Seeing some progress.
I have been working really hard in the yard. Hours upon hours of work. Do you know I bought my new gloves yesterday and they already have a hole in them. LAME!

This is what it looked like prior to pulling weeds and putting down fertilizer.

After. I thought I was getting the same angle, but I guess not quite. I need to work from the tree towards the huge house, but it is a slow process. I had to quit today because of thunderstorms. Honeslty, who needs a gym membership when you have this much work to do in the yard.

One more shot. Can you tell? Am I wasting my time?
Enough of the yard. Last night I overheard a conversation between Autumn and Katie.
Katie: I love you.
Autumn: I love you too.
Katie: Lets say our prayers.
Autumn: OK.
Both girls: Now I lay me down to sleep, etc, etc, etc. Some stuff in there about watching over daddy and grandma's.
Katie: Autumn, you know if you don't say your prayers every night before bed, you will die.
What on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was only eavesdropping because I thought they had the leappad going. I went in and told Katie I didn't want her saying stuff like that to Autumn and then explained to Autumn that it is nice to say our prayers, but it doesn't mean that we will die if we do not. Good grief!!!!!
Today I did my workout really early and then grabbed the girls and took them down to the lake. There weren't any geese to feed, but there were plenty of other things.

We had some old bread and old hot dog buns.

We saw turtles, ducks and even some fish. Those fish were so scared!!!!


Autumn and Millie were in the double jogger and Katie rode the balance bike. I ended up taking it away from her and making her walk because she kept drifting to the middle of the road. I swear I told her 30 times to get over to the side.
After walking home, we loaded up in the car, dropped our redbox movies off, picked up a Fox's Den pizza (Autumn asked for it!) and then dropped by Publix to pick up 2 gallons of milk. Man, that Millie kills it on milk!

Our Crype Myrtle is sprouting lots more flowers. It looks awesome!

Taking a moment to smell the flowers.
When the missing you gets to be so overwhelming, I take a moment and just wrap myself around the girls. I feel guilty though, because you cannot do that too. I just cannot imagine being in your shoes. You know, Millie keeps walking up to the computer and asking to speak with you. When I told her you were not on the computer right now, she hit me. I guess she misses you in her own way.
I love you. I wish I could hear from you. I saw what happened in the news and it makes me wonder if that is why you aren't around.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The Count: 26 days of missing you.
This is what it looked like prior to pulling weeds and putting down fertilizer.
After. I thought I was getting the same angle, but I guess not quite. I need to work from the tree towards the huge house, but it is a slow process. I had to quit today because of thunderstorms. Honeslty, who needs a gym membership when you have this much work to do in the yard.
One more shot. Can you tell? Am I wasting my time?
Enough of the yard. Last night I overheard a conversation between Autumn and Katie.
Katie: I love you.
Autumn: I love you too.
Katie: Lets say our prayers.
Autumn: OK.
Both girls: Now I lay me down to sleep, etc, etc, etc. Some stuff in there about watching over daddy and grandma's.
Katie: Autumn, you know if you don't say your prayers every night before bed, you will die.
What on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was only eavesdropping because I thought they had the leappad going. I went in and told Katie I didn't want her saying stuff like that to Autumn and then explained to Autumn that it is nice to say our prayers, but it doesn't mean that we will die if we do not. Good grief!!!!!
Today I did my workout really early and then grabbed the girls and took them down to the lake. There weren't any geese to feed, but there were plenty of other things.
We had some old bread and old hot dog buns.
We saw turtles, ducks and even some fish. Those fish were so scared!!!!
Autumn and Millie were in the double jogger and Katie rode the balance bike. I ended up taking it away from her and making her walk because she kept drifting to the middle of the road. I swear I told her 30 times to get over to the side.
After walking home, we loaded up in the car, dropped our redbox movies off, picked up a Fox's Den pizza (Autumn asked for it!) and then dropped by Publix to pick up 2 gallons of milk. Man, that Millie kills it on milk!
Our Crype Myrtle is sprouting lots more flowers. It looks awesome!
Taking a moment to smell the flowers.
When the missing you gets to be so overwhelming, I take a moment and just wrap myself around the girls. I feel guilty though, because you cannot do that too. I just cannot imagine being in your shoes. You know, Millie keeps walking up to the computer and asking to speak with you. When I told her you were not on the computer right now, she hit me. I guess she misses you in her own way.
I love you. I wish I could hear from you. I saw what happened in the news and it makes me wonder if that is why you aren't around.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The Count: 26 days of missing you.