Bedtime Blues.
The girls did not sleep well last night. You know how every so often that happens?
I was having a hard time falling asleep, so I did what any girl all by herself would do....

I put a chick flick on my Nook and set it up right in the bed, on YOUR side. You being away is such a double edged sword. On the one hand, I miss you terribly, on the other, I get to watch chick flicks, IN THE BED!
Anyway, about 11 pm I finally fall asleep and wouldn't you know it, Millie wakes up at 1130. Not sure what her problem was, but she wanted to be held. I put her in the bed with me and drifted back to sleep. Sort of. You know how sleeping with either one of these gorilla's goes. I swear to goodness Miss Millie has Jazz hands when she sleeps.
Not more than a few hours later, Autumn Harvest shows up. She wants water and cartoons. I told her it was 445 am. She said, God made the morning. Well, who can argue with that?
After some coffee and breakfast, I got everyone ready for school. On the way to school, Autumn told me she was grouchy and that she didn't want to go to school. Once we arrived at school, she unbuckled her seat belt and climbed in the front seat. She crossed her arms and said, she wasn't going anywhere. When the teacher came to get her from the car, she said she was angry and didn't want to be at school. She went anyway. I told them I was sorry.
Millie and I headed out to Fall Line Trace and I did

7.0 Miles.
I went and picked Autumn back up from school and Miss Kari (Autumn's teacher) wanted to know what happened this morning. I told her nothing, the girl was just grouchy. She said that Autumn was mean mugging her all morning and giving her this look like she better not even talk with her. She asked her if something was wrong and Autumn said, "Nothing." Then Miss Kari asked her if she needed a hug and she nodded yes. Miss Kari hugs her and then asks her if she wants to do her job today of being the door helper. Autumn Harvest proceeds to cross her arms and says, "I guess I WILL DO IT." That totally cracked me up and I could completely picture the entire interaction! Oh how I love Miss Kari!

After talking with Miss Kari, we went and picked up your mom.
Grabbed some chickfila, then we headed to the park and had a picnic. We spent several hours there and played to the girls content. Another sunny and beautiful day here. The girls fell asleep in the car on the way to drop your mom off and now we are getting ready for church.

Getting ready for church includes tickling Miss Millie.

Complete tangent here, but did you know our house came with a ton of little knobs for hanging your purses? Bet you know that now!

Maybe the girl just needed some sunshine. She looks happy now doesn't she?

Autumn is getting good at taking pictures. Maybe I'll start showing up in more of them now.
I'll let you know how church goes. It will be my first time at this church and I'm really excited about it. It is the one down the road from your mom's house. Hope you are having a swell day today.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxox
The Jordan's.
I was having a hard time falling asleep, so I did what any girl all by herself would do....
I put a chick flick on my Nook and set it up right in the bed, on YOUR side. You being away is such a double edged sword. On the one hand, I miss you terribly, on the other, I get to watch chick flicks, IN THE BED!
Anyway, about 11 pm I finally fall asleep and wouldn't you know it, Millie wakes up at 1130. Not sure what her problem was, but she wanted to be held. I put her in the bed with me and drifted back to sleep. Sort of. You know how sleeping with either one of these gorilla's goes. I swear to goodness Miss Millie has Jazz hands when she sleeps.
Not more than a few hours later, Autumn Harvest shows up. She wants water and cartoons. I told her it was 445 am. She said, God made the morning. Well, who can argue with that?
After some coffee and breakfast, I got everyone ready for school. On the way to school, Autumn told me she was grouchy and that she didn't want to go to school. Once we arrived at school, she unbuckled her seat belt and climbed in the front seat. She crossed her arms and said, she wasn't going anywhere. When the teacher came to get her from the car, she said she was angry and didn't want to be at school. She went anyway. I told them I was sorry.
Millie and I headed out to Fall Line Trace and I did
7.0 Miles.
I went and picked Autumn back up from school and Miss Kari (Autumn's teacher) wanted to know what happened this morning. I told her nothing, the girl was just grouchy. She said that Autumn was mean mugging her all morning and giving her this look like she better not even talk with her. She asked her if something was wrong and Autumn said, "Nothing." Then Miss Kari asked her if she needed a hug and she nodded yes. Miss Kari hugs her and then asks her if she wants to do her job today of being the door helper. Autumn Harvest proceeds to cross her arms and says, "I guess I WILL DO IT." That totally cracked me up and I could completely picture the entire interaction! Oh how I love Miss Kari!
After talking with Miss Kari, we went and picked up your mom.
Grabbed some chickfila, then we headed to the park and had a picnic. We spent several hours there and played to the girls content. Another sunny and beautiful day here. The girls fell asleep in the car on the way to drop your mom off and now we are getting ready for church.
Getting ready for church includes tickling Miss Millie.
Complete tangent here, but did you know our house came with a ton of little knobs for hanging your purses? Bet you know that now!
Maybe the girl just needed some sunshine. She looks happy now doesn't she?
Autumn is getting good at taking pictures. Maybe I'll start showing up in more of them now.
I'll let you know how church goes. It will be my first time at this church and I'm really excited about it. It is the one down the road from your mom's house. Hope you are having a swell day today.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxox
The Jordan's.