This morning I loaded the Jeep up with the single jogger, the double jogger, both our daughters, my paperwork for Autumn's school and off we went. So the thing is, I forgot at least 3 things.
1. My purse.
2. The air pump.
3. Millie's glasses.
We headed over to Autumn's school and I remembered the name of the lady I spoke to on the phone (Miriam Smith). I think she remembered me too. I told her that I wanted to register my daughter for school and she asked me if I had the paperwork we discussed. I said I did. I sat down and started filling out some papers she gave me.
This woman walks out into the lobby, from the office and she gave me pause. She was wearing gray sweatpants and a very baggy gray sweatshirt. She had something on her head that almost looked like wings and for the life of me I could not figure out why on earth a professional was wearing sweatpants to work and then what was going on with the stuff on her head?
Autumn shouts out, "You are an elephant!"
She says, "I'm so glad you figured that out. My husband thought I looked like an angel."
Cherish (to myself).... oh, that makes more sense. Sort of.... An elephant?
The lady, "I'm Horton from the Dr Seuss story. It is Dr Seuss' birthday."
Cherish (to myself).... Autumn just about predicted this when she talked about "elephantry school" yesterday. This was divined to be. The moment Mrs Green, the school principal, walked out as Horton the elephant, I noticed an immediate change in Autumn's demeanor. She went from being nervous and not so happy about elephantry school to excited and happy. I think Autumn is going to do fantastic when it is time for school.
So we left and went back to the house where I grabbed my purse and Millie's glasses. I arrived at Fall Line Trace and just moments later, so did Tricia. I started pulling out the joggers and noticed right away that the tires were really low on the single. I start digging around and realize the pump is at the house. I told Tricia that thing would be a beast to push (this was her first time with a jogger) with the tires so low. I ran home grabbed the pump, came back and got the tires inflated.
Off we went. We were going along nicely and decided we would do a 5 miler. The first half mile was going just fine and then at 0.9 miles....

A big tree. I paused my Garmin and went to inspect. We were going to see if there was any way to move the tree ourselves. It didn't take very long to figure out that that was not going to be happening. We inspected either side of the trail and that was not going to happen either. I told Tricia we could just run back and forth to the trail head several times, so that is what we did. When we were done running, I called Parks and Rec and told them there was a tree down on Fall Line Trace at mile marker 9.6. The guy says, where is it. I explain again, Fall Line Trace at mile marker 9.6. Can you describe where the area is? Uhm, are you serious? I have just told you TWICE EXACTLY where it is? This guy was repeating to another guy. I said to him, repeat after me, EXACTLY. Fall Line Trace Mile Marker 9.6. He obliged. The other man said, I know exactly where that is, we will get someone out there. Thank goodness, a man with brains.
The rest of my post is really going to be ALL over the place. Are you ready for it?

Crazy hat day. Happy birthday Dr Seuss.

This is our road, in front of our neighbors house.

That is Sly and Deb/Bev's driveway. Prisoners have taken a jack hammer to it and now there is loose gravel in there. I hope they are planning to do something else with it because the gravel is already all over the place.

This was my breakfast yesterday. French Toast with a dollop (OK, maybe that is an exaggeration) of cream cheese and piping hot coffee. It was sooooooo good! Would have been better if you made it, but I did an alright job.

Listening to Autumn on the playground. Some of the girls came over to the fence and then shouted for Autumn... "your mom is out here again Autumn."
Autumn: I know. I saw her.
Autumn waves, so I wave back. Ten minutes later when she is getting in the car....
Autumn: I saw you waving through the roof with your creepy hand.
Miss Keri and I bust a gut laughing.
Something you may not know...

I'm going through a jar (the big one) of peanut butter about every 3 to 4 weeks. I take peanut butter in my smoothie, daily. I was using almond butter, but peanut butter is so much smoother.

Do you know how much salad is consumed between Autumn and me? A LOT! We both eat at least one salad daily. We sure are addicted to it.

Waiting for your mom and dad to visit. The girls made up this game they call "monsters." They go and count (together) and then your dad has to hide somewhere. The girls then go and look for him and when they find him, he shouts and scares them. They love it and will play it for hours. Are you ready because it will be your turn to do it soon.

My name is Cherish and two days in a row I got shampoo in my eye ball. It hurts!!!!!!! At the Homefront meeting last night I was asked, "are you getting pink eye?" HA HA HA No, I'm just very special when it comes to using shampoo.
My last picture for tonight, and this one makes me laugh!!

