.

Off she goes.

Emelia and Autumn "talking."

Can you find Roww in this photo of a CH-47 Chinook.

There she is......

Autumn's parasol.

You know, us Alaska girls cannot have too much sun. That sun hardly ever shows itself and Autumn seems to think she needs protection from it.
After the air show, we headed home. We were able to see the blue angels from our house.

Sometimes it is pretty cool to live on an Air Force Base.
Speaking of life on base....

Aha! Our grass is greener!!!!!

Some new photos of Emelia.

Crooked smile.

Worried girl.

Laughing girl.

Can I just say that this little girl just melts my heart.
Tomorrow- the Reindeer farm!
The Jordan's.
Autumn hanging out at the HMMWV.
Reindeer sausage.
Learning about the M9.
Andre teaching the kids about the equipment.
Little Angel.
Singing in the rain.
Cleared hot.
My handsome husband.
Strong guy.
Little girl beep.
It's cool.
The thought of Autumn actually driving one of these things is frightening.
Hello little lady.
I was going to put her up there, but she didn't want to do it when I offered. She waited for her daddy. I guess I don't blame her.
Looking sweet and innocent.
Getting ready to jump.
Off she goes.
Emelia and Autumn "talking."
Can you find Roww in this photo of a CH-47 Chinook.
There she is......
Autumn's parasol.
You know, us Alaska girls cannot have too much sun. That sun hardly ever shows itself and Autumn seems to think she needs protection from it.
After the air show, we headed home. We were able to see the blue angels from our house.
Sometimes it is pretty cool to live on an Air Force Base.
Speaking of life on base....
Aha! Our grass is greener!!!!!
Some new photos of Emelia.
Crooked smile.
Worried girl.
Laughing girl.
Can I just say that this little girl just melts my heart.
Tomorrow- the Reindeer farm!
The Jordan's.