Happy Birthday Sean!
Our day started off wonderful. The girls woke up in pretty good moods. I dropped them off with Angie, got my workout on. Made it back to Angie's around 1115ish. Emelia did great and even took a nap for Angie! I'm excited that things went so well with her and I'm hoping similar results for me on Thursday with Reagan and Riley.
We had a bunch of people over for dinner. I made salsa, marinated the fish, Tara cooked it and I must confess, I liked it. I didn't feel so full at the end of my meal like when you make steak tacos or ground beef tacos. It was just a lighter meal. Tara made some salmon dip that was really good and I loved Angie's gucamole. I have to say my most favorite thing was my salsa. I put the leftovers in a mason jar in the fridge.
On to your birthday. Autumn has been singing happy birthday to you all day. It is so cute. I guess I should have taken a video of it, but it made my heart so happy when she sang it to you over the phone.
On to some pictures.

We've been having really great weather this week.

That girl is such a trouble maker. She was making Autumn so mad by pulling her hat off.

This is a photo from the other day. I call it "what happens when my dad dresses me." Hopefully I didn't already post this on here, but even if I did.... it is SO bad it deserves to be commented on again! I was embarassed to be seen in public with that girl!

We had to celebrate your birthday even though you weren't here. Emelia really likes whipped cream.

Because she has second child syndrome (A ha moment- Sean is a second child....) I had to wipe it off the floor, the carpet, my pants, the fridge, the cabinets......

Autumn harvest had just finished telling me that "my daddy is so cute." I think she is right.
I LOVE YOU and hope you had an awesome birthday. Forgot to ask you if you won that GPS.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
Two days without you.
We had a bunch of people over for dinner. I made salsa, marinated the fish, Tara cooked it and I must confess, I liked it. I didn't feel so full at the end of my meal like when you make steak tacos or ground beef tacos. It was just a lighter meal. Tara made some salmon dip that was really good and I loved Angie's gucamole. I have to say my most favorite thing was my salsa. I put the leftovers in a mason jar in the fridge.
On to your birthday. Autumn has been singing happy birthday to you all day. It is so cute. I guess I should have taken a video of it, but it made my heart so happy when she sang it to you over the phone.
On to some pictures.
We've been having really great weather this week.
That girl is such a trouble maker. She was making Autumn so mad by pulling her hat off.
This is a photo from the other day. I call it "what happens when my dad dresses me." Hopefully I didn't already post this on here, but even if I did.... it is SO bad it deserves to be commented on again! I was embarassed to be seen in public with that girl!
We had to celebrate your birthday even though you weren't here. Emelia really likes whipped cream.
Because she has second child syndrome (A ha moment- Sean is a second child....) I had to wipe it off the floor, the carpet, my pants, the fridge, the cabinets......
Autumn harvest had just finished telling me that "my daddy is so cute." I think she is right.
I LOVE YOU and hope you had an awesome birthday. Forgot to ask you if you won that GPS.
Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
Two days without you.