I am also special and do not know my own address. Thanks for nothing post office!!!
We decided on chinese food for dinner and redbox movies (normally Thursday is movie night, but it didn't work out this week). Tomorrows agenda: Sam's and cleaning. Leftovers for dinner.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 119 days of how did I get here?
1. My purse.
2. The air pump.
3. Millie's glasses.
We headed over to Autumn's school and I remembered the name of the lady I spoke to on the phone (Miriam Smith). I think she remembered me too. I told her that I wanted to register my daughter for school and she asked me if I had the paperwork we discussed. I said I did. I sat down and started filling out some papers she gave me.
This woman walks out into the lobby, from the office and she gave me pause. She was wearing gray sweatpants and a very baggy gray sweatshirt. She had something on her head that almost looked like wings and for the life of me I could not figure out why on earth a professional was wearing sweatpants to work and then what was going on with the stuff on her head?
Autumn shouts out, "You are an elephant!"
She says, "I'm so glad you figured that out. My husband thought I looked like an angel."
Cherish (to myself).... oh, that makes more sense. Sort of.... An elephant?
The lady, "I'm Horton from the Dr Seuss story. It is Dr Seuss' birthday."
Cherish (to myself).... Autumn just about predicted this when she talked about "elephantry school" yesterday. This was divined to be. The moment Mrs Green, the school principal, walked out as Horton the elephant, I noticed an immediate change in Autumn's demeanor. She went from being nervous and not so happy about elephantry school to excited and happy. I think Autumn is going to do fantastic when it is time for school.
So we left and went back to the house where I grabbed my purse and Millie's glasses. I arrived at Fall Line Trace and just moments later, so did Tricia. I started pulling out the joggers and noticed right away that the tires were really low on the single. I start digging around and realize the pump is at the house. I told Tricia that thing would be a beast to push (this was her first time with a jogger) with the tires so low. I ran home grabbed the pump, came back and got the tires inflated.
Off we went. We were going along nicely and decided we would do a 5 miler. The first half mile was going just fine and then at 0.9 miles....
A big tree. I paused my Garmin and went to inspect. We were going to see if there was any way to move the tree ourselves. It didn't take very long to figure out that that was not going to be happening. We inspected either side of the trail and that was not going to happen either. I told Tricia we could just run back and forth to the trail head several times, so that is what we did. When we were done running, I called Parks and Rec and told them there was a tree down on Fall Line Trace at mile marker 9.6. The guy says, where is it. I explain again, Fall Line Trace at mile marker 9.6. Can you describe where the area is? Uhm, are you serious? I have just told you TWICE EXACTLY where it is? This guy was repeating to another guy. I said to him, repeat after me, EXACTLY. Fall Line Trace Mile Marker 9.6. He obliged. The other man said, I know exactly where that is, we will get someone out there. Thank goodness, a man with brains.
The rest of my post is really going to be ALL over the place. Are you ready for it?
Crazy hat day. Happy birthday Dr Seuss.
This is our road, in front of our neighbors house.
That is Sly and Deb/Bev's driveway. Prisoners have taken a jack hammer to it and now there is loose gravel in there. I hope they are planning to do something else with it because the gravel is already all over the place.
This was my breakfast yesterday. French Toast with a dollop (OK, maybe that is an exaggeration) of cream cheese and piping hot coffee. It was sooooooo good! Would have been better if you made it, but I did an alright job.
Listening to Autumn on the playground. Some of the girls came over to the fence and then shouted for Autumn... "your mom is out here again Autumn."
Autumn: I know. I saw her.
Autumn waves, so I wave back. Ten minutes later when she is getting in the car....
Autumn: I saw you waving through the roof with your creepy hand.
Miss Keri and I bust a gut laughing.
Something you may not know...
I'm going through a jar (the big one) of peanut butter about every 3 to 4 weeks. I take peanut butter in my smoothie, daily. I was using almond butter, but peanut butter is so much smoother.
Do you know how much salad is consumed between Autumn and me? A LOT! We both eat at least one salad daily. We sure are addicted to it.
Waiting for your mom and dad to visit. The girls made up this game they call "monsters." They go and count (together) and then your dad has to hide somewhere. The girls then go and look for him and when they find him, he shouts and scares them. They love it and will play it for hours. Are you ready because it will be your turn to do it soon.
My name is Cherish and two days in a row I got shampoo in my eye ball. It hurts!!!!!!! At the Homefront meeting last night I was asked, "are you getting pink eye?" HA HA HA No, I'm just very special when it comes to using shampoo.
My last picture for tonight, and this one makes me laugh!!
I am also special and do not know my own address. Thanks for nothing post office!!!
We decided on chinese food for dinner and redbox movies (normally Thursday is movie night, but it didn't work out this week). Tomorrows agenda: Sam's and cleaning. Leftovers for dinner.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 119 days of how did I get here?