Off to church.
While Katie was here, Autumn got the fantastic idea to do the dishes all by herself. Besides things not being at the right height for her, she did an excellent job!

Even better, she enjoyed it!
After taking care of dinner operations, the girls

Hung out in Autumn's room watching a movie. I'm sure most people won't notice, but Autumn's blanket had to be washed. I don't know what on earth I found on it, but when I changed out the linens this weekend, there was a suspicious spot on it. I didn't want to send her to bed with no blanket, so she got the infamous "cat blanket." Autumn told me the Tiger was scary at first, but I told her the Tiger would protect her. She got in and told me the cat blanket was so softy. She loved it!
The girls went to bed with no problems and slept through the night last night. I think we all needed that. I was up first this morning and caught sight of stupid cat, stupid cat twin and two kittens. This is a problem I intend to take care of soon.
After feeding OUR cats, I made myself and omlette, again! Then got us all ready for church.

The girls were adorable and just about everyone we met today commented on them.

Autumn, can you give me a regular smile? Sure, I'll just hide my face!

Now I'm grouchy!!! Talk about moody. Is this what the teenage years have in store for us?
I had a big, long talk with Autumn today. I told her that you had to go away for work and that you did not want to go, but you had to. I also told her that you miss her very much and think about her all the time. I told her that you felt sad sometimes about having to be away and that you wished you could be here, playing hide and seek or matching game with her. I asked her if she understood what I was saying and she asked me the following. "So my daddy is not mad at me? He doesn't think I am a bad girl?" I told her no, that you think she is a good little girl who is very smart. She said, "well, I am smart." Then she said, "If daddy is sad, maybe we should send Millie to him." Uh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That girl!!!
I had a very lovely time at church. The girls went into the same room at the nursery which relieved my worry of Millie flipping out. They did great together. I told Autumn to look after Millie for me while I went to Sunday school and she told me that she would. When I picked them up after worship service, the lady in the nursery (JJ's mom) told me that they did very well together and then asked me if they always do so well together. She said that Autumn was paying close attention to Millie's needs. I knew she would!
I very much enjoyed the Sunday school class I was in and I plan to go back next week. I found a support group for spouses who have deployed loved ones and they meet up once a month in a kid friendly environment. I think I'm going to hit that up too. Anyway, the girls also said they had a good time there.
After church Autumn wanted to stop by and see your mom and dad.


Millie loved wearing that dress. I am so glad it fit! I was also able to find her shoes from Autumn's old stash of shoes!
I think Autumn guilted your mom into it or maybe it is just a thing that she has a hard time to say no to Autumn, but Autumn asked your mom and dad to go to lunch with us. They had already eaten, but told Autumn that yes, they would go to lunch with us.

We went to Olive Garden. I had lasagna fritta, which was delicous! The girls had copious amounts of spaghetti. Your parents paid, although I tried to get the check. They only had dessert. They insisted they pay. The girls behaved quite well and ate their salad, bread sticks and spaghetti.

Auutmn's "new smile." Your dad told me today there was a time frame when you tried to do that "smile" in every picture. I'm starting to think it is hereditary.
After eating lunch, we headed home, put on swim suits and you guessed it.... we went swimming. Now we are insie, cooling off, chilling out and getting ready to reheat our leftovers from lumch. Overall, a very lovely Sunday.
I love you and miss you so much!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 37 days of chilling out without you.
Even better, she enjoyed it!
After taking care of dinner operations, the girls
Hung out in Autumn's room watching a movie. I'm sure most people won't notice, but Autumn's blanket had to be washed. I don't know what on earth I found on it, but when I changed out the linens this weekend, there was a suspicious spot on it. I didn't want to send her to bed with no blanket, so she got the infamous "cat blanket." Autumn told me the Tiger was scary at first, but I told her the Tiger would protect her. She got in and told me the cat blanket was so softy. She loved it!
The girls went to bed with no problems and slept through the night last night. I think we all needed that. I was up first this morning and caught sight of stupid cat, stupid cat twin and two kittens. This is a problem I intend to take care of soon.
After feeding OUR cats, I made myself and omlette, again! Then got us all ready for church.
The girls were adorable and just about everyone we met today commented on them.
Autumn, can you give me a regular smile? Sure, I'll just hide my face!
Now I'm grouchy!!! Talk about moody. Is this what the teenage years have in store for us?
I had a big, long talk with Autumn today. I told her that you had to go away for work and that you did not want to go, but you had to. I also told her that you miss her very much and think about her all the time. I told her that you felt sad sometimes about having to be away and that you wished you could be here, playing hide and seek or matching game with her. I asked her if she understood what I was saying and she asked me the following. "So my daddy is not mad at me? He doesn't think I am a bad girl?" I told her no, that you think she is a good little girl who is very smart. She said, "well, I am smart." Then she said, "If daddy is sad, maybe we should send Millie to him." Uh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That girl!!!
I had a very lovely time at church. The girls went into the same room at the nursery which relieved my worry of Millie flipping out. They did great together. I told Autumn to look after Millie for me while I went to Sunday school and she told me that she would. When I picked them up after worship service, the lady in the nursery (JJ's mom) told me that they did very well together and then asked me if they always do so well together. She said that Autumn was paying close attention to Millie's needs. I knew she would!
I very much enjoyed the Sunday school class I was in and I plan to go back next week. I found a support group for spouses who have deployed loved ones and they meet up once a month in a kid friendly environment. I think I'm going to hit that up too. Anyway, the girls also said they had a good time there.
After church Autumn wanted to stop by and see your mom and dad.
Millie loved wearing that dress. I am so glad it fit! I was also able to find her shoes from Autumn's old stash of shoes!
I think Autumn guilted your mom into it or maybe it is just a thing that she has a hard time to say no to Autumn, but Autumn asked your mom and dad to go to lunch with us. They had already eaten, but told Autumn that yes, they would go to lunch with us.
We went to Olive Garden. I had lasagna fritta, which was delicous! The girls had copious amounts of spaghetti. Your parents paid, although I tried to get the check. They only had dessert. They insisted they pay. The girls behaved quite well and ate their salad, bread sticks and spaghetti.
Auutmn's "new smile." Your dad told me today there was a time frame when you tried to do that "smile" in every picture. I'm starting to think it is hereditary.
After eating lunch, we headed home, put on swim suits and you guessed it.... we went swimming. Now we are insie, cooling off, chilling out and getting ready to reheat our leftovers from lumch. Overall, a very lovely Sunday.
I love you and miss you so much!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 37 days of chilling out without you.