Sean is home.
I'm so happy to report that Sean made it home today. He said the road conditions were a bit rough at times, but he slowed it down and made it home from Fairbanks.
I have some pictures of the girls playing the piano (again).

Doesn't it look like she is really reading the music?

Talk to the hand mom.

She really does play the piano.... well she makes a lot of noise anyway!

Can someone please explain to me why Autumn Harvest looks like the devil?
Autumn and I went shopping together today. We were looking for Easter dresses. We found some. I'm not especially excited about them, but the girls will look cute in them. I need to find some sweaters to go with them. Pretty sure Autumn has one, just need to get one for Emelia.
While in the shopping store, Autumn climbed into the cart and because she is original, she sat like this:

Boots flopped out and everything.
We came home and grabbed Sean and Emelia and headed out to the park, but found that the park was still socked in with snow. What a bummer......
SO I took these photos instead.

Say What?

There has been a lot of talk about Congress and military pay the last few weeks. It is a subject near and dear to my heart. My dad is retired military, Sean's dad is retired military, we are a single income family and we are facing the possibility of Sean not getting paid (or at least not getting fully paid) come April 15th. At this point, I'm not sure what is going to happen, but we are going to be OK. I am mad about the situation that is going on in Congress, but who am I to judge what they are doing? I am but a lowly housewife who has managed to save a six figure nest egg on one income, military pay at that. What do I know about budgeting or facing difficult situations?
The Jordan's.
I have some pictures of the girls playing the piano (again).
Doesn't it look like she is really reading the music?
Talk to the hand mom.
She really does play the piano.... well she makes a lot of noise anyway!
Can someone please explain to me why Autumn Harvest looks like the devil?
Autumn and I went shopping together today. We were looking for Easter dresses. We found some. I'm not especially excited about them, but the girls will look cute in them. I need to find some sweaters to go with them. Pretty sure Autumn has one, just need to get one for Emelia.
While in the shopping store, Autumn climbed into the cart and because she is original, she sat like this:
Boots flopped out and everything.
We came home and grabbed Sean and Emelia and headed out to the park, but found that the park was still socked in with snow. What a bummer......
SO I took these photos instead.
Say What?
There has been a lot of talk about Congress and military pay the last few weeks. It is a subject near and dear to my heart. My dad is retired military, Sean's dad is retired military, we are a single income family and we are facing the possibility of Sean not getting paid (or at least not getting fully paid) come April 15th. At this point, I'm not sure what is going to happen, but we are going to be OK. I am mad about the situation that is going on in Congress, but who am I to judge what they are doing? I am but a lowly housewife who has managed to save a six figure nest egg on one income, military pay at that. What do I know about budgeting or facing difficult situations?
The Jordan's.