Oven Toasted Ravioli.
I tried to get a picture of the kittens.

This was the best I could get. They are so frightened and apparently I made mom made by chasing them off the back porch because she pulled a Pepper all the way through the back yard.
So I called Animal control like 5 times today and finally got someone to answer. I am being put on the waiting list for a cat trap. UGH! The woman said that they were so back logged because of 1. The epidemic of stray cats and 2. People are not returning the free cat traps they have handed out. Then the woman proceeds to ask me what would I like her to do about it...
Can I just explain to you that this is the second time in like twelve hours I have completely blessed someone out! First of all, I said, what is the name of the place that you work at lady? She says animal control. I said, exactly. She was confused. OK, let me break this down for you dumb dumb. I would like you to get some animal control. I told her if there is a problem with people returning the cat traps, perhaps you should send an enforcement officer out to pick them up and redistribute.
Perhaps you should ENFORCE some animal control. IDIOTS! So basically, the cat epidemic that is going on in our backyard is our problem. I am going to go and look for a cat trap tomorrow at the True Value place or whatever that is near My Church.
This morning I did my workout and then mowed the lawn. After that, I decided the pool needed more water so I plopped the hose in there and then told myself not to forget it which means I immediately dumped that information from my brain and went inside, fixed lunch and sat down for a few minutes. After lunch I was talking with my mom on the phone and sitting outside for a moment when all of a sudden it occured to me that the sound of waterfalls in the backyard was indeed, the sound of waterfalls. OUCH!
So these next few sets of pictures have multiple purposes. 1. You can see the water level. 2. Autumn is trying to do a hand stand. 3. You get a good look at the grass.

Flipping out of the float.

Hi Millie. Thank you for not drowning.

Hand stand.

Hand stand.

Hand stand.

Millie got pretty mad at me today. She flipped out of the float I was laying on and I didn't help her get up. It wasn't that I was paralyzed with fear or anything or that I have a cold black heart, but this is at least the second time she has gone under the water with me right there and hasn't rescued herself. It probably took her ten seconds or so, but when she finally popped her head up out of the water, she hit me. Once she caught her breath she said the following, "millie. Mad. Mommy. Go to bed. Now." So, I took her inside and put her down for a nap.
Autumn and I continued to swim.


This girl,

Is gross.
We got dried up and finally mediacom made it over about 315. The guy said there wasn't anything wrong with any of the equipment and that he thinks the man who has been out on Jackson road (and I've seen multiple times since having outages) was messing with stuff and it caused problems for our internet. He replaced some of the cables because they were "old." I flipped on my TV and he got rid of our TV channels and I asked him if that was what was causing the problem. He said no and I said, oh, so you are just taking our tv away? He put it back.
He did make a point of telling me that he didn't realize there was a big, heavy weight sitting on the filing cabinet in front of the cable outlet he was messing with. He was referring to my kettle bell. It is ten pounds. I got a smile on my face and asked him, did he want me to come and move it for him? Tool!
Now that I am up and running on the internet again, I was able to show the girls your picture of Walden. They loved it! I'll post it in a moment.
Autumn's favorite movie lately is Pinnochio. I know you already know this, but she has been watching it a lot the last few days. Today I heard her say at least four completely ridiculous things.
1. To Millie, Autumn says, "Always let your conscience be your guide."
2. To Millie, Autumn says, "Millie, you should always be conscience."
3. To the world in general, "I have no strings to tie me down, I am free, I am free."
4. To the world in general, "We need some more cricket consciences."
We all cooked dinner. The girls had Ravioli, spaghetti and garlic bread and I had oven toasted ravioli. It was good!

