Three Ring Circus.
Even though the girls were all out of bed before 8 am, it was like pulling teeth to get them all out the door. I wanted to walk down to the lake and feed the geese before we headed out for the day. They procrastinated to a point that I cancelled that and just headed out to Lowe's.
I needed to get some weed/grass killer for the flower beds and some Thompson's waterseal for the deck/fence.

There is Millie again!

After day dreaming about owning one of these bad boys, I loaded the girls up in one of those carts where there is a 3 point harness. That was kind of a mess, but once everyone was in, we were set. We went all over the store looking for what we needed and after we checked out, we had to walk miles upon miles to get to the car.
I was tickling the girls and listening to them scream when a man walked up to me and told me he saw me loading everyone up and he was the guy I almost took out when I rounded a corner to quickly in those freaking terrible carts they give you to push around your 18 children in. Anyway, he told me he wished he had cotton candy and popcorn so that he could stick around and watch our three ring circus we had going on. It was funny.
Once we got home, I had a little problem I needed to work on.

For those that do not know..... MILLIE climbed in my cabinet and relieved herself. I thought I smelled something awful in my kitchen yesterday, but it did not occur to me to look for the culprit in my cabinets. I thought something funky must be in the garbage. When I went to make breakfast this morning, I discovered the dirty deed. Sean, I've lysoled it, I've oxicleaned it, I have even bleached it. It still smells. Even after airing it out, I closed it up and walked by a few minutes ago and it still stinks. I think we may end up having to rip the bottom out and replacing it. I cannot believe this. Millie is the uber destroyer.
Back to my day. I have started up my Insanity again. I did the fit test yesterday and while I have improved on some of the areas, I've lost fitness/strength in others. Today was the first real workout I've done in weeks.

I know this isn't a fabulous picture, but Millie was working out with me. She was "jogging."

And stretching.
Once I finished my workout, I put Millie down for her nap and Autumn and Katie made cupcakes.

Autumn teaching Katie a thing or two around the kitchen.

Once Millie woke up

The playing and dancing began.

The girls loved the Pink channel on Pandora.

Pig pile on Katie.
I have to tell you. Katie gave me a hard time about lunch today because there were peas (which our girls love by the way). I made a deal with her that I wouldn't fuss about eating lunch if she ate all her dinner. She said she would. Dinner time rolls around and Katie picked out pancakes. I made pancakes and cut up some strawberries. She wouldn't eat the strawberries. I asked her why and she said she doesn't eat them very often. I told her that if she wanted her cupcake that she made, she would eat her strawberry (she didn't even have a whole one, she had a half of a singular strawberry). While I was waiting for Katie to eat it, Sarah called. Now starts the waterworks. I want my mom, I want to go home. I told Sarah I would have to call her back. After about 3 or 4 more minutes, Katie finally gagged down her "sour" strawberry. I guess when you eat sugar all day long, a strawberry might taste sour to you. I have never been in this situation before. I didn't like it. I gave her the cupcake when she was done and had a talk with her about eating healthy and what not. I did not want her to think I was being mean to her. Anyway, I call Sarah back and let Katie talk to her and she started crying again. Pretty sure that was for her mom's benefit because she was fine before and AFTER the phone call. One more week and then my mom comes to get her. I wonder how the rest of this week will go.
I read the label on the back of the water sealer and it said you needed to prep the wood with a deck wash. You put it on and let that set for approx 30 minutes and then hose it off. I need to go back and look for that. I'm glad I didn't do much as far as yard work today because we had some pretty wicked storms move through.
I miss you so much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 25 days of spinning without you.
I needed to get some weed/grass killer for the flower beds and some Thompson's waterseal for the deck/fence.
There is Millie again!
After day dreaming about owning one of these bad boys, I loaded the girls up in one of those carts where there is a 3 point harness. That was kind of a mess, but once everyone was in, we were set. We went all over the store looking for what we needed and after we checked out, we had to walk miles upon miles to get to the car.
I was tickling the girls and listening to them scream when a man walked up to me and told me he saw me loading everyone up and he was the guy I almost took out when I rounded a corner to quickly in those freaking terrible carts they give you to push around your 18 children in. Anyway, he told me he wished he had cotton candy and popcorn so that he could stick around and watch our three ring circus we had going on. It was funny.
Once we got home, I had a little problem I needed to work on.
For those that do not know..... MILLIE climbed in my cabinet and relieved herself. I thought I smelled something awful in my kitchen yesterday, but it did not occur to me to look for the culprit in my cabinets. I thought something funky must be in the garbage. When I went to make breakfast this morning, I discovered the dirty deed. Sean, I've lysoled it, I've oxicleaned it, I have even bleached it. It still smells. Even after airing it out, I closed it up and walked by a few minutes ago and it still stinks. I think we may end up having to rip the bottom out and replacing it. I cannot believe this. Millie is the uber destroyer.
Back to my day. I have started up my Insanity again. I did the fit test yesterday and while I have improved on some of the areas, I've lost fitness/strength in others. Today was the first real workout I've done in weeks.
I know this isn't a fabulous picture, but Millie was working out with me. She was "jogging."
And stretching.
Once I finished my workout, I put Millie down for her nap and Autumn and Katie made cupcakes.
Autumn teaching Katie a thing or two around the kitchen.
Once Millie woke up
The playing and dancing began.
The girls loved the Pink channel on Pandora.
Pig pile on Katie.
I have to tell you. Katie gave me a hard time about lunch today because there were peas (which our girls love by the way). I made a deal with her that I wouldn't fuss about eating lunch if she ate all her dinner. She said she would. Dinner time rolls around and Katie picked out pancakes. I made pancakes and cut up some strawberries. She wouldn't eat the strawberries. I asked her why and she said she doesn't eat them very often. I told her that if she wanted her cupcake that she made, she would eat her strawberry (she didn't even have a whole one, she had a half of a singular strawberry). While I was waiting for Katie to eat it, Sarah called. Now starts the waterworks. I want my mom, I want to go home. I told Sarah I would have to call her back. After about 3 or 4 more minutes, Katie finally gagged down her "sour" strawberry. I guess when you eat sugar all day long, a strawberry might taste sour to you. I have never been in this situation before. I didn't like it. I gave her the cupcake when she was done and had a talk with her about eating healthy and what not. I did not want her to think I was being mean to her. Anyway, I call Sarah back and let Katie talk to her and she started crying again. Pretty sure that was for her mom's benefit because she was fine before and AFTER the phone call. One more week and then my mom comes to get her. I wonder how the rest of this week will go.
I read the label on the back of the water sealer and it said you needed to prep the wood with a deck wash. You put it on and let that set for approx 30 minutes and then hose it off. I need to go back and look for that. I'm glad I didn't do much as far as yard work today because we had some pretty wicked storms move through.
I miss you so much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 25 days of spinning without you.