Millie was upset that school didn't start today.
Because she wants to use:

Her jitter glitter.
Every five minutes she asks me, is it Sunday?!
Autumn told me yesterday that she misses having snake bread.
She asked me why I don't make it.
I told her how you refuse to share the recipe.
This leads to:
Daddy should share with us. We're his family. He shouldn't give it to his ex-girlfriend. Do you think it's on a recipe card??

She brings me this.
Worst recipe ever!!!!
I did yard work this morning.


All the beds in the backyard look like the before picture.
I'm going to pick another one this weekend to work on it.
I'm glad I did it this morning because a storm came in.
I was worn out after the yard, so I:

Put in Harry Potter and took a nap!
I thought the storm had moved out, so Millie and I

Went looking for a rainbow, but it started thundering and lightning.
Really bad.
I threw my phone trying to get some pictures.
But pictures I did get.

Autumn is sleeping with me tonight.
On a different note, Reading Rainbow was put on Netflix.
The girls and I watched the first episode together.
They were mesmerized.
The episode was about the making of bowling balls.
Millie said, "Autumn loves balls."
I was dying on the inside.
I know, I'm 12 years old.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. XOXO
122 days.
Because she wants to use:

Her jitter glitter.
Every five minutes she asks me, is it Sunday?!
Autumn told me yesterday that she misses having snake bread.
She asked me why I don't make it.
I told her how you refuse to share the recipe.
This leads to:
Daddy should share with us. We're his family. He shouldn't give it to his ex-girlfriend. Do you think it's on a recipe card??

She brings me this.
Worst recipe ever!!!!
I did yard work this morning.


All the beds in the backyard look like the before picture.
I'm going to pick another one this weekend to work on it.
I'm glad I did it this morning because a storm came in.
I was worn out after the yard, so I:

Put in Harry Potter and took a nap!
I thought the storm had moved out, so Millie and I

Went looking for a rainbow, but it started thundering and lightning.
Really bad.
I threw my phone trying to get some pictures.
But pictures I did get.

Autumn is sleeping with me tonight.
On a different note, Reading Rainbow was put on Netflix.
The girls and I watched the first episode together.
They were mesmerized.
The episode was about the making of bowling balls.
Millie said, "Autumn loves balls."
I was dying on the inside.
I know, I'm 12 years old.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. XOXO
122 days.