Really great helpers right there!
I love you and miss you so much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The Count: 38 days of asking where's Walden? (PSST Autumn wanted to know what an Osprey was... I was like, I don't know, do I look like I was in the Air Force?) Lastly, I LOVE that big, bad Sean the bomb doesn't mind taking pictures with Walden! I'd like to know who was behind the camera?
This was the best I could get. They are so frightened and apparently I made mom made by chasing them off the back porch because she pulled a Pepper all the way through the back yard.
So I called Animal control like 5 times today and finally got someone to answer. I am being put on the waiting list for a cat trap. UGH! The woman said that they were so back logged because of 1. The epidemic of stray cats and 2. People are not returning the free cat traps they have handed out. Then the woman proceeds to ask me what would I like her to do about it...
Can I just explain to you that this is the second time in like twelve hours I have completely blessed someone out! First of all, I said, what is the name of the place that you work at lady? She says animal control. I said, exactly. She was confused. OK, let me break this down for you dumb dumb. I would like you to get some animal control. I told her if there is a problem with people returning the cat traps, perhaps you should send an enforcement officer out to pick them up and redistribute.
Perhaps you should ENFORCE some animal control. IDIOTS! So basically, the cat epidemic that is going on in our backyard is our problem. I am going to go and look for a cat trap tomorrow at the True Value place or whatever that is near My Church.
This morning I did my workout and then mowed the lawn. After that, I decided the pool needed more water so I plopped the hose in there and then told myself not to forget it which means I immediately dumped that information from my brain and went inside, fixed lunch and sat down for a few minutes. After lunch I was talking with my mom on the phone and sitting outside for a moment when all of a sudden it occured to me that the sound of waterfalls in the backyard was indeed, the sound of waterfalls. OUCH!
So these next few sets of pictures have multiple purposes. 1. You can see the water level. 2. Autumn is trying to do a hand stand. 3. You get a good look at the grass.
Flipping out of the float.
Hi Millie. Thank you for not drowning.
Hand stand.
Hand stand.
Hand stand.
Millie got pretty mad at me today. She flipped out of the float I was laying on and I didn't help her get up. It wasn't that I was paralyzed with fear or anything or that I have a cold black heart, but this is at least the second time she has gone under the water with me right there and hasn't rescued herself. It probably took her ten seconds or so, but when she finally popped her head up out of the water, she hit me. Once she caught her breath she said the following, "millie. Mad. Mommy. Go to bed. Now." So, I took her inside and put her down for a nap.
Autumn and I continued to swim.
This girl,
Is gross.
We got dried up and finally mediacom made it over about 315. The guy said there wasn't anything wrong with any of the equipment and that he thinks the man who has been out on Jackson road (and I've seen multiple times since having outages) was messing with stuff and it caused problems for our internet. He replaced some of the cables because they were "old." I flipped on my TV and he got rid of our TV channels and I asked him if that was what was causing the problem. He said no and I said, oh, so you are just taking our tv away? He put it back.
He did make a point of telling me that he didn't realize there was a big, heavy weight sitting on the filing cabinet in front of the cable outlet he was messing with. He was referring to my kettle bell. It is ten pounds. I got a smile on my face and asked him, did he want me to come and move it for him? Tool!
Now that I am up and running on the internet again, I was able to show the girls your picture of Walden. They loved it! I'll post it in a moment.
Autumn's favorite movie lately is Pinnochio. I know you already know this, but she has been watching it a lot the last few days. Today I heard her say at least four completely ridiculous things.
1. To Millie, Autumn says, "Always let your conscience be your guide."
2. To Millie, Autumn says, "Millie, you should always be conscience."
3. To the world in general, "I have no strings to tie me down, I am free, I am free."
4. To the world in general, "We need some more cricket consciences."
We all cooked dinner. The girls had Ravioli, spaghetti and garlic bread and I had oven toasted ravioli. It was good!
Really great helpers right there!
I love you and miss you so much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The Count: 38 days of asking where's Walden? (PSST Autumn wanted to know what an Osprey was... I was like, I don't know, do I look like I was in the Air Force?) Lastly, I LOVE that big, bad Sean the bomb doesn't mind taking pictures with Walden! I'd like to know who was behind the camera?