Twigs to Afghanistan.

Gary made it to you!! Which means that:

Twigs made it to you.
I showed this picture to Autumn and she said, "Mr Gary found daddy!!!" She was so excited.
Millie smiled so big!

My run today was terrible. I did a good bit of walking. I just did not have the energy this morning.
The good news?
I got a 100% on my philosophy test.
I finished my Library research project.
I finished studying for my Genetics quiz tomorrow, I completed the homework for genetics.
All I have left to do this week homework wise is study for my anthropology test.
I'm really dreading that because this is the professor that asked nit picky questions on the last test.
It is hard to study 50 pages worth of possible nit picky questions and expect to do well.
Well, that is it for me tonight.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
144 days.