A Spring day in Alaska.
We've been having really nice weather the last few days. It is supposed to stay in the 40's this week. We should get some good melt off these kinds of temperatures. We decided we wanted to do something really fun and exciting, so we loaded the girls up:

Savage #1.

Savage #2, who by the way, stole Autumn's animal crackers and dumped them ALL over the back of the Jeep.
We headed out looking for an adventure.

Autumn was afraid of this particular adventure.

I, however, thought it was pretty.

I guess the loud noise it made sort of freaked Autumn out. To be honest, I screamed like a little girl, it scared me too!!

After having our fun with purple smoke, we headed home to do some clean up in the driveway.

Autumn washing the Jeep.... or spraying me with the hose.

I know this is random, but I discovered this picture in the midst of all my outdoor pictures. Autumn stole the camera, went inside the house and took a picture of my alligator (Sean gave me when we were dating).
Back to outside!

Emelia riding the bike.

Autumn's turn. She has been carrying dinosaur around and that pink bar (from off of her shopping cart) has been used as a bow. She rubs the "bow" over dinosaurs nose and sings "music, music" over and over. I can admit, sometimes Autumn is strange. I call it the Jordan syndrome.

Emelia cracks me up with her devious grins.

How do you brighten up spring in Alaska? With fake flowers of course!

It amazes me how Autumn can go from glaring at me to

Not glaring at me in a matter of moments. 3 to be exact!

Those mountains in the distance, that is what I'll miss the most about Alaska.

Hope you had as much fun on our adventure as we did!
The Jordan's.
Savage #1.
Savage #2, who by the way, stole Autumn's animal crackers and dumped them ALL over the back of the Jeep.
We headed out looking for an adventure.
Autumn was afraid of this particular adventure.
I, however, thought it was pretty.
I guess the loud noise it made sort of freaked Autumn out. To be honest, I screamed like a little girl, it scared me too!!
After having our fun with purple smoke, we headed home to do some clean up in the driveway.
Autumn washing the Jeep.... or spraying me with the hose.
I know this is random, but I discovered this picture in the midst of all my outdoor pictures. Autumn stole the camera, went inside the house and took a picture of my alligator (Sean gave me when we were dating).
Back to outside!
Emelia riding the bike.
Autumn's turn. She has been carrying dinosaur around and that pink bar (from off of her shopping cart) has been used as a bow. She rubs the "bow" over dinosaurs nose and sings "music, music" over and over. I can admit, sometimes Autumn is strange. I call it the Jordan syndrome.
Emelia cracks me up with her devious grins.
How do you brighten up spring in Alaska? With fake flowers of course!
It amazes me how Autumn can go from glaring at me to
Not glaring at me in a matter of moments. 3 to be exact!
Those mountains in the distance, that is what I'll miss the most about Alaska.
Hope you had as much fun on our adventure as we did!
The Jordan's.
You guys kill me being outside with all that snow with no jackets WASHING a car!!!!!!!!! :)