So many pictures....


Hanging in the double stroller

Autumn getting fresh with Dylan

Betcha cant catch me

Follow me Dylan

Purse Snatcher

Dylan with Autumn's Purse

Sharing an oreo

Autumn and Dylan

Autumn cheering on Dylan

Beautiful Autumn

Not sure what they were laughing at.

Purse snatcher

Can we hold hands?

Tink Autumn


Cutest pic ever

Knock knock

Autumn and Dylan feeding goats.

Goat in your face

Jail birds



Megan said…
So many pictures! Is that a jogging stroller in the first few pictures?
lol to the look Autumn's friend is giving her while she's pinching? his face. Lovely! Did it cool down there? It looks like everyone was bundled up this time around.
cherishjord said…
It is a double stroller that you can attach to the back of a bicycle. It did cool down, but it appears our temps are going back up to the 60's and we might even hit 70 this week!

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