All caught up.
Well, I got you all caught up. I hope you don't mind I split up each day individually, it was just easier for me that way. I guess that means you will have a lot of reading to do.......
So it is Sunday. I need to cut the grass. The girls slept in until 7 am. I had a really hard time getting them moving. They were just not interested. I sat down and figured out my budget for the month. I wrote out my meal plan and then my grocery list. By 930, we were finally out the door.
We ran over to Target first. Autumn needed some new sandals (I know, I know, she has her Keen's and I had her wearing them the WHOLE trip), but she needed a more casual pair, something she could put on quickly to run outside. It is a process for Autumn to get her Keen's on by herself.
We did our shopping in Target and headed over to Publix. By the time we got home, it was 1130. I unloaded the groceries and fed every body. Autumn and Millie both became very cranky. I sent Millie straight to bed. She didn't even fuss. I sent Autumn to her room for quiet time.
You would have thought I was beating the girl. She fussed and carried on and I knew she was just tired, but she was on my last nerve! Finally, Autumn started screaming there was something after her. She points me in the gerneral direction and I discover a wasp. The third one in a little over a week that has managed to infiltrate our home. I get the hairspray and sneak up on his butt end. I sprayed him and he walked up to the ceiling. I got the vacuum and with shaky hands sucked him right up.
I called your mom. Now I am fed up. I knew there were at least two more wasps outside. I just do not know what to do about this. I HATE it. I am so afraid of them. I am in constant worry about when another one will show up. I head outside with the shop vac and get the porch completely cleaned up (which I do regularly). While out there I discover a wasp nests in the light fixture and another one over the window near the grill. I suck up two more wasps and a big thing that looked sort of like a bee, sort of like a wasp. I got rid of the gigantic spider in the corner. It was an eye sore. One wasp came over and tried to attack me and I screamed bloody murder. Then there were three wasps. They all kept flying toward the giant house (which reminds me, there is a shell of a house on the other side of them now!) next door. I walk out the front door and look at our side of the house and saw several wasps flying into the A/C unit.
Your mom and dad make it over and your dad has brought wasp spray and some chemicals to put arond the house. He sprayed the A/C unit and some parts of the fence I saw the wasp at. I also noticed at least one wasp on our chimney... is that how they are getting in????
Your dad sprays the whole entire perimeter of our house. Then we smoke out two wasps from the fireplace. Your dad closed up the flue but discovered it wasn't staying closed, so we taped it shut. Please, let this help fix our problem with the wasp! It is stressing me out!
While your mom and dad were here, Autumn had a complete meltdown. She told me she hated me, she told your mom she hated her. It was a mess. Then she told me she was having a hard time about missing you. She pitched a fit when your parents tried to leave for home and said that everybody leaves her. It was awful. Your parents stayed. I'm so grateful your mom recognized that Autumn really needed her.
RIGHT after your parents left (which Autumn did get upset about), she did this:

Not even 6 pm. I knew all day that she was tired and that was mostly her problem.

Not sure how obvious it is, but Millie is happy to be home!
One of the gifts she received from Grandma Betty was a little cash register.

That girl already knows how to use a credit card!


She was so proud of herself! She even said, "Welcome!"
Millie is in bed now. Autumn woke up about an hour ago and was hungry. I'm not sure how long it will take me to get her off to bed. Hopefully not too long.
I didn't get around to cutting the grass today. Maybe tomorrow, we shall see what our wasp situation looks like tomorrow.
So I found a picture on my phone from our fishing trip we did with you before you left. Since I didn't get a very good photo of square pants, I will share this one.

She was "bizzy"!

Miss Millie.
We love you and miss you very much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The Count: 9 days of fighting wasps without you!!!!!!!!!!!
So it is Sunday. I need to cut the grass. The girls slept in until 7 am. I had a really hard time getting them moving. They were just not interested. I sat down and figured out my budget for the month. I wrote out my meal plan and then my grocery list. By 930, we were finally out the door.
We ran over to Target first. Autumn needed some new sandals (I know, I know, she has her Keen's and I had her wearing them the WHOLE trip), but she needed a more casual pair, something she could put on quickly to run outside. It is a process for Autumn to get her Keen's on by herself.
We did our shopping in Target and headed over to Publix. By the time we got home, it was 1130. I unloaded the groceries and fed every body. Autumn and Millie both became very cranky. I sent Millie straight to bed. She didn't even fuss. I sent Autumn to her room for quiet time.
You would have thought I was beating the girl. She fussed and carried on and I knew she was just tired, but she was on my last nerve! Finally, Autumn started screaming there was something after her. She points me in the gerneral direction and I discover a wasp. The third one in a little over a week that has managed to infiltrate our home. I get the hairspray and sneak up on his butt end. I sprayed him and he walked up to the ceiling. I got the vacuum and with shaky hands sucked him right up.
I called your mom. Now I am fed up. I knew there were at least two more wasps outside. I just do not know what to do about this. I HATE it. I am so afraid of them. I am in constant worry about when another one will show up. I head outside with the shop vac and get the porch completely cleaned up (which I do regularly). While out there I discover a wasp nests in the light fixture and another one over the window near the grill. I suck up two more wasps and a big thing that looked sort of like a bee, sort of like a wasp. I got rid of the gigantic spider in the corner. It was an eye sore. One wasp came over and tried to attack me and I screamed bloody murder. Then there were three wasps. They all kept flying toward the giant house (which reminds me, there is a shell of a house on the other side of them now!) next door. I walk out the front door and look at our side of the house and saw several wasps flying into the A/C unit.
Your mom and dad make it over and your dad has brought wasp spray and some chemicals to put arond the house. He sprayed the A/C unit and some parts of the fence I saw the wasp at. I also noticed at least one wasp on our chimney... is that how they are getting in????
Your dad sprays the whole entire perimeter of our house. Then we smoke out two wasps from the fireplace. Your dad closed up the flue but discovered it wasn't staying closed, so we taped it shut. Please, let this help fix our problem with the wasp! It is stressing me out!
While your mom and dad were here, Autumn had a complete meltdown. She told me she hated me, she told your mom she hated her. It was a mess. Then she told me she was having a hard time about missing you. She pitched a fit when your parents tried to leave for home and said that everybody leaves her. It was awful. Your parents stayed. I'm so grateful your mom recognized that Autumn really needed her.
RIGHT after your parents left (which Autumn did get upset about), she did this:
Not even 6 pm. I knew all day that she was tired and that was mostly her problem.
Not sure how obvious it is, but Millie is happy to be home!
One of the gifts she received from Grandma Betty was a little cash register.
That girl already knows how to use a credit card!
She was so proud of herself! She even said, "Welcome!"
Millie is in bed now. Autumn woke up about an hour ago and was hungry. I'm not sure how long it will take me to get her off to bed. Hopefully not too long.
I didn't get around to cutting the grass today. Maybe tomorrow, we shall see what our wasp situation looks like tomorrow.
So I found a picture on my phone from our fishing trip we did with you before you left. Since I didn't get a very good photo of square pants, I will share this one.
She was "bizzy"!
Miss Millie.
We love you and miss you very much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The Count: 9 days of fighting wasps without you!!!!!!!!!!!