Open House
It was open house tonight at the girl's school.
It is no surprise to me that Millie's minion has one eye and a pink bow.

Their best one eye face.

Seriously, what is wrong with these girls?
About their outfits.
I try to be liberal with what I will allow them to wear to school, but today, Millie and I had a throw down over the high heels, so she asked if she could wear them tonight, since she isn't allowed to wear them to school.
I said "great idea!"
I guess they both took it as an opportunity to wear something to school that they wouldn't get to wear to school normally.
On the way out of the school, Millie was limping.
Now we were only at school for like an hour.
I asked her if her feet hurt and she said yes.
Now aren't you glad you didn't wear those shoes this morning?

How sweet!!!
We went to Millie's classroom first.

Her teacher had a scavenger hunt and once you found everything, you would get a cookie.
Mrs Turner met with each parent.
She told me that next week Millie will get a folder home for homework and a folder home for word lists.
She said to me that she suspected Millie already knew a lot of the words on the word lists.
I noticed that Mrs Turner did not say that to any other parent.
Me thinks she is on to Millie and her "inability" to read.

Millie's kissing hand and encouragement.
Next up was Autumn's class.

I had to stifle a laugh when I saw this.
I asked Autumn about #3.
"I Payiticn."
I asked Autumn what does this say.
"I pay attention."
What an excellent guess!!
I think I know what word we shall add to extra spelling words.

This is the cover of one of Autumn's folders.
It is a picture she drew and it has you and her.
I asked her about the thing next to you, because to me it looks like a tree with a hanging rope on it!!!
She said it was a tree, but she didn't finish it. I think that is supposed to be a tire swing or something.

Here is Autumn's teacher, Mrs Barden.
She had nothing but very good things to say about Autumn.
She was very impressed with Autumn's reading skills and expects that she will do very well this year.

This is hanging up in the hallway. Autumn wrote it.
If you cannot read it, let me know. I will transcribe it.
On the way home from gymnastics today, the following conversation happened in the car.
Autumn: I want Santa's elves to make me a bunch of bouncy balls.
Millie: I want ten thousand dollars.
Millie: CASH.
I almost wrecked the car when she said that.
She is so hysterical.
That's it for me tonight.
I did not get nearly as much work accomplished as I had hoped.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
142 days.
It is no surprise to me that Millie's minion has one eye and a pink bow.

Their best one eye face.

Seriously, what is wrong with these girls?
About their outfits.
I try to be liberal with what I will allow them to wear to school, but today, Millie and I had a throw down over the high heels, so she asked if she could wear them tonight, since she isn't allowed to wear them to school.
I said "great idea!"
I guess they both took it as an opportunity to wear something to school that they wouldn't get to wear to school normally.
On the way out of the school, Millie was limping.
Now we were only at school for like an hour.
I asked her if her feet hurt and she said yes.
Now aren't you glad you didn't wear those shoes this morning?

How sweet!!!
We went to Millie's classroom first.

Her teacher had a scavenger hunt and once you found everything, you would get a cookie.
Mrs Turner met with each parent.
She told me that next week Millie will get a folder home for homework and a folder home for word lists.
She said to me that she suspected Millie already knew a lot of the words on the word lists.
I noticed that Mrs Turner did not say that to any other parent.
Me thinks she is on to Millie and her "inability" to read.

Millie's kissing hand and encouragement.
Next up was Autumn's class.

I had to stifle a laugh when I saw this.
I asked Autumn about #3.
"I Payiticn."
I asked Autumn what does this say.
"I pay attention."
What an excellent guess!!
I think I know what word we shall add to extra spelling words.

This is the cover of one of Autumn's folders.
It is a picture she drew and it has you and her.
I asked her about the thing next to you, because to me it looks like a tree with a hanging rope on it!!!
She said it was a tree, but she didn't finish it. I think that is supposed to be a tire swing or something.

Here is Autumn's teacher, Mrs Barden.
She had nothing but very good things to say about Autumn.
She was very impressed with Autumn's reading skills and expects that she will do very well this year.

This is hanging up in the hallway. Autumn wrote it.
If you cannot read it, let me know. I will transcribe it.
On the way home from gymnastics today, the following conversation happened in the car.
Autumn: I want Santa's elves to make me a bunch of bouncy balls.
Millie: I want ten thousand dollars.
Millie: CASH.
I almost wrecked the car when she said that.
She is so hysterical.
That's it for me tonight.
I did not get nearly as much work accomplished as I had hoped.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
142 days.