When it comes to our kids and counter tops... they are bad!
I found Millie doing this:

I'm not going to say Autumn taught her to do that or anything, BUT........

There is pretty solid proof that she did!

Personally, I thought it was a nice Sean touch that she opened up all the drawers and even a cabinet or two... She was pleased as punch about her handiwork.
So, I have some news for you. The business with the circuit breaker. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off following everything your dad told me to do, everything MY dad told me to do, everything my grandpa told me to do and I determined at least a few things.
1. GFI = ground fault interrupter.
2. The purpose of a GFI is to disconnect the circuit if there is a leakage current. By detecting small leakage currents (typically 5–30 milliamperes) and disconnecting quickly enough (<30 ms), they may prevent electrocution. (Stolen from wiki).
We had an electrical storm Friday night. Saturday, I realized the pool pump was not working and none of the outlets outside of my house or in the garage were working. This worried me because it turned out my rainbird (sprinkler system) and whirlpool tub were not working either. I was beginning to worry that lightning struck something and shorted out the sprinkler or our tub. I was able to get my outlets working again by
3. Pressing the test button on all the GFI outlets inside our home. Then flipping that circuit in the panel that said "GFI" on it. This made the outlets turn back on. I was then able to determine that the pump to the sprinkler system was fine, it just needed power. Finally, I took the panel of our whirlpool tub and plugged the pump into a different outlet and it worked. So the problem was definitely at the circuit breaker panel.
Now back to Saturday. On Saturday, when I realized the outlets had no power, I went to the circuit breaker panel in my garage and accidentally bumped the test button next to the words "GFI- Whirlpool". When I hit test the circuit breaker threw into the off position. The biggest lesson I am learning about circuit panels/breakers is getting ready to come up!!!
I spent hours trying different things to get that stupid circuit breaker to switch to the on position. Finally, today, I decided that I didn't really need my whirlpool tub to work and rather than going through our home coverage and paying $100, I'd wait until you got home and pay $35 for the part we need. After I talked with you on the computer today, your mom and dad stopped by to bring me some plants. Your dad asked to look at the circuit panel (there was a debate over a master switch). Your dad saw the one breaker that was giving me trouble and pushed it over towards the off position. It moved. OH MY GOD! I am such an idiot!
*************************************** LESSON 4 ************************
When you test a circuit, it only throws the switch half way. You then have to press it the rest of the way towards the off, THEN flip it back on. It stayed on. It works fine. To settle the debate with your dad, there is not a master switch in that circuit panel. I don't know if there is one somewhere else about the house but I cannot find it. I cannot believe I almost paid $100 to have someone flip a switch off and then on. I feel so dumb! I guess you can best believe I won't be making that mistake ever again.
My next question is this..... where is the main water valve shut off? I don't know? No particular reason, just for my knowledge. I am still rather unknowledgeable when it comes to electricity, but I am happy to say that all my outlets are working, my sprinkler system is working, my tub is working, my pool pump is even working.......

Silly face.

Millie's version of a silly face.

She wanted a picture of her tootsie's.

Autumn says she loves you. She has been a bad girl today. She stepped on Millie's stomach (more like stomped on it) while Emelia was asleep. I spanked her and she looked me in the face and said, "that didn't hurt." I took her to her room and spanked her some more. Not sure where that nasty attitude comes from sometimes. Millie was OK, I think it shocked her more than anything.
I love you and miss you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The Count: 16 days of breaking and then fixing things without you.
I found Millie doing this:
I'm not going to say Autumn taught her to do that or anything, BUT........
There is pretty solid proof that she did!
Personally, I thought it was a nice Sean touch that she opened up all the drawers and even a cabinet or two... She was pleased as punch about her handiwork.
So, I have some news for you. The business with the circuit breaker. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off following everything your dad told me to do, everything MY dad told me to do, everything my grandpa told me to do and I determined at least a few things.
1. GFI = ground fault interrupter.
2. The purpose of a GFI is to disconnect the circuit if there is a leakage current. By detecting small leakage currents (typically 5–30 milliamperes) and disconnecting quickly enough (<30 ms), they may prevent electrocution. (Stolen from wiki).
We had an electrical storm Friday night. Saturday, I realized the pool pump was not working and none of the outlets outside of my house or in the garage were working. This worried me because it turned out my rainbird (sprinkler system) and whirlpool tub were not working either. I was beginning to worry that lightning struck something and shorted out the sprinkler or our tub. I was able to get my outlets working again by
3. Pressing the test button on all the GFI outlets inside our home. Then flipping that circuit in the panel that said "GFI" on it. This made the outlets turn back on. I was then able to determine that the pump to the sprinkler system was fine, it just needed power. Finally, I took the panel of our whirlpool tub and plugged the pump into a different outlet and it worked. So the problem was definitely at the circuit breaker panel.
Now back to Saturday. On Saturday, when I realized the outlets had no power, I went to the circuit breaker panel in my garage and accidentally bumped the test button next to the words "GFI- Whirlpool". When I hit test the circuit breaker threw into the off position. The biggest lesson I am learning about circuit panels/breakers is getting ready to come up!!!
I spent hours trying different things to get that stupid circuit breaker to switch to the on position. Finally, today, I decided that I didn't really need my whirlpool tub to work and rather than going through our home coverage and paying $100, I'd wait until you got home and pay $35 for the part we need. After I talked with you on the computer today, your mom and dad stopped by to bring me some plants. Your dad asked to look at the circuit panel (there was a debate over a master switch). Your dad saw the one breaker that was giving me trouble and pushed it over towards the off position. It moved. OH MY GOD! I am such an idiot!
*************************************** LESSON 4 ************************
When you test a circuit, it only throws the switch half way. You then have to press it the rest of the way towards the off, THEN flip it back on. It stayed on. It works fine. To settle the debate with your dad, there is not a master switch in that circuit panel. I don't know if there is one somewhere else about the house but I cannot find it. I cannot believe I almost paid $100 to have someone flip a switch off and then on. I feel so dumb! I guess you can best believe I won't be making that mistake ever again.
My next question is this..... where is the main water valve shut off? I don't know? No particular reason, just for my knowledge. I am still rather unknowledgeable when it comes to electricity, but I am happy to say that all my outlets are working, my sprinkler system is working, my tub is working, my pool pump is even working.......
Silly face.
Millie's version of a silly face.
She wanted a picture of her tootsie's.
Autumn says she loves you. She has been a bad girl today. She stepped on Millie's stomach (more like stomped on it) while Emelia was asleep. I spanked her and she looked me in the face and said, "that didn't hurt." I took her to her room and spanked her some more. Not sure where that nasty attitude comes from sometimes. Millie was OK, I think it shocked her more than anything.
I love you and miss you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The Count: 16 days of breaking and then fixing things without you.