Weak Sister.
No, not Jules.... me. My tummy has hurt me all day. I do not think I have what Millie has, but I think I have been so worried about getting it, I've made myself sick to my stomach. I haven't hardly eaten all day and at nap time today, I slept like the dead. Between getting horrible sleep with Millie and not eating all day, I feel like a weak sister.
Can I just warn you now that there is some sort of awful virus going around the shop. Word on the street is that it is a several day long session of throwing up and other, so please when you finally hit US soil, do not touch anyone from your shop!!!!!!
I took this picture last night:

Green eggs and ham. I will keep my commentary to myself.
This morning Autumn has been talking about the Leprechaun again. She tells me she is really worried he will come to our house and put boogers in her room and/or mess her room up. I told her she should talk to Miss Keri about it when she gets to school. When Miss Angie came to get Autumn from the car, I told Autumn (really so Miss Angie would hear) not to forget to ask about the leprechaun. Miss Keri came to the car and I explained to her that the leprechaun gave Autumn nightmares last year for several months. I didn't want to spoil all the fun and I wasn't really sure what if anything had been explained to Autumn about the leprechaun. In my mind, thus begins the slippery slope. Once she figures out the leprechaun isn't real, what is next? Santa? Anyway, Miss Keri told me that last year when they saw Autumn get so upset over the leprechaun, Miss Leslie pulled her to the side and told her it wasn't real and that Miss Keri messed up the room and put the boogers about. They told Autumn that it was meant to be funny and not scare her. I've been reiterating this at home. Autumn told me, "I will be brave and not afraid of the leprechaun this year." I asked if the leprechaun would be making an appearance and Miss Keri said she wasn't sure yet as St Pats day is on Sunday. Maybe we can skip this drama this year.
Anyway, after dropping Autumn off to school, Millie and I came home (we were both still in our pj's). We did some things around the house and since Millie seemed to be alright, I decided we would head over to Burlington to look for shoes for me and then Walmart for a cheap booster seat that can hang out in the garage for those somebody just puked all over their car seat moments.
I found no shoes at Burlington and the selection of high back boosters at Walmart sucked. Millie did find an umbrella though and insisted that I buy her one and Autumn one. Autumn was just asking me for a new umbrella so she could bring it to show and tell this week for the letter U.

Silly girls.

Can you tell she is feeling better?

I asked her to hold the umbrella over her head so she did that!

She misses you so much Sean.
Autumn is missing summer something awful. She just wants to go to the beach.

So she pretended to be at the beach.

Roww at the beach too. Apparently having a picnic with Autumn.

Funny how just pretending to be at the beach can make a girl happy.

Outside to get some fresh air!

Yes we all need some fresh air. Also, Millie went around in her pj's today. Guess that is a mom fail.
Random it doesn't make any sense picture.....

Sometimes your stuffed animals need to wear your hats........... Weirdos!
Autumn was having so much fun

Torturing Roww!
So now it is evening time. Millie has managed to not throw up at all today. She is begging and crying for milk and I just gave her about a half a cup. I'll wait an hour and give her some more if she tolerates the first bit. I am planning to make some white rice and chicken for dinner. It is storming something terrible right now. I better hurry up and finish before the power gets knocked out.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 123 days of ROWW sightings.
Can I just warn you now that there is some sort of awful virus going around the shop. Word on the street is that it is a several day long session of throwing up and other, so please when you finally hit US soil, do not touch anyone from your shop!!!!!!
I took this picture last night:
Green eggs and ham. I will keep my commentary to myself.
This morning Autumn has been talking about the Leprechaun again. She tells me she is really worried he will come to our house and put boogers in her room and/or mess her room up. I told her she should talk to Miss Keri about it when she gets to school. When Miss Angie came to get Autumn from the car, I told Autumn (really so Miss Angie would hear) not to forget to ask about the leprechaun. Miss Keri came to the car and I explained to her that the leprechaun gave Autumn nightmares last year for several months. I didn't want to spoil all the fun and I wasn't really sure what if anything had been explained to Autumn about the leprechaun. In my mind, thus begins the slippery slope. Once she figures out the leprechaun isn't real, what is next? Santa? Anyway, Miss Keri told me that last year when they saw Autumn get so upset over the leprechaun, Miss Leslie pulled her to the side and told her it wasn't real and that Miss Keri messed up the room and put the boogers about. They told Autumn that it was meant to be funny and not scare her. I've been reiterating this at home. Autumn told me, "I will be brave and not afraid of the leprechaun this year." I asked if the leprechaun would be making an appearance and Miss Keri said she wasn't sure yet as St Pats day is on Sunday. Maybe we can skip this drama this year.
Anyway, after dropping Autumn off to school, Millie and I came home (we were both still in our pj's). We did some things around the house and since Millie seemed to be alright, I decided we would head over to Burlington to look for shoes for me and then Walmart for a cheap booster seat that can hang out in the garage for those somebody just puked all over their car seat moments.
I found no shoes at Burlington and the selection of high back boosters at Walmart sucked. Millie did find an umbrella though and insisted that I buy her one and Autumn one. Autumn was just asking me for a new umbrella so she could bring it to show and tell this week for the letter U.
Silly girls.
Can you tell she is feeling better?
I asked her to hold the umbrella over her head so she did that!
She misses you so much Sean.
Autumn is missing summer something awful. She just wants to go to the beach.
So she pretended to be at the beach.
Roww at the beach too. Apparently having a picnic with Autumn.
Funny how just pretending to be at the beach can make a girl happy.
Outside to get some fresh air!
Yes we all need some fresh air. Also, Millie went around in her pj's today. Guess that is a mom fail.
Random it doesn't make any sense picture.....
Sometimes your stuffed animals need to wear your hats........... Weirdos!
Autumn was having so much fun
Torturing Roww!
So now it is evening time. Millie has managed to not throw up at all today. She is begging and crying for milk and I just gave her about a half a cup. I'll wait an hour and give her some more if she tolerates the first bit. I am planning to make some white rice and chicken for dinner. It is storming something terrible right now. I better hurry up and finish before the power gets knocked out.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 123 days of ROWW sightings.